UniSA Business

Please note: Prizes and Awards are subject to change and are awarded based on conditions current at the time of award

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Accenture Innovation Academy Merit Prize

With the launch of the on-campus Bachelor of Digital Business (DBDB) in 2023, the Innovation Academy in Digital Business offers this exciting prize to the top two highest performing international first year students. This prize is for the students with the highest GPA who enrol in and commence the new degree in 2023 and 2024.

Eligibility and selection criteria:

  • International students.
  • Commenced in the Bachelor of Digital Business (DBDB) in 2023 and 2024.
  • Highest cumulative GPA (minimum 4.5) in the program on completion of the first year of study (with a minimum of 36 units).
  • Full time enrolment.
  •  Not currently in receipt of Vice Chancellor's International Excellence Scholarship.
    Where a tie occurs, prize may be split between more than one student.

Value: $5,000

Students do not need to apply and will be automatically assessed for eligibility.


BDO Prize

The BDO Prize is awarded to the student, enrolled in an eligible UniSA Business program, who has successfully completed and excelled throughout the Business Career Mentorship Program.

Value: $500

Eligible programs:

  • DBCO Bachelor of Accounting
  • DBCN Bachelor of Accounting, Bachelor of Finance


The Brown-Forman Prize

Awarded annually to the most outstanding UniSA Business student in the course Professional Development in Marketing based on academic performance.
Value: $500


Business Career Development Grants

The Business Career Development Grants (formerly known as the Advanced Business Study Grants) is offered to eligible Accounting, Finance and Economics who have obtained a B+ or higher in either SACE Stage 2 Accounting, Economics, Specialist Maths or Mathematical Methods as recorded on their SACE Record of Achievement.Eligible students will have the opportunity to undertake a professional career development elective course and receive credit in their degree through a course substitution. This grant is only available from 2017 to students commencing study with UniSA who completed their entry level qualification (e.g. SACE) in the previous year.

Value: $1‚000 grant to be used for an approved professional development elective.
For more information:

Web: study.unisa.edu.au/business-career-development-grants
Tel: (08)8302 9047
Email: bis-teachinglearning@unisa.edu.au


Blackman Recruitment Prize

The Blackman Recruitment Prize is awarded annually to the most outstanding UniSA Business student in the course Recruitment and Selection based on academic performance.

Value: $500 plus mentoring session with Blackman Recruitment  

Eligible Programs:

  • DBBH - Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)  


CBRE Prize

The CBRE Prize is awarded to the student, enrolled in a UniSA Business Property Program, who obtains the highest mark for the course BANK 3007 Property Investment.

The donor organization will offer the recipient the opportunity to meet.
Value: $500


Chartered Accountants ANZ First Year Prize

The Chartered Accountants ANZ - First Year Prize is awarded to the first-year student, enrolled in an eligible program, who on completion of the first academic year of the program obtains the highest GPA.
Eligible Programs are:

  • DBCO Bachelor of Accounting
  • XBCO Bachelor of Accounting
  • DBCN Bachelor of Accounting‚ Bachelor of Finance

Value: $500


Chartered Accountants ANZ Second Year Prize

The Chartered Accountants ANZ - Second Year Prize is awarded to the second-year student, enrolled in an eligible program, who on completion of the second academic year of the program obtains the highest GPA.
Eligible Programs are:

  • DBCO Bachelor of Accounting
  • XBCO Bachelor of Accounting
  • DBCN Bachelor of Accounting‚ Bachelor of Finance

Value: $500


Chartered Accountants ANZ First Year Postgraduate Prize

The Chartered Accountants ANZ - First Year Prize is awarded to the first-year student, enrolled in an eligible program, who on completion of their first academic year obtains the highest GPA.
Eligible Programs are:

  • DMPC Master of Professional Accounting

Value: $500

To be eligible for this award‚ students must be studying in Australia (onshore).

If more than one student is eligible (same GPA) the overall prize will be split (i.e. 2 students – they will receive $250 each)
If there is more than one student with the highest grade point average‚ then the student with the highest marks will be awarded the prize.


Chartered Accountants ANZ - Undergraduate

The Chartered Accountants ANZ - Undergraduate Prize is awarded to the student who obtains the highest grade point average upon completion of Bachelor of Accounting (DBCO / XBCO) program. 
Value: $500


Coles Prize

The Coles Prize is awarded to the UniSA Business student with the most outstanding academic performance in the course Essentials of Marketing Planning.

Value: $500


Colliers Prize

The Colliers Prize is awarded to the student‚ enrolled in the Bachelor of Business (Property)(DBPY) Program and studying in Australia‚ with the most outstanding academic performance in BUSS 3076 Property Practice.
Value: $500 plus a commemorative certificate


CPA Australia - Jack Harrison Memorial Award

The CPA Australia - Jack Harrison Memorial Award is awarded to student, enrolled in a UniSA Business Program and studying in Australia, who obtains the highest marks for the courses ACCT 1008 Accounting for Business and ACCT 1006 Financial Accounting 1.
Value: $500

CPA Australia Postgraduate Prize

The CPA Australia Postgraduate Prize is awarded the student who obtains the highest grade point average upon completion of DMPC Master of Professional Accounting program.
Value: $500

CPA Australia Prize for Contemporary Issues in Accounting

The CPA Australia Prize is awarded to the student, enrolled in a UniSA Business Program, with the most outstanding academic performance in ACCT 3003 Contemporary Issues in Accounting and is also enrolled in a UniSA Business Commerce program.
Value: $500


CPA Australia Prize for Advanced Accounting

CPA Australia Prize for Advanced Accounting is awarded to the student, enrolled in a UniSA Business postgraduate Program, with the most outstanding academic performance in ACCT 5013 Advanced Accounting.
Value: $500

CPA Australia Young Professionals Award

The CPA Australia Young Professionals Award is awarded to the student, enrolled in a UniSA Business program, who obtains the highest mark for the course ACCT 3007 Financial Accounting 3.
Value: $500


The Danone Prize

The Danone Prize is awarded to the UniSA Business student with the most outstanding academic performance in the course MARK 3019 (Marketing Clinic).
Value: $500

Drake Supermarkets Prize

Awarded to the Master of Human Resource Management student with the highest grade point average upon completion of the program.
Value: $500


The Economic Society of Australia (SA) First Year Prize 

The Economics Society of Australia (SA) First Year Prize is awarded to the first year student, enrolled in an eligible program, who obtains the highest average mark for the courses Principles of Economics (ECON 1008) and Macroeconomics (ECON 1007).

Eligible Programs are:

  • DBIB Bachelor of Business (Economics, Finance and Trade)
  • DBCF Bachelor of Business (Finance)
  • DBRF Bachelor of Business (Financial Planning)
  • DBBN Bachelor of Business (International Business)
  • DBPY Bachelor of Business (Property)
  • DBRF Bachelor of Business (Real Estate Practice)
  • DBCA Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)
  • DBCD Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting), Bachelor of Business (Finance)

Value: $500 plus 24 months membership to the Economic Society of Australia (SA)

The Economic Society of Australia (SA) Third Year Prize

The Economic Society of Australia (SA) Third Year Prize is awarded to the third year student, enrolled in an eligible program, who obtains the highest average mark for the courses Economics of Public Policy (ECON 3007) and International Economics (ECON 3008).

Eligible Programs are:

  • DBIB Bachelor of Business (Economics, Finance and Trade)
  • DBCF Bachelor of Business (Finance)
  • DBRF Bachelor of Business (Financial Planning)
  • DBBN Bachelor of Business (International Business)

Value: $500 plus 24 months membership the Economic Society of Australia (SA)

Ekaterra Prize

The Ekaterra Prize is awarded to the UniSA Business student with the most outstanding academic performance in the course MARK 3024 (Digital Marketing Analytics and Big Data).
Value: $500


Entree Recruitment Human Resource Management Graduate Prize

The Entrée Recruitment Human Resource Management Prize is awarded to a final-year undergraduate student, who on completion of the final academic year of the program obtains the highest overall program GPA.  

Eligible Programs are:

XBBH Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)

DBBH Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)

Value: $500

The FrieslandCampina Prize

The FrieslandCampina Prize is awarded to the UniSA Business student with the most outstanding academic performance in the course MARK 1008 (Consumer Behaviour).
Value: $500

Gary Lindblom Memorial Prize

Awarded by the Australian Property Institute to the student with the highest grade point average over three years of the Bachelor of Business (Property) program.  For students who reside in Australia.
Value: Approx. $2125

- A full year of MAPI Membership of the API on graduation (Value approx. $400)

- Complimentary access to the Practical Valuer Training program (Value up to $1,725)

Global Experience

To be awarded GE students are required to successfully complete four components to the aggregate value of 120 points:

  • Orientation (5 points);
  • BUSS1056 (BUGE course 10 points);
  • Experience Suite (100 points); and
  • MyAdvantage Professional Development (5 points).

All four are compulsory.
Value: certificate of completion, transcript notation and a letter from the University outlining the student's activities whilst registered as a GE participant.

Graham Arnold Prize

The Graham Arnold Prize will be awarded to a PhD student at UniSA with the best dissertation in the area of Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, International Management or International Business. The recipient will receive $5,000. The $5,000 will be paid in one instalment at the next University of South Australia Scholarships and Grants Ceremony.

There will be no application process, a shortlist of the best dissertations in the areas of study mentioned above will be compiled by UniSA Business staff and forwarded to the selection panel for their consideration and selection of the prize recipient.

Students are expected to provide a report following receipt of their award on the impact it has had and how it has supported their studies.
Value: $5,000 to be paid in one instalment.


The Jacobs Douwe Egberts Prize

The Jacobs Douwe Egberts Prize is awarded to the UniSA Business student with the most outstanding academic performance in the course MARK 3016 (Digital Marketing).
Value: $500

The Johnson & Johnson Consumer Health Prize

The Johnson & Johnson Consumer Health Prize is awarded to the UniSA Business student with the most outstanding academic performance in the course MARK 2031 (Marketing for Health and Wellbeing).
Value: $500


Krissa Mae Buhain Prize

The Krissa Mae Buhain Prize is awarded annually to the second-year postgraduate student, enrolled in the Master of Professional Accounting program, who, on completion of all second-year level courses in the program, obtains the highest GPA for their second-year studies.

Eligible Programs are: DMPC Master of Professional Accounting
Value: $500


Lactalis Prize

The Lactalis Prize is awarded to the UniSA Business student with the most outstanding academic performance in the course MARK 2032 (Retailing).
Value: $500

LESG Workspace High Achiever Award for UniSA Master of Finance

Awarded to the two most outstanding students in the Master of Finance program, studying in Australia (onshore) and attaining the highest two GPAs in the graduating class.
Value: Certificate, voucher/subscription: Workspace's premium license for 60 days (Total value: $4,380)


Lewis Barrett Prize

Awarded to the graduand with the best academic performance in the Bachelor of Accounting professional stream courses of Auditing Theory and Practice and Taxation Law 1. To be eligible for this prize, students must be studying in Australia (onshore).
Value:  $500

Lindt and Sprungli Prize


The McDonald's Prize

The McDonald’s Prize is awarded to the UniSA Business student with the most outstanding academic performance in the course MARK 2007 (Advertising).
Value: $500

MediaCom Pty Ltd Prize

Awarded annually to the most outstanding UniSA Business student in the course Advertising based on academic performance.
Value: $500.00


PepsiCo Prize

The PepsiCo Prize is awarded to the UniSA Business student with the most outstanding academic performance in the course MARK 2010 (Marketing Analytics).
Value: $500


Phil Hoffmann Travel Prize

Awarded annually to the most outstanding UniSA Business student in the course Understanding Travel and Tourism / Fundamentals of Global Tourism and Hospitality / UO Fundamentals of Global Tourism and Hospitality based on academic performance.

Value: Travel voucher valued at $500.


PKF Financial Accounting Prize

The PKF Financial Accounting Prize is awarded to the 2 students, enrolled in an eligible program, and residing and studying in Adelaide, Australia, with the most outstanding academic performance in Financial Accounting ACCT 1006  or Financial Accounting ACCT 1012 (UO).  

Eligible Programs are:

DBCO - Bachelor of Accounting

XBCO - Bachelor of Accounting

DBCN - Bachelor of Accounting, Bachelor of Finance  

Value: $500 each for the three top students in Financial Accounting ACCT 1006 or Financial Accounting ACCT 1012 (UO), plus the opportunity to be interviewed by PKF. The successful interviewee will also gain a 6-month paid traineeship with PKF Adelaide during the second academic year of their program of study, with a commitment of approximately one day per week (negotiable) for the duration of the traineeship.

The Procter and Gamble Prize

Awarded annually to the most outstanding UniSA Business student in the course Marketing Principles: Trading and Exchange based on academic performance.
Value: $500


The Red Bull Prize

Awarded annually to the most outstanding UniSA Business student in the course Branding based on academic performance.
Value: $500

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Prize

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Prize is awarded to the student, enrolled in a UniSA Business Property Program, who obtains the highest mark for the course BUSS 3059 Property, People and Place.
Value: Fees, to the value of $500, for the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Assessment of Professional Competence and Graduate Membership.


Savills Prize

The Savills Prize is awarded to the student‚ enrolled in either the Bachelor of Business (Property)(DBPY)Program or the Bachelor of Business (Real Estate Practice) (DBRF)Program‚ who obtains the highest mark for the course BUSS 3101 Real Estate Practice.
Value: $500

Shirley Chappel Tourism Prize

Awarded to the Tourism,  Event and Hospitality Management student with the highest grade point average upon completion of the program.
Value: $500 cash

South Australian Auditor-General's Department Prize for Auditing Theory and Practice

The South Australian Auditor-General's Department Prize is awarded to the student, enrolled in a UniSA Business Program or UniSA Online Program, who obtains the highest mark for the course Auditing Theory and Practice.
Value: $500

South Australian Auditor-General's Department Prize for Auditing Principles

The South Australian Auditor-General's Department Prize is awarded to the student, enrolled in a UniSA Business Program who obtains the highest mark for the course ACCT 5014 Auditing Principles M.
Value: $500

Stevens Family MBA Prize for Excellence

The Stevens Family MBA Prize for Excellence will be awarded to students who have completed UniSA’s Master of Business Administration (DMMA).

The eligible programs are:
  - Master of Business Administration
  - Master of Business Administration (Finance)
  - Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management)
  - Master of Business Administration (Marketing)

The prize will be awarded to students who have achieved the highest cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) at program completion.

Each year, two prizes will be awarded:
  - One to a student recognised after the April graduation ceremony
  - One to a student recognised after the October graduation ceremony
Value: $500


The Suntory Beverage & Food Prize

The Suntory Beverage & Food Prize is awarded to the UniSA Business student with the most outstanding academic performance in the course MARK 3012 (Integrated Marketing).
Value: $500

The JLL Prize

The JLL Prize is awarded to the student, enrolled in the Bachelor of Business (Property) (DBPY) Program, who obtains the most outstanding academic performance in BUSS 3106 Commercial Property Valuation.
The donor organization will offer the recipient the opportunity to meet.
Value: $500



UniSA Business Award for Excellence in Marketing Studies

Awarded annually for academic achievement to a student who has completed an eligible undergraduate marketing program based on the overall GPA of all level three marketing courses completed. 
Value: $1,000

UniSA Business Investment Management Prize

Awarded in Study Period 2 and Study Period 5 each year in the course BANK 5013 Investment Management, to the three teams with the most outstanding academic performance in the Iress trading simulation activity.  

Value: Top team: $450            

Second team: $350            

Third team: $200            

(Total: $1000 per study period)

UniSuper Best Student Award in Applied Financial Planning

Awarded to the most outstanding student, enrolled in a School of Commerce Program and Studying in Australia (onshore), who obtains the highest marks for the course Applied Financial Planning (BANK 3005) / UO Applied Financial Planning (BANK 3015). 

Value: $500


UniSuper Aboriginal Business Prize

The UniSuper Aboriginal Business Prize will be awarded to an undergraduate Aboriginal student enrolled in any single UniSA Business program encompassing the disciplines of business, accounting and finance, human resources, marketing, management, tourism and events, and property,.

The prize is awarded annually to the Aboriginal Business student with the highest Grade Point Average (GPA) at any year level and must have completed at least 27 units excluding credit‚ to be eligible for the prize.

Eligibility and selection criteria:
- Aboriginal student
- On-campus student (not available to UniSA online students)
- Enrolled in a single UniSA Business program code (not double degree)
- Students who have completed at least 27 units excluding credit
- Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.5 or above
- Full-time or part-time study load
- Currently enrolled student

A student may receive the prize only once.

The prize recognises academic achievement and provides encouragement for recipients to complete their degree.

Value: $1,000 (The value of the prize may be divided by more than one recipient where more than one student is ranked equally)

Valuer-General's Prize

The Valuer-General's Prize is awarded to the student, enrolled in a UniSA Business Program, who obtains the highest mark for the course MGMT 3002 Statutory Valuations.
Value: $750
