UniSA Wide

Please note: Prizes and Awards are subject to change and are awarded based on conditions current at the time of award

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

David Pank Northern Areas High Achiever Encouragement Prize

This is an encouragement prize given to a David Pank Northern Areas High Achiever Scholarship applicant who strives to achieve their goals and has the determination to succeed.
Value: $1,000

David Pank Undergraduate Encouragement Prize

The David Pank Undergraduate Encouragement Prize will be awarded to a David Pank Undergraduate Scholarship applicant who is unsuccessful for the scholarship, but who strives to achieve their goals and has the determination to succeed.
Value: $1,000

David Pank UniSA College Diploma Prize

The David Pank UniSA College Diploma Prize will be awarded to a David Pank UniSA College Diploma Scholarship applicant who is unsuccessful for the scholarship‚ but strives to achieve their goals and has the determination to succeed.
Value: $1,000. Recipients' will receive two instalments of $500 after the Study Period 2 and 5 census dates.

David Pank UniSA College Encouragement Prize

The David Pank UniSA College Encouragement Prize will be awarded to a David Pank UniSA College Scholarship applicant who is unsuccessful for the scholarship, but strives to achieve their goals and has the determination to succeed.
Value: $1,000


Numa Tirkanthi High Achiever Prize

The Numa Tirkanthi High Achiever Prize (numa tirkanthi meaning ‘skilful learning’ in Kaurna language) will be awarded to the highest achieving Aboriginal student enrolled in an undergraduate program in each of the University’s seven Academic Units.

One prize will be awarded to the student achieving the highest grade point average (GPA) in each of the Academic Units:
- UniSA Allied Health and Human Performance
- UniSA Business
- UniSA Clinical and Health Sciences
- UniSA Creative
- UniSA Education Futures
- UniSA Justice and Society

Seven prizes in total will be awarded following the Study Period 5 results released in December.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria
- Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander descent
- Australian Citizen or Australian Permanent Resident
- Enrolled in a UniSA undergraduate degree with a minimum of 9 units
- Grade point average (GPA) of 5 or above

Where a tie occurs‚ the student with a full-time load will be awarded the prize. If the load does not resolve a tie and funding limitations preclude additional allocation, the prize may be split (e.g. $1,500 awarded to each student where a tie exists between two students).

Assessment will commence during the prize selection period in December following the Study Period 5 2025 result release date.

No prize will be awarded if there are no candidates of sufficient merit.

Value: $3,000 per student

For more information contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au


The Tappa Tangka Manninendi Prize

The Tappa Tangka Manninendi Prize is awarded annually to the Aboriginal student with the highest cumulative grade point average (GPA) at the completion of an undergraduate degree with the University of South Australia.

Eligibility and selection criteria:
- Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander descent
- Final year completing an Undergraduate program
- Minimum of 72 units completed in the UniSA program
Where a tie occurs, the prize may be split (e.g. $1500 awarded to each student where a tie exists between two students).

Value: $3,000. Payment will be made after results release date for Study Period 5, 2025

For more information contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au


UniSA Online Prize for Excellence

The UniSA Online Prize for Excellence will be awarded to UniSA Online students with the highest cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) in each program. To be awarded the prize, a minimum of four UniSA Online courses must have been completed in the relevant academic year or, full completion of an Undergraduate Certificate or the UniStart program.

Prize recipients will be selected for the previous academic year. Prizes will be awarded in the following year.

A prize will be awarded annually for each UniSA Online program offered.

Value: $500
