Student Course List

You may have noticed your teaching portal has changed – the Course Students tab has had an upgrade. TIU and ISTS have began the process of changing the way student engagement and course data is summarised in the Teaching Portal in 2022. Explore the new Student Course LIst here or for more information about how to use the new features see this Ask learnonline resource.


Screenshot of the New Student Course List Tab

Keeping on top of how students are tracking in your course, particularly in the early weeks, can be challenging. We know that early intervention matters for student learning outcomes, therefore having access to early indicators of which students may need additional support are key. The enhanced Student Course List streamlines your data view to identify and support those students in need by combining data sources alongside your student list.

In this Beta release, you will be able to explore Moodle course site metrics alongside relevant student enrolment details. Future releases aim to include items such as student lecture viewing details (Panopto recordings) and improved connectivity with OnTask+. Watch this space.

Here are some metrics you could use in the early weeks of any study period to help you identify those students who may benefit from additional support in your course.

Week 1-2

  • First log-in date – Check who has logged in or not. A delay in accessing course materials can set students up for struggles later in the study period.
  • Repeating Course flag – Get a sense of who has been in the course before, and who might need some extra support to start successfully this time (especially if you are new to coordinating a particular course)

Week 2-3

  • eReserve readings access count* – What have students accessed? Are students accessing the required readings/resources? If so, when? If not, you can follow up.

*NOTE: This metric connects with eReserve. For more information, check the section below about how to get your data right.

The Views restrict the number of columns shown, and the Scenario Filters filter the rows based on set criteria. The default view for this portal is ‘Show All’, however you may only be interested in a select few metrics.

There are a few different pre-set Views that you can select when exploring the available data. The Views show certain columns (hiding the rest) to focus your attention on relevant pieces of information. These are:

  • Engagement – data relating to students’ interaction with your Moodle Course site such as the number of forum posts or eReading views.
  • Academic Progress – data relating to students’ progress in your course, such as current grade letter, first/last login, late assessment/s and Repeating Course flag.
  • Enrolment – data specific to students’ enrolment status including Academic Standing, Academic Load, Program Plan and Current Grade letter.
  • Add Custom View - create your own view combining available columns most relvant to you. Later releases will include the ability to create a Custom View.


There are two Scenario Filters and a Class Filter you can use to filter the student rows. The Scenario Filters are:

  • Assessment Non Completion – filters for students who have at least 1 overdue and incomplete summative assessment for the course.
  • No Recent Logins – filters based on when students’ last login was. A drop-down menu ranging from 1 to 30 days allows you to choose how far back in time you want to check the last login to the course site.

Using the Class Filter, you can choose to view the data for one or more of the classes associated with your course. This includes lectures, workshops, practicals, tutorials, etc.

As mentioned above, this Student Course List is pulling existing data from many locations, therefore relying on that data being in the correct location, to begin with. Now is a great time to check-in and see if you have your course site set up correctly to capture all these data fields. We suggest you start by checking:

  • eReserve reading lists – are your course readings and links captured in an eReserve reading list? Hyperlinks on the course page won’t be included here, so check this resource from the Library for guidance in setting up your Reading List.
  • Assessment submission links – are your assessment submission links created and connected to your summative assessment information? If you aren’t sure, check this information from the TIU about setting up your assessments.
  • Panopto Course Folder – when Panopto data fields are added, they will rely on your lecture/course recordings being located in your Course Panopto folder (each course has one), not your personal folder. If you aren’t sure whether your videos are in the right place, take a look at these resources so you are ready to go!

During this period of the Beta release, we want to invite you to take a look around! See what data is being captured about your course, and think about what insights you might start to get from your data.

If you have questions about using the Student Course List, you can access a range of help resources in Ask learnonline, or book a consultation with a member of the TIU team.

