Please note: Scholarships and Grants are subject to change and are awarded based on conditions current at the time of award.
For criteria and information please visit the following website.
Value: $6,000 to be paid in two instalments of $3,000 after the Study Period 2 and Study Period 5 census dates, provided the recipient continues to meet the grant criteria and maintain satisfactory academic performance.
For more information contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
(Please note for ongoing recipients (2020 recipients) the ongoing conditions is unchanged as per offer letter received at the time of being offered the scholarship (25% in the first year of study).)
International Merit Scholarship recipients will receive a 15% reduction in their student contributions (tuition fees) for the duration of their chosen program. Students are automatically assessed for eligibility for a scholarship when applying for an eligible program at UniSA.
The International Merit Scholarship will be awarded to selected international students who meet the following criteria (or as determined by the Selection Panel based on any other factors which the Selection Panel considers to be appropriate and in line with the University’s strategic direction and priorities):
International Merit Scholarships are not available to:
Scholarship conditions:
For more information contact:
International Admissions Office
Tel: (08) 8302 0114
UniSA Veterans’ Engagement and Education Program (VEEP) scholarships have been developed to provide an extra layer of encouragement and support for VEEP students to improve capacity to undertake and complete a tertiary degree.
VEEP is targeted to currently enrolled, domestic UniSA students, who are:
The Raytheon VEEP Scholarship is available to commencing and continuing students registered with VEEP studying full-time or part-time in any undergraduate or postgraduate coursework program at the University of South Australia.
Eligibility and selection criteria
Scholarship recipients cannot be in receipt of more than one scholarship or grant targeted to VEEP registered students.
Applicants are required to provide a written statement (500-750 words) detailing:
While academic standing is not a key determinant, Grade Point Average (GPA) for continuing students will be provided to the selection committee and may inform the decision-making process.
Shortlisted applicants will not be required to attend an interview.
How to apply: Online applications will open via my Scholarships
Grant re-opening in 2025 is still to be confirmed
Value: up to $15,000
Payments will be made in up to six instalments of $2,500 each, paid over 3 years after Study Period 2 and Study Period 5 census dates.
Part-time recipients will receive pro-rata payments.
For more information‚ contact:
Dr Jane Kehrwald
Manager: Student Support
Student Engagement Unit
Tel: (08) 8302 3419
These grants are available to students from a rural or isolated area who have relocated to Adelaide to study full-time and are undertaking a professional experience placement in one the following disciplines: Education, Health Sciences, Nursing or Midwifery.
Applicants must be Australian citizens or permanent residents, be financially disadvantaged and have lived in a rural or isolated area for at least four years prior to commencing university. Applicants must be undertaking their placement in a rural area in the year that they apply for the grant.
Please note that the grants will not be awarded retrospectively. Applicants must not have completed their placement prior to the application closing date.
Applicants must provide a personal written statement detailing the location and duration of their rural placement and their future career goals. Preference may be given to applicants who are undertaking a rural placement greater than four consecutive weeks. Applicants who are receiving financial assistance from the University Department of Rural Health are not eligible to apply. Applicants who have previously been in receipt of a Rural Reconnect Grant are not eligible to apply. Recipients will be selected on the basis of demonstrated financial disadvantage, academic merit (GPA) and a personal written statement. Recipients will also be invited to participate in research and evaluation.
Recipients will be selected on the basis of demonstrated financial disadvantage, academic merit (GPA) and a personal written statement. Recipients will also be invited to participate in research and evaluation.
Value: $1,000
Grant re-opening in 2025 is still to be confirmed
How to apply: via my Scholarships
For more information contact:
Campus Central
Phone: 1300 301 703
The University of South Australia is committed to providing opportunities for students to gain an international perspective by participating in student exchange. Studying on exchange can be an enriching cultural and academic experience and one that benefits you throughout your life. UniSA has more than 60 exchange partners throughout the world in Asia, Europe and the Americas.
All UniSA students who are accepted into the exchange program are eligible for a travel grant. While on student exchange, you remain enrolled at the University of South Australia and continue to pay your normal UniSA fees. You do not pay tuition fees to the host institution. For students that are eligible, Austudy/Abstudy/Youth Allowance payments continue to be paid while overseas on student exchange. You will also receive credit for the courses you take on student exchange, meaning that you will still be able to complete your degree on time.
Value: $800 to $2,400 (dependent on selected country).
For more information contact:
UniSA International
Tel: (08) 8302 0114
Find answers
Web: Travel Grants Criteria
UniSA will offer up to 20 Vice Chancellor's International Excellence Scholarships in 2017 to future international students who have achieved an 85% average (or equivalent) in previous studies and have applied to study a UniSA undergraduate or postgraduate (by coursework) degree.
Scholarship recipients will receive a 50% reduction in their student contributions (tuition fees) per annum, for up to four years of full-time study.
Successful applicants will become a UniSA International Student Ambassador and will be required to maintain a credit average (or equivalent) for each consecutive year of study to be eligible for the 50% student contribution (tuition fee) reduction.
The scholarships will be awarded to selected international students who meet the following criteria:
Vice Chancellor's International Excellence Scholarships are not available to:
Unsuccessful applicants of the Vice Chancellor's International Excellence Scholarship will automatically be considered for the International Merit Scholarship.
Scholarship recipients will be required to be enrolled on a full-time basis at UniSA's South Australian campuses, and maintain a Grade Point Average of at least 5.0 in order to receive the scholarship payments. Scholarship payments (50% of tuition fees) will be provided as a discount on successful applicants' student contribution invoice at the commencement of the relevant study period each year. The scholarship cannot be deferred.
For more information contact:
International Admissions Office
Tel: +61 8302 0114
The scholarships are available for Australian *Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students of the University of South Australia and Flinders University who are enrolled full-time or part-time in a postgraduate or Medical degree and are permanent residents of South Australia. The scholarship is also available to students undertaking the Flinders University Doctor of Medicine in Darwin through the Northern Territory Medical Program (NTMP), or equivalent medicine program.
Recipients will be determined by the Selection Committee of the Aboriginal Advancement League based upon Grade Point Average (GPA); a written statement; a supporting statement from the applicant's program director‚ course coordinator or supervisor; and economic need of the applicant.
The applicant's written statement should outline:
The scholarship will be offered for the life of the recipient's program‚ for a maximum of two years for full-time students, or four years for part-time students, payments are not retrospective. The number of scholarships awarded each year is dependent on the income generated by the Aboriginal Advancement League Fund.
Recipients of scholarships can be full-time or part-time students. If a student has enrolment of 13.5 units or above in a semester, they will be paid the full-time amount; if it is less than that but 9.0 units or above, they will be paid at the pro-rata amount.
Scholarship recipients are expected to attend the next biennial Duguid Memorial Lecture given after they receive their grant.
*From here on in the term Aboriginal is inclusive of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships
Grant re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed
Important: When you apply for this grant, you will automatically be assessed against the eligibility criteria for all of the grants listed within the Aboriginal Grouped Schemes table. Once you have submitted your online application via myScholarships, you will be contacted by the UniSA Scholarships team within 5-7 business days and advised what supporting documentation you are required to provide in order to be considered for the grant(s) that you have been deemed eligible for. Please note:
Value: Up to $10,000 available to full-time or part-time students. If the study load is part-time for any given semester, recipients receive the pro rata rate (half the full-time rate). Depending upon the stage at which the scholarship is received and progression, the recipient may not receive the full $10,000. Payments are not retrospective.
Paid in two instalments after census date in SP2 and SP5. Where the study load is 13.5 units or above in a semester the recipient will be paid the full-time amount of $2,500; if it is less than that but 9.0 units or above, they will be paid at the part-time rate (pro-rata) of $1,250. If the recipient has full-time enrolment and is due to complete studies in the middle of the year, they will be paid $2,500. If the recipient has part-time enrolment and is due to complete studies in the middle of the year, they will be paid $1,250.
For more information contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
The Zonta Club of Adelaide Community Development Grant assists female full-time students (Australian Citizen, or Permanent Resident of Australia, or International Student) of the University of South Australia who are undertaking community development projects in Australia or overseas that make a positive difference in the lives of women. The grant is to support the costs involved in undertaking the project. This could include materials, travel, data collection etc.
The grant aligns with Zonta Club's key objective to advance the status of women through the service and advocacy. Further information on the work the Zonta Club supports can be viewed at or
The grant is open to female Honours and Postgraduate Coursework continuing students in the field of Psychology and Social Work and Social Policy who have a research project as part of their degree. The project should involve community development that makes a positive difference in the lives of women.
Preference may be given to students applying to do a project in an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community, South- East Asia or a Pacific Island nation.
Recipients will be invited to attend a Zonta Club dinner and share with members the highlight of their project and how the grant supported their project.
Applicants are required to submit a cover letter in the form of personal written statement (maximum 750 words) detailing:
Applicants will also need to obtain an endorsement letter from their University Project Director or Course Coordinator confirming the current project to be undertaken.
Value: $3,000
For more information contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703