Since 2018, funding from the Office of the Provost & Chief Academic Officer has enabled academic staff to be supported by the TIU to develop applications for the Advance HE Fellowships administered by Advance HE (formerly HEA - the Higher Education Academy)
The program offers independent accreditation and recognition of practice, impact, and leadership of teaching and learning. Fellowship is granted upon up to three external examiners being satisfied that the applicant’s written application (supported by referee statements) demonstrates practice and evidence in relation to 15 criteria spread across Areas of Activity, Core Knowledge and Professional Values of the UK’s Professional Standards Framework (PSF).
Written applications are reflective accounts of practice, supported by evidence.
There are four Fellowship categories:
Associate Fellow (AFHEA) | staff starting to teach or support learners at university. 1,500 word application + 2 referee reports. |
Fellow (FHEA) | Staff with solid teaching experience across all facets of teaching and learning in higher education. 3,000 word application + 2 referee reports. |
Senior Fellow (SFHEA) | Staff with extensive teaching and understanding of teaching and learning in higher education, and experience in influencing and supporting peers. 6,000 word application + 2 referee reports. |
Principal Fellow (PFHEA) | Staff with recognised institution-wide, national and/or international leadership in teaching and learning in higher education. 7,000 word application + 3 referee reports. |
Complete Advance HE's Fellowship Category Tool to help you decide which category most closely reflects your current practice and will assist your ongoing professional development and career aspirations.
Advance HE, is a widely recognised, independent “… member-led charity that works with HE partners globally to improve HE for staff, students and society.”
Advance HE is a leader in teaching and learning—particularly through the Fellowship Program that recognises and awards quality practices in higher education teaching and learning.
As of July 2023, there are over 174,000 Fellows across the world.
Australia has the highest number of Fellows outside of the UK, with over 8,000 awarded Fellows (Advance HE website, May, 2024). Furthermore, 13 institutions have Advance HE accredited programmes, including the accreditation of an Indigenous Associate Fellowship.
Currently UniSA is not a member institution – however we do support eligible staff through the application process and we cover the application fees.
As universities come under greater scrutiny and challenge regarding the quality of their educational services, and in times of uncertainty and high mobility in the sector, teaching and learning awards are an invaluable indicator of quality – and increasingly important for career progression.
Many applicants also report on the benefits of the Fellowship application process for identifying and strengthening their own teaching and learning expertise and leadership, as well as for building scholarship and skills for enhancing practice.
To be eligible for institutional support to apply for a Fellowship you need to get approval from your Dean of Programs, and you need to be a continuing or fixed term contract staff member at UniSA.
The Teaching Innovation Unit (TIU) is responsible for administering the Fellowship program at UniSA by providing support to eligible applicants throughout the year, however, please note; we are unable to process applications between mid-November – December 31st each year.
Developing a successful Fellowship application is an iterative process that typically takes 3- 12 months and involves many rounds of writing, review and redrafting. Writing about one’s practice is not something many educators are experienced in, and it can take some time to develop the style – not to mention the time it takes to collect evidence of practice impact and become familiar with the relevant educational scholarship.
The TIU helps you with this process providing support through workshops, in facilitated on-going writing development meet-ups, through peer review, and access to exemplars. Please register here for these opportunities.
Your application is assessed by two accredited, independent reviewers who work independently before reaching a combined consensus outcome.
At UniSA we provide the following services to support you in developing your application for an Advance HE Fellowship:
This workshop introduces the Fellowship program, the different Fellowship categories, eligibility requirements, and the support offered by the TIU for applicants.
Introductory Workshops are offered throughout the year, in February, March, May and August
For the workshop, please download and bring your completed Advance HE Category Tool outcome. This tool identifies the most suitable category for your application.
Workshop schedule
Wednesday 19 February, 1.00pm - 3.00pm, online - CLOSED
From April- May 2025, we will be holding fortnightly hour-long drop-in sessions on Wednesday afternoons at City West Campus for those wishing to progress their Fellowship applications.
Prior to attending participants will have:
The workshops provide tips and examples of successful applications, feedback on your applications, and opportunities to network with other applicants and to undertake quiet productive writing.
Participants should try to attend as many sessions as possible to progressively build their application. Please bring along your current DRAFT application (or part thereof) to each session. If you are based at Magill, Whyalla or Mt Gambier campuses, please reach out and we can arrange alternative sessions as needed.
Wednesday 5 March, 1.00pm - 3.00pm
Wednesday 2nd April, 1.00-3.00pm
Wednesday 16th April, 1.00-3.00pm
Wednesday 30th April, 1.00-3.00pm
Wednesday 14th May, 1.00-3.00pm
Wednesday 28th May, 1.00-3.00pm
Staff interested in exploring AdvanceHE fellowships further should contact the Teaching Innovation Unit for information and advice.
Did you know that we have growing number of Fellows representing all sections of the university?
These people have been recognised for their expertise in teaching and learning – please feel free to approach them to seek out their knowledge to support your own teaching practices—and ask them about their experiences of applying for the Fellowship.
Advance HE Fellows add to the depth of expertise and professionalism in teaching and learning in their local academic units as well as across their institutions more broadly. In November 2023, we were privileged to host a visit from the Chief Executive Officer of AdvanceHE, Alison Johns. Prior to taking on this appointment in 2017, Alison had a distinguished career in Higher Education including in leadership, governance and management across many peak bodies, influencing policy and reform in the UK and across the Commonwealth, including Australia.
Alison joined us for a celebratory lunch with our Advance HE Fellows to recognise their dedication to teaching and learning scholarship, their commitment to their students’ well-being, and improving the quality of student learning at UniSA. The lunch provided an opportunity for Fellows to mingle and chat informally with Alison as well as meet other Fellows from all over the university—a rare chance to share their passions for teaching and learning.
Advance HE Associate Fellow (AFHEA)
Advance HE Fellow (FHEA)
Advance HE Senior Fellow (SFHEA)
Advance HE Fellow (FHEA)
Advance HE Senior Fellow (SFHEA)
Advance HE Associate Fellow (AFHEA)
Advance HE Senior Fellow (SFHEA)
Advance HE Fellow (FHEA)
Dr Fae Heaselgrave (2024)
Advance HE Senior Fellow (SFHEA)
Advance HE Fellow (FHEA)
Advance HE Senior Fellow (SFHEA)
Advance HE Fellow (FHEA)
Advance HE Fellow (FHEA)
Advance HE Senior Fellow (SFHEA)
Advance HE Fellow (FHEA)
Advance HE Senior Fellow (SFHEA)
Advance HE Senior Fellow (SFHEA)
The critical dates page provides a snapshot of the professional development options offered by UniSA's Teaching and Innovation Unit, including symposiums, workshop dates, a summary of UniSA and external teaching awards and grants opportunities and their submission deadlines.