Curriculum design

UniSA's Teaching and Innovation Unit's (TIU) staff are available to advise and collaborate with Academic Units in strategic teaching and learning initiatives, as well as provide ‘at elbow’ advice and resources to support academics in curriculum design, development and review. You can book a consult any time with an Academic Developer, Online Educational Designer or Multimedia Designer.

Specific curriculum support is available through the TIU at the University of South Australia for:

  1. New program/course development (including major redevelopment)
  2. Minor program/course amendments
  3. Learning design and media production
  4. Evaluation Reaccreditation Reports (ERR) and Accreditation support
  5. Ad hoc curriculum design support and advice (e.g., updating assessments)

For new course and program development, program/course amendments, and curriculum review and accreditation needs, we would encourage you to speak with your TIU Strategic Contact(s) as early as possible in the process, and ideally before approvals processes commence.  For learning design advice and other ad hoc support, book a consult to discuss your curriculum support needs.  In addition, included below is a suite of resources and tools to support your curriculum design needs.


TIU Strategic Contacts for Academic Units

Academic Unit

Primary Contact Alternate Contact
UniSA Allied Health and Human Performance (ALH) Shashi Nallaya Corinne Green
UniSA Business (BIS) Brooke Osborne Antonella Strambi
UniSA Clinical and Health Sciences (CHS) Brooke Osborne Chris Della Vedova
UniSA Creative (CTV) Stuart Dinmore Bopelo Boitshwarelo
UniSA Education Futures (EDC) Corinne Green Trish Powers
UniSA Justice (JUS) Amanda Richardson Sarah Davey
UniSA STEM (STM) Antonella Strambi Amanda Richardson
UniSA Online (UO) Bopelo Boitshwarelo Trish Powers