Key:  (click to filter by type)

Continuing Students
New Students
Students with a disability
Rural Students
Economically Disadvantaged
International Students
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander
High Achieving Students
Scholarship name Discipline area Value Who can apply
AusIMM STEM Access Scholarship Environmental and Geospatial Science, Construction Management, Science, Mathematics,  Engineering (Civil and Infrastructure, Electrical Power, Engineering Management, Telecommunications, Water Reseoruces Management, Environmental Science, Quantity Surveying, Surveying) $25,000   
UniSA STEM Higher Education Opportunity Scholarship Engineering, Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences, Natural and Built Environments Maximum $12,000     

Omni Executive Defence Scholarship

Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics $15,000   
Ziptrak Engineering and Product Design Grant Engineering, Mechatronic, Electrical, Mechanical, Advanced Manufacturing $6,000    
Zonge Australia Refugee Grant Environmental Science $2,500    

Please note: Scholarships and Grants are subject to change and are awarded based on conditions current at the time of award

AusIMM STEM Access Scholarship

The AusIMM STEM Access Scholarship will be available to talented students from backgrounds under-represented* in the mining and metallurgy industry. Applicants will be studying eligible science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) undergraduate or postgraduate programs. The scholarship will encourage completion of their studies and the pursuit of a career in the mining and metallurgy industry.

The eligible STEM related undergraduate programs are:
All associate degree and bachelor programs in

  • Engineering
  • Environmental and Geospatial Science
  • Construction Management
  • Science
  • Mathematics

(i.e. all associate degree and bachelor programs delivered in UniSA STEM except for Aviation and Information Technology).

The eligible STEM related postgraduate programs are:


  • Master of Engineering (Civil and Infrastructure)
  • Master of Engineering (Electrical Power)
  • Master of Engineering (Telecommunications)
  • Master of Engineering (Water Resources Management)

Environmental and Geospatial Science

  • Master of Environmental Science


  • Master of Quantity Surveying
  • Master of Surveying

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

  • Australian Citizen or Australian Permanent Resident or the holder of a Permanent Humanitarian Visa, Temporary Protection Visa or Bridging Visa.
  • Undertaking an eligible STEM program.
  • Commencing or continuing student.
  • Belong to one or more of the under-represented groups listed* (low socio-economic background, Aboriginal students, refugee background, students with a disability, regional and remote students, students that identify as belonging to the LGBTIQ community, mature-age student pursuing first qualification) with supporting documentation provided, as required.
  • Full-time study load (preferred).
  • Studying on-campus (internal study mode), externally or online.
  • Submission of a written statement.

The scholarship will provide industry access, mentoring support and the possibility of paid or unpaid work placement opportunities with AusIMM members based in South Australia.

Full-time applicants will be given preference. Part-time applicants will be considered where there is a demonstrated need to study part time. Pro-rata payments will apply for part-time enrolment.

Applicants are required to provide a written statement (maximum 500 words) detailing:

  • Reasons for studying the UniSA STEM program.
  • Academic achievements.
  • Future career goals including how the scholarship and mentoring would help achieve these goals.
  • How you meet one or more of the under-represented groups forming the eligibility criteria (low socio-economic background, Aboriginal students, refugee background, students with a disability, regional and remote students, students that identify as belonging to the LGBTIQ community, mature-age student pursuing first qualification).

The scholarship will be awarded based on alignment with under-represented group, the content of the written statement and the desire to pursue a career in mining and metallurgy industry.

How to apply: Online applications will open via my Scholarships

Grant re-opening in 2025 is still to be confirmed 

Value: up to $25‚000 per recipient. Recipients will receive $6,250 per year up to a maximum four years payable in two instalments of $3,125, subject to continued enrolment in the STEM program and maintaining a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.0 or above.

For more information‚ contact:
UniSA General enquiries  
Tel: 1300 301 703
Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au

*Under-represented backgrounds include:

  • low socio-economic background
  • Aboriginal students
  • refugee background
  • students with a physical or mental disability
  • regional and remote students
  • students that identify as belonging to the LGBTIQ community
  • mature-age student pursuing first qualification


UniSA STEM Higher Education Opportunity Scholarship

UniSA STEM will provide financial assistance to eligible students who meet specified equity criteria who are pursuing an undergraduate or postgraduate degree by coursework program within UniSA STEM.

Eligibility Criteria:
• Be an Australian/New Zealand citizen or permanent resident.
• Be enrolled in an Associate Degree, Bachelor, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Master degree offered by UniSA STEM.
• Students from a recognised equity group, who have not already been awarded a STEM Aboriginal Scholarship, Women in STEM Scholarship, or STEM Rural Scholarship. This includes but is not limited to students that:
o Identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
o identify as LGBTIQ
o are from non-English speaking backgrounds (NESB)
o are from regional and remote locations based on postcode of permanent home residence
o are women in non-traditional areas of study
o have a disability or ongoing medical condition and are in receipt of an Access Plan
o are from low SES (socioeconomic status).
• Students experiencing ongoing educational challenges related to one of the following areas:
o Students with carer responsibilities who are in receipt of a carers allowance/payment via Centrelink.
o Single parents and/or principal carers who are in receipt of a parenting payment via Centrelink.
o Principal carers of a child with a disability.
o Financially disadvantaged and in receipt of Youth Allowance‚ Austudy‚ ABSTUDY‚ Pensioner Education Supplement etc. via Centrelink.
o Impacted by domestic violence or other crisis.

Individual circumstances outside the above areas may be considered on a case by case basis where a student is able to demonstrate significant educational disadvantage.

This grant may not be awarded if the potential recipient has received another UniSA STEM scholarship or grant. The total number of grants awarded will be at the discretion of UniSA STEM Executive.

How to apply: Applications will open in Study Period 2 and may be open in Study Period 5 at UniSA STEM’s discretion. Online applications will open via my Scholarships

Grant re-opening in 2025 is still to be confirmed 

As part of the online application process‚ students must provide a personal written statement demonstrating how they meet the eligibility criteria outlined above and how this financial relief will assist them with their future studies. Students must provide sufficient supporting documentation to substantiate claims (where appropriate).
Selection: Selection will be made after the Study Period 2/5 census dates each year. Assessment is made on the basis of financial disadvantage, academic merit, a personal written statement and supporting documentation.

Value: $3,000 per year for the duration of the program. For example, a 3 year Bachelors degree would be eligible for a maximum of $9,000.
For double/combined degree students, the scholarship will only apply for 4 years. Payment will be made after the Study Period 2 and Study Period 5 census dates.

The successful recipient must maintain a minimum GPA of 4.0 per study period and a minimum enrolment of 9 units per study period to receive payment.

For more information contact:
Phone: 8302 3007
Email: STEM-TeachingLearning@unisa.edu.au 


Zonge Australia Refugee Grant

The Zonge Australia Refugee Grant supports an undergraduate student from a refugee background studying in the area of Environmental Science. Applicants will be students who are studying full time at any year level of the Environmental Science undergraduate program or Graduate Certificate in Environmental Science, Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science or Masters of Environmental Science.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

  • Australian Citizen, Australian Permanent Resident or the holder of a Permanent Humanitarian Visa, Temporary Protection Visa, or Bridging Visa
  • Refugee background
  • Enrolled in Environmental Science undergraduate program or Graduate Certificate in Environmental Science, Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science or Masters of Environmental Science.
  • Demonstrated financial hardship
  • Full-time study load
  • Submission of a written statement

Applicants are required to provide a written statement (maximum 500 words) detailing:

  • reasons for studying their UniSA program and how the degree supports their aspirations including career goals
  • their background prior to UniSA study
  • academic achievements
  • the financial and/or educational disadvantage circumstances that the applicant wishes to be taken into account
  • how the grant funds will benefit them and their study

Value: $2‚500
Payment will be in two instalments:
- $1,250 (paid after the census date for Study Period 2)
- $1,250 (paid after the census date for Study Period 5)

How to apply:  Online applications will open 20 January 2025 - 14 March 2025 via my Scholarships

Grant re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed 

Important:  When you apply for this grant, you will automatically be assessed against the eligibility criteria for all of the grants listed within the Refugee Grouped Grant table.  Once you have submitted your online application via myScholarships,  you will be contacted by the UniSA Scholarships team within 5-7 business days and advised what supporting documentation you are required to provide in order to be considered for the grant(s) that you have been deemed eligible for.  Please note: 

  • If you are eligible for a grant, it does not mean you will be awarded the grant. 
  • do not provide any supporting documentation until you have been advised to. 

For more information‚ contact:
Campus Central

Tel: 1300 301 703

Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au
