Enrolment and student details
Teaching and Learning Principles and Practice in Higher Education gives you the freedom to direct your own learning to ensure it meets your needs as a teacher at UniSA within a supportive and scaffolded learning environment facilitated by experts from the Teaching Innovation Unit.
This 10-week blended course includes workshops and online delivery.
There are three assessments: a negotiated learning plan, a teaching philosophy statement, and a portfolio.
What will I learn?
The course integrates 5 introductory self-paced modules reviewing key concepts of Learning Design, Assessment, Evaluation, How students learn, and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. As a critically reflective practitioner, you will steer your own project to apply this learning to your specific teaching and learning circumstances.
Your motivation may be to address a concern in your everyday practice, you may wish to better understand learning theories, or how to make improvements to your online courses or assessment design. You may be a teaching-focused academic looking to show evidence of your developing scholarship, or keen to build a portfolio for a promotion or award application, you may be looking to upskill your teaching practices or develop leadership in teaching and learning. This course will give you the opportunity, and means, to develop your scholarly knowledge and confidence as a capable, critical, and reflective practitioner.
What kind of commitment is required?
Teaching and Learning Principles and Practice in Higher Education requires approximately 100 hours of commitment across the 10-week teaching period.
The first three weeks of the course can be demanding as we negotiate learning goals and establish key concepts that directly impact how you choose to demonstrate the outcomes of your learning project.
Attendance at the workshops (refer below) is imperative to ensure your self-directed learning project is both worthwhile and achievable within the timeframe. Workshops are offered synchronously, on-campus and online via zoom, to enable remote participation.
Short course dates
Monday 28 April - Friday 4 July - Register Here
Workshop schedule
On campus workshops are held from 10.00am - 12.00pm at City West campus on the following dates:
Course Introduction – Week 1 – Monday 28 April*
Workshop 1 – Week 1 – Friday 2 May
Workshop 2 – Week 2 – Friday 9 May
Workshop 3 – Week 4 – Friday 23 May
Workshop 4 – Week 6 – Friday 6 June
Workshop 5 – Week 8 – Friday 20 June
*Course introductions will be conducted online from 10.00am - 10.30am
Shashi Nallaya, Corinne Green, Hayley Timms, Pramila Rathore
"I've already taken much of what I've learned back into practice. Forced me to think about my teaching in the context of the literature."
"Assessment tasks were excellent. Very useful both for the course, but for teaching practice as well."
"The whole course was so helpful for me, being a new teacher. I honestly felt that it made me so much more prepared for the semester, and a much better teacher."
The Teaching and Innovation Unit offers a variety of options for professional development, including short courses and symposiums. Check out the calendar to find out what's on.
Core concepts, quizzes and online lessons: To adapt your teaching requires a commitment to developing your skill-set and possibly collaborating with the TIU.