Australian Sanctions Laws prohibit the University from dealing with specific individuals and entities, or providing those individuals, entities and specified countries with access to certain types of training, services and resources in the absence of a permit.
This is of particular relevance to UniSA staff in the following areas:
UniSA is expected to take reasonable precautions and exercise due diligence to apply the restrictions.
For an up to date list of sanctioned countries refer to DFAT.
Any significant change to the current sanctioned regimes will be posted on the 'Australia and Sanctions' webpage on the DFAT website. It will also be communicated by the UniSA Research Office, directly to relevant areas of the University and through Staff Announcements.
For research degree student admissions, enrolments and visiting scholars refer to Manager Admissions and associated Procedures.
For travel to sanctioned countries refer to DFAT to ensure your proposed activity doesn't breach Australian Sanctions Laws.
For international receipts and payments involving sanctioned countries refer to Manager Financial Services.
For employment of staff from sanctioned countries refer to the relevant PTC Strategic People Partner.
If you believe you may require a permit for your proposed activity please contact the UniSA Research Office.
For information about autonomous sanctions generally, refer to UN & Australian Autonomous Sanctions, or contact the UniSA Research Office.