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If you are not eligible for a Health Care Card, Pensioner Concession Card, or a means-tested Centrelink benefit, you can complete an Application Assessment form.
This forms allows a scholarship or grant applicant to provide information about their financial circumstances, in order to be assessed for financial disadvantage.
You only need to provide the Application Assessment form if you have been asked to within your online scholarship or grant application.
Please ensure you read the form carefully and complete all the relevant fields. You will also need to provide supporting documentation as evidence of your financial circumstances, as outlined in the Application Assessment form.
The Application Assessment form and supporting documentation must be uploaded within your online scholarship or grant application via my Scholarships.
Means testing is the term used to explain the process of detailed financial assessment. Some social security benefits (Centrelink) are considered to be means tested, while others are not. In order to be means tested you must undergo full financial assessment, including income and asset assessment.
After being means tested, Centrelink will determine which benefit(s) you may receive. For your information we have included a list of benefits from the Centrelink website.
The following information is current as at February 2022 and is subject to change. For the most recently published information and for further details about each benefit, please refer to the Centrelink website page Income/assets tests (opens new window).
The following Centrelink benefits are not means tested and cannot be used as evidence of financial disadvantage when applying for scholarships and grants: | The following Centrelink benefits are means tested, and can be used as evidence of financial disadvantage when applying for scholarships and grants: |