Tutoring at UniSA is a 3-hour session focusing on face-to-face tutorials. It outlines strategies for active learning and getting the most out of your face-to-face time with students. This workshop will develop your approach to small-group work and can be used for any small-group teaching situations including flipped classrooms.
This workshop is designed for those who are new to tutoring at UniSA as well as those more experienced teachers that want to refresh their skills. We will be addressing the areas of teaching described below but there is ample scope to address specific challenges you may be experiencing.
Friday 28 February, 10am - 1pm (City West), BH3-12
Friday 7 March, 10am - 1pm (City East), P5-15
Friday 21 March, 10am - 1pm (City West), GK2-16
Topics for discussion:
Important information:
Tutoring@UniSA is available for research degree students.
Enrolment is through EdgeX for participation to be recorded.
Register below.
The Teaching and Innovation Unit offers a variety of options for professional development, including short courses and symposiums. Check out the calendar to find out what's on.
Core concepts, quizzes and online lessons: To adapt your teaching requires a commitment to developing your skill-set and possibly collaborating with the TIU.
A quick guide for sessional academic staff:
The Human Resources Unit has developed a Quick guide for Sessional Academic Staff (PDF 473kb - download Adobe Acrobat)
The RED report: the contribution of sessional teachers to higher education:
The RED (Recognition, Enhancement and Development) report presents the outcomes from an Australian Learning and Teaching Council project on the contribution of sessional teachers to higher education. The RED report and RED resource are available to download.