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Scholarship name | Discipline area | Value | Who can apply |
Ali Pentelow Physiotherapy Scholarship | Physiotherapy | $6,000 | |
Alkira Burrows Aboriginal Scholarship | Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Medical Radiation Sciences, Podiatry, Speech Pathology, Human Movement, Exercise and Sports Science, Early Childhood Education (Honours), Primary Education (Honours), Secondary Education (Honours), Midwifery, Nursing. | $10,000 per annum, up to $20,000 | |
Anthony and Robin Radford Family Student Grant | Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Medical Radiation Sciences, Podiatry, Speech Pathology | $2,500 | |
Arun Thomas Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership Scholarship | All Health Science disciplines | $1,000 | |
Betty Can:Do 4Kids Occupational Therapy Scholarship | Occupational Therapy | $15,000 | |
Betty Can:Do 4Kids Speech Pathology Scholarship | Speech Pathology | $15,000 | |
Central Adelaide Local Health Network Radiation Therapy Grant | Medical Radiation Science (Radiation Therapy) | $5,000 | |
Gladys Elphick Memorial Scholarship | Physiotherapy (Honours)‚ Occupational Therapy (Honours)‚ Podiatry‚ Medical Radiation‚ Human Movement, Health Science (Public Health), Clinical Exercise Physiology | $5,000 | |
Goodes O'Loughlin UniSA GO Scholarship | Human Movement, Occupational Therapy, Clinical Exercise Physiology, Health Science, Nutrition and Food Science, Physiotherapy, Podiatry | Up to 24,000 | |
Patricia Trott Refugee Scholarship | Allied Health & Human Performance (ALH) or Clinical & Health Sciences (CHS) | Up to $15,000 | |
Radiology SA Medical Radiation Grant | Radiology, Medical Radiation | $5,000 | |
Resthaven Undergraduate Occupational Therapy Scholarship | Occupational Therapy | $10,000 | |
Resthaven Undergraduate Physiotherapy Scholarship | Physiotherapy | $10,000 | |
Resthaven Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Allied Health Scholarship | Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Psychology(Honours), Psychological Science, Social Work | $10,000 | |
Ruth Grant Refugee Scholarship | Allied Health & Human Performance (ALH) or Clinical & Health Sciences (CHS) | Up to $15,000 | |
South Australia Medical Imaging Student Grant | Medical Radiation Sciences | $5,000 |
Please note: Scholarships and Grants are subject to change and are awarded based on conditions current at the time of award.
The Ali Pentelow Physiotherapy Scholarship will be awarded to a high-achieving third year full-time UniSA physiotherapy student.
To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must:
The scholarship recognises excellence in physiotherapy theory and practice.
Applicants are required to provide a written statement (maximum 500 words) detailing:
How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships.
Grant re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed
Shortlisted candidates will be required to attend an interview.
Value: $6,000
The scholarship funds will be applied to the Student Contribution tuition fees incurred by the recipient in the following study period.
For more information contact:
UniSA Allied Health & Human Performance
Email: alh-teachinglearning@unisa.edu.au
The Alkira Burrows Aboriginal Scholarship is available to full-time and part-time Aboriginal students enrolled internally in the second year of an undergraduate Nursing, Teaching or Allied Health program. The scholarship funds assist recipients with living and/or education expenses.
To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must:
Applicants are required to provide a written statement (maximum 500 words) detailing:
How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships
Scholarship will not be opening for applications in 2025
Value: $20,000
$10,000 annually paid in instalments of:
• $5,000 after the Study Period 2 census date
• $5,000 after the Study Period 5 census date
For more information contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au
The Anthony and Robin Radford Family Student Grant will be awarded to an undergraduate student from a refugee background who demonstrates financial need. Applicants will be studying full time at any year level in one of the following undergraduate programs:
An Adelaide medical graduate, Professor Emeritus Anthony Radford A.M. was inspired to work in Papua New Guinea (PNG). He was the only doctor for up to 50,000 people and implemented courses in rural medicine and development in the Department of Health and later at the University of PNG. His wife Robin was involved in social work, community development and original research in local history. Anthony’s career spanned 5 continents and 45 countries and included refugee settlements to support those at risk in the world.
The grant funds are designed to assist recipients with their living and/or education expenses.
Eligibility and selection criteria:
Applicants must provide a written statement (maximum 700 words) detailing:
A refugee background is a person who has held, currently holds or has made an application for a protection visa, either a Temporary Permanent Visa, a Safe Haven Enterprise Visa, or Permanent Protection Visa. Applicants may currently hold a Bridging Visa or be in Community Detention.
The grant will be awarded based on the content of the written statement, financial need and demonstrated passion for their field of study.
A student may only receive the Anthony and Robin Radford Family Student Grant once.
How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships.
Grant re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed
Important: When you apply for this grant, you will automatically be assessed against the eligibility criteria for all of the grants listed within the Refugee Grouped Grant table. Once you have submitted your online application via myScholarships, you will be contacted by the UniSA Scholarships team within 5-7 business days and advised what supporting documentation you are required to provide in order to be considered for the grant(s) that you have been deemed eligible for. Please note:
Value: $2,500
Two grants will be offered annually.
For more information contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au
This scholarship was established by Arun Thomas, a former UniSA alumni and President of the UniSA Student Association as part of 'giving back' to his Alma Mater to encourage, support and unlock leadership potential and calibre of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students at UniSA. As the former President of UniSA's student association, he identified the need for further inclusion and representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Through consultation with students, board members and the university, Arun initiated, oversaw and led the implementation and creation of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Representative on the board, a new position to bring the voice of Indigenous students to the organisation. This scholarship is to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who demonstrate motivational leadership and social responsibility impacting academia, work, or community, while balancing studies.
Awarded to an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander student studying at the University of South Australia.
The successful recipient will exhibit a strong sense of community through demonstrating motivational leadership, social responsibility which impacts on academia, work or community.
The scholarship will be awarded based on a written statement, curriculum vitae and interview.
Selection will be made by a panel consisting of the donor and 2 other members of staff in UniSA Allied Health & Human Performance.
The recipient must be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage and enrolled after the 31 March census date.
Applicants will be required to submit their CV, a statement of intent (500 words), and attend an interview.
How to apply: Online applications will open via my Scholarships
Scholarship re-opening in 2025 is still to be confirmed
Value: $1,000
For more information contact:
Academic Officer: Credit and Admissions
Email: alh-teachinglearning@unisa.edu.au
The Betty Can:Do 4Kids Occupational Therapy Scholarship is available to second-year Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) (must have completed 27 units of study) and first-year Master of Occupational Therapy (Graduate Entry) students enrolled full-time or part-time.
The scholarship recognises and encourages talented students who wish to pursue occupational therapy as a career and work in a field that broadly aligns with the Can:Do Group operations.
The eligible programs are:
Eligibility and selection criteria:
To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must:
Applicants must provide a CV and a written statement (maximum 750 words) that includes:
The scholarship will be awarded based on the written statement outlining why the applicant would be a worthy recipient, CV and interview performance.
Students may be in receipt of other non-industry-funded scholarships or grants administered by UniSA.
How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships.
Scholarship re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed
$5000 per year paid in instalment of:
• $2,500 after the Study Period 2 census date
• $2,500 after the Study Period 5 census date
Subject to satisfactory academic performance.
Scholarship recipients who are enrolled part time will receive pro-rata payment.
For more information contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au
The Betty Can:Do 4Kids Speech Pathology Scholarship is available to second-year Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) (must have completed 27 units of study) students enrolled full-time or part-time.
The scholarship recognises and encourages talented students who wish to pursue speech pathology as a career and work in a field that broadly aligns with the Can:Do Group operations.
Eligibility and selection criteria:
To be eligible for the Scholarship, applicants must:
Applicants must provide a CV and a written statement (maximum 750 words) that includes:
The scholarship will be awarded based on the written statement outlining why the applicant would be a worthy recipient, CV and interview performance.
Students may be in receipt of other non-industry-funded scholarships or grants administered by UniSA.
How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships.
Grant re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed
$5000 per year paid in instalment of:
• $2,500 after the Study Period 2 census date
• $2,500 after the Study Period 5 census date
Subject to satisfactory academic performance.
Scholarship recipients who are enrolled part time will receive pro-rata payment.
For more information contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au
Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) is South Australia’s largest health network, covering almost 30% of the population. CALHN includes the Royal Adelaide Hospital, the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre and the Repat Health Precinct.
The Central Adelaide Local Health Network Radiation Therapy Grant is available to full-time students enrolled in the Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Radiation Therapy).
Third and fourth-year students are encouraged to apply, and recipients will receive a $5,000 grant payable in two instalments of $2,500 in the year they are awarded the grant. Applicants must have resided in South Australia for at least two years before commencing the medical radiation program and intend to practice in South Australia following graduation.
The Grant targets students at a point in their program where they must complete significant hours of supervised work placements. Grant funds can be used at the full discretion of the student to reduce the financial burden that comes from participating in block placements that are an integral part of medical radiation programs.
Applicants need to demonstrate financial hardship to apply for the Grant. This can be done by providing evidence of current receipt of a Health Care Card and/or a means-tested Centrelink benefit e.g. Austudy, Abstudy, Youth Allowance, etc. Applicants not in receipt of government means-tested benefits can complete the UniSA Scholarship Income Assessment Form, to support their application.
The Grant includes the opportunity for recipients to engage with CALHN for professional and career development and the recipients will be invited to meet with CALHN soon after receiving the Grant.
To be eligible for the grant, applicants must:
Applicants must provide a written statement (500-750 words) detailing:
Financial disadvantage and the extent to which the Grant alleviates economic hardship is a key feature of the Grant, and applicants should ensure this aspect is addressed in the written statement.
A student receiving the Grant in third year is ineligible to reapply and receive the Grant in fourth year.
How to apply:
Online applications open 6 Febuary 2025 to 21 March 2025 through my Scholarships (via logging on to the myUniSA student portal).
Grant re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed
$5‚000 in two instalments of $2‚500.
For more information‚ contact:
UniSA Allied Health & Human Performance
Email: ALH-TeachingLearning@unisa.edu.au
Gladys Elphick MBE was a highly respected member of the local *Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community of South Australia. She was particularly active in the development of services in the areas of lobbying which culminated in the establishment of the first Aboriginal community controlled health service in the Adelaide region, which continues on today in the form of Nunkuwarrin Yunti of SA Inc. An anonymous donor has provided a bequest to the University of South Australia, Allied Health and Human Performance, to allow a scholarship to be awarded in memory of Gladys Elphick. This bequest has been used to fund a scholarship in support of an Aboriginal student undertaking studies within the academic unit, to a total value of $5000.
*From here on in the term Aboriginal is inclusive of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships
Scholarship re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed
Value: $5,000 for the year (once-off payment)
For extended criteria and application details, please contact:
Allied Health & Human Performance
Email: ALH-TeachingLearning@unisa.edu.au
This scholarship is open to high achieving Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students of the University of South Australia, who are residing in South Australia and enrolled in any of the following undergraduate programs:
Bachelor of Human Movement
Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology (Honours)
Bachelor of Health Science
Bachelor of Health Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Nutrition and Food Sciences
Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Bachelor of Podiatry
Bachelor of Business (Sport and Recreation Management)
Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition and Exercise) (Online)
Or the following double degrees:
Bachelor of Human Movement, Bachelor of Psychological Science (Counselling and Interpersonal Skills)
Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science, Bachelor of Psychological Science (Counselling and Interpersonal Skills)
Bachelor of Human Movement, Bachelor of Nutrition and Food Sciences
Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science, Bachelor of Nutrition and Food Sciences
Existing recipients, who have successfully completed a bachelor degree in the health science area, may have their scholarship extended for one year upon admittance to a health sciences related honours program.
Recipients will be selected on the basis of academic merit (as evidenced by ATAR, STAT or performance in a UniSA College program) or Grade Point Average (GPA) for continuing students, and a personal written statement outlining:
Preference may be given to applicants who can demonstrate financial hardship.
The recipient is required to act as a positive ambassador for the scholarship to encourage tertiary education participation by other Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.
Applicants must be a resident of South Australia at the time of application. If successful, the awardee is expected to reside in South Australia during the term of the scholarship.
Continuance of the scholarship is subject to satisfactory academic performance.
Value: $6,000 per year up to a maximum of four years ($24,000 in total) provided the recipient continues to meet the scholarship criteria and maintain satisfactory academic performance. Payment will be made in two instalments after the Study Period 2 and 5 census dates. Pro-rata payments will apply for part-time enrolment.
How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships.
Grant re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed
Important: When you apply for this grant, you will automatically be assessed against the eligibility criteria for all of the grants listed within the Aboriginal Grouped Schemes table. Once you have submitted your online application via myScholarships, you will be contacted by the UniSA Scholarships team within 5-7 business days and advised what supporting documentation you are required to provide in order to be considered for the grant(s) that you have been deemed eligible for. Please note:
For more information contact:
Ask Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au
Patricia Trott Refugee Scholarship is available to refugees who are commencing an undergraduate degree and enrolled in an Allied Health & Human Performance or Clinical & Health Sciences programs at UniSA.
Eligibility and selection criteria:
Applicants must provide a written statement (maximum 500 words) detailing:
Applicants must demonstrate financial hardship to apply for the grant. This can be done by providing evidence of current receipt of a Health Care Card and/or a means-tested Centrelink benefit e.g., Austudy, Abstudy, Youth Allowance, etc. Applicants not in receipt of government means tested benefits can complete the UniSA Scholarship Income Assessment Form, to support their application.
How to apply: Online applications open 20 January 2025 to 14 March 2025 via my Scholarships.
Important: When you apply for this grant, you will automatically be assessed against the eligibility criteria for all of the grants listed within the Refugee Grouped Grant table. Once you have submitted your online application via myScholarships, you will be contacted by the UniSA Scholarships team within 5-7 business days and advised what supporting documentation you are required to provide in order to be considered for the grant(s) that you have been deemed eligible for. Please note:
Value: up to $15,000.
$5,000 per year for up to three years (for full time students). Pro-rata payments will apply for part-time enrolment.
Payment will be in two instalments per year:
For more information contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au
The Radiology SA Medical Radiation Grant assists medical radiation commencing or continuing students enrolled full-time or part-time in Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Medical Imaging) or Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Nuclear Medicine). The grant provides support for students experiencing financial and/or educational disadvantage.
Eligibility and selection criteria:
To be eligible for the grant, applicants must:
• Be an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or refugee (holder of a permanent humanitarian visa or similar visa for refugees).
• Be a commencing or continuing student with current enrolment in the Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Medical Imaging) or Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Nuclear Medicine).
• A full time or part time student
• Be experiencing financial and/or educational disadvantage.
• Have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.5 or above (only applicable to continuing students).
• Provide a written statement clearly addressing the points listed below.
• Provide statements from two referees as character references, with at least one reference from a referee not connected to the applicant’s secondary school or university.
Applicants must provide a written statement (maximum 750 words) detailing:
• reasons for studying the medical radiation (imaging) degree
• future career goals and personal aspirations
• details of financial and/or educational disadvantage
• how the grant funds would be used
• academic standing and any achievements they would like considered
• work experience, community involvement and extracurricular activities/interests
The grant recipients would be determined on the grounds of equity and to receive the award applicants must demonstrate financial and/or educational disadvantage and alignment to an equity or marginalised group, including:
• Low socio-economic background.
• Aboriginal student.
• Refugee background.
• Student with a disability.
• Regional/remote student who has left home to attend UniSA in Adelaide.
• Another marginalised group as outlined by the applicant in the written statement
A student may only receive the Radiology SA Medical Radiation Grant once. In addition, students may be in receipt of another scholarship or grant administered by UniSA.
The grant would be awarded based on the written statement outlining why the applicant would be a worthy recipient, and the referee reports. The panel reserves the right to conduct interviews to assist in the decision making process.
How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships.
Grant re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed
Value: $5,000
Two equal instalments:
$2,500 after Study Period 2 census date
$2,500 after Study Period 5 census dates
Pro-rata payment applies to recipients studying on a part-time basis.
For more information‚ contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au
The Resthaven Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Allied Health Scholarship will be awarded to a full-time first, second or third year undergraduate *Aboriginal student undertaking an allied health program at any University of South Australia campus (includes Mt Gambier and Whyalla).
The eligible programs are:
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)
Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)
Bachelor of Podiatry
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
Bachelor of Psychological Science
Bachelor of Social Work
The scholarship will be awarded based upon academic merit (with a GPA of at least 4.5 required for applicants in second or third year) and seek applications from students who have a genuine interest in aged care as a career and in their studies‚ and are prepared to undertake a placement at Resthaven during their program if such a placement is available.
Applicants will be asked to provide a written statement detailing their career objectives‚ financial circumstances they would like taken into account‚ their interest in aged care‚ and how the scholarship will assist them in achieving their goals. Applicants may be asked to attend an interview.
Recipients are strongly encouraged to express a preference for Resthaven in any pre-allocation placement request and undertake at least one program placement at a Resthaven site. Recipients will be invited to meet with Resthaven soon after receiving the scholarship.
*From here on in the term Aboriginal is inclusive of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships.
Grant re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed
Important: When you apply for this grant, you will automatically be assessed against the eligibility criteria for all of the grants listed within the Aboriginal Grouped Schemes table and the Commonwealth Scholarships table. Once you have submitted your online application via myScholarships, you will be contacted by the UniSA Scholarships team within 5-7 business days and advised what supporting documentation you are required to provide in order to be considered for the grant(s) that you have been deemed eligible for. Please note:
Value: $10‚000 over two years
Scholarship is paid in four instalments of $2‚500 after the study period 2 and 5 census dates each year‚ giving a total of $10‚000.
For more information contact:
Ask Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au
The Resthaven Undergraduate Occupational Therapy Scholarship will be awarded to a full-time third year UniSA student undertaking the Bachelor of Occupational Therapy program.
To be eligible for this scholarship‚ applicants must:
- Be studying full-time.
- Be an Australian Citizen or be a permanent resident of Australia or New Zealand.
- Have a satisfactory GPA – 4.5 or above.
- Undertake a placement at Resthaven if one is offered.
- Demonstrate their interest in Aged Care as a career and in their studies.
- Be willing to speak conductively and positively about the important work that health care professionals undertake in aged care.
- Demonstrate financial hardship.
The scholarships will be available to students who have a genuine interest in aged care as a career and in their studies; are prepared to undertake a placement at Resthaven during their program if such a placement is available‚ and who are willing to speak constructively and positively about the important work Occupational Therapists undertake in aged care.
Applicants will be asked to provide a written statement detailing their career objectives‚ their interest in aged care and how the grant will assist them in achieving their goals. Recipients will be selected on the basis of academic merit and a personal written statement. Applicants may be asked to attend an interview.
Recipients are strongly encouraged to express a preference for Resthaven in any pre-allocation placement request and undertake at least one program placement at a Resthaven site. Recipients will be invited to meet with Resthaven soon after receiving the scholarship.
How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships.
Grant re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed
Value: $10,000 four instalments (over two years) of $2,500 after the study period 2 and 5 census dates.
For more information contact:
UniSA Allied Health and Human Performance
Tel: (08) 8302 2402
Email: ALH-teachinglearning@unisa.edu.au
The Resthaven Undergraduate Physiotherapy Scholarship will be awarded to a full-time third year UniSA student undertaking the Bachelor of Physiotherapy program.
To be eligible for this scholarship‚ applicants must:
- Be studying full time.
- Be an Australian Citizen or be a permanent resident of Australia or New Zealand.
- Have a satisfactory GPA – 4.5 or above.
- Undertake a placement at Resthaven if one is offered.
- Demonstrate their interest in Aged Care as a career and in their studies.
- Be willing to speak conductively and positively about the important work that health care professionals undertake in aged care.
- Demonstrate financial hardship.
- Choose an Aged Care specialisation for their Practicum if one is available.
The scholarships will be available to students who have a genuine interest in aged care as a career and in their studies; are prepared to undertake a placement at Resthaven during their program if such a placement is available‚ and who are willing to speak constructively and positively about the important work physiotherapists undertake in aged care.
Applicants will be asked to provide a written statement detailing their career objectives‚ their interest in aged care and how the grant will assist them in achieving their goals. Recipients will be selected on the basis of academic merit and a personal written statement. Applicants may be asked to attend an interview.
Recipients are strongly encouraged to express a preference for Resthaven in any pre-allocation placement request and undertake at least one program placement at a Resthaven site. Recipients may wish to consider conducting a health promotion in physiotherapy placement with Resthaven. Recipients will be invited to meet with Resthaven soon after receiving the scholarship.
How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships.
Grant re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed
Value: $10‚000 paid in four instalments (over two years) of $2‚500 after the study period 2 and 5 census dates, provided satisfactory academic progress is maintained.
For more information contact:
UniSA Allied Health and Human Performance
Tel: (08) 8302 2402
Email: ALH-teachinglearning@unisa.edu.au
Ruth Grant Refugee Scholarship is available to refugees who are commencing an undergraduate degree and enrolled in an Allied Health & Human Performance or Clinical & Health Sciences programs at UniSA.
Eligibility and selection criteria:
Applicants must provide a written statement (maximum 500 words) detailing:
Applicants must demonstrate financial hardship to apply for the grant. This can be done by providing evidence of current receipt of a Health Care Card and/or a means-tested Centrelink benefit e.g., Austudy, Abstudy, Youth Allowance, etc. Applicants not in receipt of government means tested benefits can complete the UniSA Scholarship Income Assessment Form, to support their application.
How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships.
Scholarship will not be opening for applications in 2025
Important: When you apply for this grant, you will automatically be assessed against the eligibility criteria for all of the grants listed within the Refugee Grouped Grant table. Once you have submitted your online application via myScholarships, you will be contacted by the UniSA Scholarships team within 5-7 business days and advised what supporting documentation you are required to provide in order to be considered for the grant(s) that you have been deemed eligible for. Please note:
Value: up to $15,000.
$5,000 per year for up to three years (for full time students). Pro-rata payments will apply for part-time enrolment.
Payment will be in two instalments per year:
For more information contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au
South Australia Medical Imaging (SAMI) is the largest public imaging provider in Australia and employs staff across a variety of disciplines including specialist radiologists, medical physicists, radiographers, sonographers, nuclear medicine technologists, nursing and administrative support staff. SAMI employs over 1,200 staff across six metropolitan and four country sites delivering approximately 700,000 examinations each year.
The South Australia Medical Imaging Student Grant is available to full-time students enrolled in the Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Medical Imaging) or Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Nuclear Medicine).
Third and fourth-year students are encouraged to apply, and recipients receive a $5,000 grant payable in two instalments of $2,500 in the year they are awarded the grant. Applicants must have resided in South Australia for at least two years before commencing the medical radiation program and intend to practice in South Australia following graduation.
The Grant targets students at a point in their program where they must complete significant hours of supervised work placements. Grant funds can be used at the full discretion of the student to reduce the financial burden that comes from participating in block placements that are an integral part of medical radiation programs.
Applicants need to demonstrate financial hardship to apply for the Grant. This can be done by providing evidence of current receipt of a Health Care Card and/or a means-tested Centrelink benefit e.g. Austudy, Abstudy, Youth Allowance, etc. Applicants not in receipt of government means-tested benefits can complete the UniSA Scholarship Income Assessment Form, to support their application.
The Grant includes the opportunity for recipients to engage with SAMI for professional and career development and the recipients will be invited to meet with SAMI soon after receiving the Grant.
Eligibility and selection criteria:
A student receiving the Grant in third year is ineligible to reapply and receive the Grant in fourth year.
Applicants must provide a written statement (maximum 750 words) detailing:
Financial disadvantage and the extent to which the Grant alleviates economic hardship is a key feature of the Grant, and applicants should ensure this aspect is addressed in the written statement.
How to apply:
Applications are through my Scholarships. (via logging on to the myUniSA student portal).
Grant re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed
$5,000 in two instalments of $2,500.
For more information, contact:
UniSA Allied Health & Human Performance
Email: alh-teachinglearning@unisa.edu.au