Please note: Scholarships and Grants are subject to change and are awarded based on conditions current at the time of award.
The Anthony and Robin Radford Family Student Grant will be awarded to an undergraduate student from a refugee background who demonstrates financial need. Applicants will be studying full time at any year level in one of the following undergraduate programs:
An Adelaide medical graduate, Professor Emeritus Anthony Radford A.M. was inspired to work in Papua New Guinea (PNG). He was the only doctor for up to 50,000 people and implemented courses in rural medicine and development in the Department of Health and later at the University of PNG. His wife Robin was involved in social work, community development and original research in local history. Anthony’s career spanned 5 continents and 45 countries and included refugee settlements to support those at risk in the world.
The grant funds are designed to assist recipients with their living and/or education expenses.
Eligibility and selection criteria:
Applicants must provide a written statement (maximum 500 words) detailing:
A refugee background is a person who has held, currently holds or has made an application for a protection visa, either a Temporary Permanent Visa, a Safe Haven Enterprise Visa, or Permanent Protection Visa. Applicants may currently hold a Bridging Visa or be in Community Detention.
The grant will be awarded based on the content of the written statement, financial need and demonstrated passion for their field of study.
How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships
Grant re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed
Important: When you apply for this grant, you will automatically be assessed against the eligibility criteria for all of the grants listed within the Refugee Grouped Grant table. Once you have submitted your online application via myScholarships, you will be contacted by the UniSA Scholarships team within 5-7 business days and advised what supporting documentation you are required to provide in order to be considered for the grant(s) that you have been deemed eligible for. Please note:
Value: $2,500
Two grants will be offered annually.
For more information contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
The Dr Terry Farquharson Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science Scholarship provides encouragement and support for commencing and continuing UniSA undergraduate pharmacy and pharmaceutical science students from an international background.
The eligible programs are:
An international background may be one of the following:
A refugee background is considered to be a person who has held, currently holds or has made an application for a protection visa, either a Temporary Permanent Visa, a Safe Haven Enterprise Visa, or Permanent Protection Visa. Applicants may currently hold a Bridging Visa or be in Community Detention.
The scholarship is aimed at students in financial need. Applicants in receipt of a means tested benefit from Centrelink should provide a copy of their most recent income statement. All applicants should address the aspect of financial need in their written statement.
Previous recipients of the scholarship are disqualified from reapplying in future years (students may receive the scholarship on only one occasion).
Recipients will receive a scholarship valued at $5,000 provided they continue to be enrolled and maintain satisfactory academic merit.
Applicants for the scholarship must:
Applicants are required to provide a written statement (maximum 500 words) outlining:
How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships
Scholarship re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed
Value: $5,000, payable in two equal instalments of $2,500 direct to the student following each census date (usually 31 March and 31 August).
For more information contact:
Ask Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
The Helen Berriman Scholarship is available to full-time and part-time first-year female students enrolled in the Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine (Honours) - 4 year program or the Bachelor of Biomedical Science - 3 year program.
The scholarship is valued at $40,000 for students undertaking a four-year program or $30,000 for students enrolled in a three-year program.
Eligibility and selection criteria:
To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must:
Applicants are required to provide a written statement (maximum 750 words) detailing:
Applicants must also provide documentary evidence of a means-tested Centrelink benefit or the UniSA Scholarship Income Assessment Form.
The scholarship will be awarded based on financial disadvantage and the written statement. The academic achievements of applicants will also be taken into consideration as part of the selection process.
How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships
Scholarship will not be opening for applications in 2025
Value: Up to $40,000 for students undertaking a four-year program or $30,000 for students enrolled in a three-year program. Pro-rata payment applies to recipients studying on a part-time basis.
Payment over the 3 or 4 year period will be in two instalments per year:
• $5,000 (paid after the census date for Study Period 2)
• $5,000 (paid after the census date for Study Period 5)
Ongoing payment is subject to enrolment checks and satisfactory academic progression.
For more information contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
The Joanne Megan Nursing Placement Grant provides financial support to regional and remote UniSA nursing students who aspire to undertake a final year placement in metropolitan Adelaide to further their career and nursing practice.
The grant is open for application to full-time and part-time stage 3 (final year) students enrolled in UniSA’s Bachelor of Nursing. In addition, to regional/remote location, applicants must be registered as an Enrolled Nurse and hold a Diploma of Nursing.
To be eligible for the grant, applicants must:
Applicants are required to provide a written statement (maximum 500 words) detailing:
Applicants in receipt of a means tested benefit from Centrelink should provide a copy of their most recent income statement. Applicants should ensure they address the aspect of financial need in their written statement.
The grant will be awarded based on information provided in the written statement. Applicants are not required to attend an interview.
How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships
Grant will not be opening for applications in 2025
Value: $2,500
For more information contact:
UniSA Clinical and Health Sciences
The Kathleen Heraghty Nursing or Midwifery Research Grant honours the life and work of the late Kathleen Heraghty (1965 – 2013). Kathleen was a dedicated midwife, leading lactation consultant and committed breastfeeding advocate, as well as a loving wife and mother to three children.
The Grant will support a second or third year student nursing or midwifery student, undertaking a vacation research placement with the Rosemary Bryant AO Research Centre.
The Grant will provide a “top-up” amount over eight weeks to support a recipient of the UniSA Vacation Research Scholarship undertaking a vocational scholarship placement at the Rosemary Bryant AO Research Centre.
Applicants for the Vacation Research Scholarship will be automatically assessed for The Kathleen Heraghty Nursing or Midwifery Research Grant.
Eligibility and Selection Criteria:
How to apply: Applicants for the Vacation Research Scholarship will be automatically assessed for The Kathleen Heraghty Nursing or Midwifery Research Grant.
Applications for the Vacation Research Scholarship open annually in August.
Value: $500 per week for eight weeks, up to a maximum of $4,000. Payment will align with the awardee’s placement commencement at Rosemary Bryant AO Research Centre.
This amount will be paid fortnightly.
This $500 is a ‘top-up’ payment, in addition to the Vacation Research Scholarship payment.
For more information contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
The Knucky-Ivy’s Strong Spirit Aboriginal Nursing Student Grant is available to Aboriginal students undertaking the second year of the Bachelor of Nursing.
The Grant provides financial support and encouragement for Aboriginal nursing students, enhancing their ability to complete their education and pursue successful careers in healthcare.
The Grant funds are unrestricted enabling recipients to direct funds to the area of greatest need (study costs, living expenses, placement costs, travel, or tuition fees).
Second-year students who have received credit for the first year are eligible to apply.
Eligibility and selection criteria:
To be eligible for the Grants, applicants must:
Applicants must provide a written statement (maximum 500 words) detailing:
The scholarship will be awarded based on the written statement outlining why the applicant would be a worthy recipient.
Applicants need to demonstrate financial disadvantage to apply for the grant. This can be done by providing evidence of current receipt of a Health Care Card and/or a means-tested Centrelink benefit e.g. Austudy, Abstudy, Youth Allowance, etc. Applicants not in receipt of government means tested benefits can complete the UniSA Scholarship Income Assessment Form, to support their application.
How to apply:
Applications are open through my Scholarships (via logging on to the myUniSA student portal).
$5‚000 in two instalments of $2‚500.
Scholarship recipients who are enrolled part-time will receive pro-rata payments.
For more information, contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
The Leahurst Nurses’ Foundation was incorporated in 2020 with the objective of supporting the nursing and midwifery professions in South Australia, including the establishment of placement grants in collaboration with South Australian universities.
Leahurst Foundation Final Year Midwifery Placement Grant provides financial support to students experiencing financial hardship, as a result of undertaking their final clinical placement in their undergraduate Midwifery degree.
The requirement to undertake this placement and subsequent financial hardship for the duration of the placement may include (but is not limited to) the loss of paid work (or reduction of paid work hours) the requirement to pay two sets of accommodation costs, the travel expenses required to relocate to a rural / remote area, the increased costs of childcare and the costs associated with ensuring private transport is reliable.
The Grant is available to full-time and part-time final year students enrolled in UniSA’s Bachelor of Midwifery who are enrolled in NURS 3053 Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Transition Practicum 5 (their final placement).
At the time of application, applicants should not currently hold any other scholarships or grants (administered by UniSA or an external body). At the time of selection, any applicant who receives a Leahurst Placement Grant and who has subsequently been successful in receiving another scholarship or grant (administered by UniSA or an external body), should disclose this and forfeit the Leahurst Placement Grant
Recipients receive a $2,000 grant payable in a single instalment after commencement of the placement during the final year of the Midwifery program.
Eligibility and selection criteria:
To be eligible for the grant, applicants must:
• Be enrolled in their final clinical placement of the undergraduate Bachelor of Midwifery.
• Be able to demonstrate financial hardship and/or anticipated financial disadvantage because of undertaking the placement.
• Have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.5 or above.
• Not be in current receipt of a student scholarship or grant
Applicants must provide a written statement (maximum 300 words) detailing:
• Location, timing, and duration of final year placements (if known).
• Financial disadvantage and how the grant funds will help to defray the costs of attending the final clinical placement.
• The name of any scholarships or grants currently held (or where an application is pending).
Applicants should address in the written statement the aspect of financial hardship incurred by the requirements of the final placement.
The placement grant will be awarded on the basis of financial need and academic merit. Applicants will be required to demonstrate financial hardship and/or anticipated financial hardship because of undertaking the placement, e.g additional costs associated with accommodation, travel and loss of income from not undertaking their usual employment during the term of the placement.
Preference may be given to Aboriginal applicants and those attending placement in a remote or regional location. Applicants are not required to attend an interview.
How to apply:
Applications are accessed through myScholarships (via logging on to the myUniSA student portal).
How to apply: Online applications will open 2 June 2025 to 30 June 2025 via my Scholarships
Value: $2,000 payable in a single instalment timed with the commencement of placement during the final year of the Midwifery program.
For more information contact:
UniSA Clinical and Health Sciences
Tel: (08) 8302 2756
The Leahurst Nurses’ Foundation was incorporated in 2020 with the objective of supporting the nursing and midwifery professions in South Australia, including the establishment of placement grants in collaboration with South Australian universities.
The Leahurst Foundation Final Year Nursing Placement Grant provides financial support to students experiencing financial hardship, as a result of undertaking their final clinical placement in their undergraduate Nursing degree.
The requirement to undertake this placement and subsequent financial hardship for the duration of the placement may include (but is not limited to) the loss of paid work (or reduction of paid work hours) the requirement to pay multiple accommodation costs, the travel expenses required to relocate to a rural / remote area, the increased costs of childcare and the costs associated with ensuring private transport is reliable.
The grant will be available to full-time and part-time final year students enrolled in UniSA’s Bachelor of Nursing.
At the time of application, applicants should not currently hold any other scholarships or grants (administered by UniSA or an external body). At the time of selection, any applicant who receives a Leahurst Placement Grant and who has subsequently been successful in receiving another scholarship or grant (administered by UniSA or an external body), should disclose this and forfeit the Leahurst Placement Grant.
Recipients receive a $2,000 grant payable in a single instalment timed with the commencement of placement during the final year of the Nursing program. Recipients enrolled on a part-time basis would receive the full grant value to help defray the costs of attending placement.
Eligibility and selection criteria:
To be eligible for the grant, applicants must:
Applicants must provide a written statement (maximum 300 words) detailing:
Applicants should address in the written statement the aspect of financial hardship incurred by the requirements of the final placement.
The placement grant will be awarded on the basis of financial need and academic merit. Applicants will be required to demonstrate financial hardship and/or anticipated financial hardship because of undertaking the placement, e.g additional costs associated with accommodation, travel and loss of income from not undertaking their usual employment during the term of the placement.
Preference may be given to applicants attending placement in a remote or regional location. Applicants are not required to attend an interview.
How to apply: Online applications open 9 June 2025 to 7 July 2025 via my Scholarships
Value: $2,000
For more information contact:
UniSA Clinical and Health Sciences
Tel: (08) 8302 2756
Value: $5,000
Payment will be made in two instalments of $2,500 with the first instalment being paid once the recipient has been determined, and the final instalment paid after the Placement Course Study Period census date (usually SP2 census date) provided the recipient continues to meet the grant criteria and maintains satisfactory academic progress.
How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships
Grant re-opening in 2025 is still to be confirmed
For more information contact:
Scholarships and Prizes Officer (Nursing and Midwifery)
UniSA Clinical and Health Sciences
Tel: (08) 8302 2756
The National Pharmacies Aboriginal Student Placement Scholarship is available to 2nd year students who enrolled in a Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours).
To be eligible for the grant, applicants must:
• be a continuing second year student enrolled full-time or part-time in the Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) program
• be an Aboriginal student and provide an Affirmation of Aboriginality
• have an interest in community pharmacy and desire to work as a community pharmacist upon graduation
• satisfactory academic progress
• submit a written statement supporting their application
(500-750 words) detailing:
- Connections to their Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community
- reasons for studying the Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) program
- future career goals within the pharmacy industry including interest in community pharmacy
- how receiving the grant and placement opportunity would help achieve these goals
- any previous and current work experience relating to pharmacy and/or retail industry
- community involvement and/or extracurricular activities/interests
- academic achievements
- willingness to attend a community pharmacy placement
• Submit a copy of their Curriculum Vitae
Shortlisted candidates will attend an online interview.
How to apply: Online applications open 24 January 2025 to 24 March 2025 via my Scholarships
Scholarship re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed
Value: $15,000
Scholarship recipients will receive the following payments:
• Each year for a maximum of 2 years:
- $2,500.00 after the Study Period 2 census date
- $2,500.00 after the Study Period 5 census date
• Upon acceptance of a placement at a National Pharmacies pharmacy
- $5,000.00
Ongoing payments are subject to maintaining satisfactory academic progress.
For more information contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
The National Pharmacies Community Regional Placement Scholarship is available to 2nd year students who enrolled in a Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours).
To be eligible for the grant, applicants must:
• be a continuing second year student enrolled full-time or part-time in the Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) program
• have an interest in community pharmacy and desire to work as a community pharmacist upon graduation
• have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.5 or above
• submit a written statement supporting their application
(500-750 words) detailing:
- reasons for studying the Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) program
- future career goals within the pharmacy industry including interest in community pharmacy
- how receiving the grant and placement opportunity would help achieve these goals
- any previous and current work experience relating to pharmacy and/or retail industry
- community involvement and/or extracurricular activities/interests
- academic achievements
- willingness to attend pharmacy placement in a regional area
• Submit a copy of their Curriculum Vitae
Shortlisted candidates will attend an online interview.
All pharmacy students are encouraged to apply however preference may be given to a student from a rural/regional area.
How to apply: Online applications open 24 January 2025 to 24 March 2025 via my Scholarships
Scholarship re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed
Value: $15,000
Scholarship recipients will receive the following payments:
• Each year for a maximum of 2 years:
- $2,500.00 after the Study Period 2 census date
- $2,500.00 after the Study Period 5 census date
• Upon acceptance of a placement at a National Pharmacies pharmacy in a regional location
- $5,000.00
Ongoing payments are subject to maintaining satisfactory academic progress.
For more information contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
The RAMIRA International Student Nursing Scholarship is available to full-time commencing international students of Indian origin enrolled in the Bachelor of Nursing.
Eligibility and selection criteria:
Applicants must provide a written statement (maximum 500-750 words) that includes:
Applicants must provide statements from two referees as character references, with at least one reference from a referee not connected to the applicant’s secondary school or university.
Applicants must attend an interview.
The scholarship will be awarded based on the written statement, two character references, and the interview. Preference will be given to students facing financial disadvantage.
Students may be in receipt of other scholarships or grants administered by UniSA.
How to apply: Online applications open via my Scholarships
Scholarship opening for application in 2025 is still to be confirmed
Up to $15,000 per recipient
$5,000 annually paid in instalments of:
Note: For 2024 only, applicants who commenced in Study Period 2 and Study Period 5 will both be considered. Payment of $5,000 will be made after Study Period 5, 2024 census date.
Ongoing payments are subject to satisfactory academic performance.
For more information, contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
The Resthaven Undergraduate Nursing Scholarship will be awarded to a full-time first-year or second-year UniSA student undertaking the Bachelor of Nursing program at any campus (includes Mt Gambier and Whyalla).
To be eligible for this grant‚ applicants must:
- Be studying full time.
- Be an Australian Citizen or be a permanent resident of Australia or New Zealand.
- Have a satisfactory GPA – 4.5 or above (not applicable to first-year students).
- Undertake a placement at Resthaven if one is offered.
- Demonstrate their interest in Aged Care as a career and in their studies.
- Be willing to speak constructively and positively about the important work that health care professionals undertake in aged care.
- Demonstrate financial hardship.
- Recipients are strongly encouraged to express a preference for Resthaven in any pre-allocation placement request and undertake at least one program placement at a Resthaven site. Recipients in first year should consider completing Experiential Learning Activity: Aged Care Practicum 2 (NURS 1071) at a Resthaven site. Recipients will be invited to meet with Resthaven soon after receiving the scholarship.
Applicants will be asked to provide a written statement detailing their career objectives‚ financial circumstances they would like taken into account‚ their interest in aged care‚ and how the scholarship will assist them in achieving their goals. Applicants may be required to attend an interview.
The recipients will receive $10‚000 over two years ($5‚000 per year) provided they maintain satisfactory academic progress.
How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships
Scholarship re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed
Value: $10,000 (paid in four instalments of $2,500 after the study period 2 and 5 census dates)
For more information contact:
Scholarships and Prizes Officer (Nursing and Midwifery)
UniSA Clinical and Health Sciences
Tel: (08) 8302 2756
The Resthaven 75th Anniversary Undergraduate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nursing Scholarship is available to full-time *Aboriginal students who are undertaking their first or second year of the Bachelor of Nursing program.
Applicants must have a genuine interest in aged care as a career and in their studies within the context of the needs of services for older Aboriginal people; and be prepared to undertake a placement at Resthaven or an Aboriginal specific service established for older Aboriginal people during their program.
Applicants must also be willing to speak constructively and positively about the important work that nurses do in aged care. Applicants will be asked to provide evidence of financial disadvantage and a written statement detailing your career objectives, your interest in aged care and how the scholarship will assist them in achieving your goals.
Recipients will be selected on the basis of financial disadvantage, academic merit (minimum GPA 4.5), a personal written statement and performance at an interview.
*From here on in the term Aboriginal is inclusive of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Value: Up to $10,000. $5,000 per annum will be paid in two instalments of $2,500, after the Study Period 2 and 5 census dates, over a period of two years. Payments are subject to satisfactory academic performance.
How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships
Scholarship re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed
For more information contact:
Ask Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
The Saara Fabig Scholarship is available to commencing full-time and part-time female students enrolled in the Bachelor of Nursing enrolled through the City East, Whyalla and Mount Gambier campuses. Applicants must have a regional background and be a single parent.
The scholarship is designed to provide assistance for three years and is not available to students who have received credit for first year and are therefore only required to complete two years of full-time study at UniSA.
Eligibility and selection criteria:
To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must:
Applicants are required to provide a written statement (maximum 750 words) detailing:
Applicants must also provide documentary evidence of a means-tested Centrelink benefit or the UniSA Scholarship Income Assessment Form.
The scholarship will be awarded based on financial disadvantage and the written statement. The academic achievements of applicants will also be taken into consideration as part of the selection process.
How to apply: Online applications will open Study Period 5 2025 via my Scholarships
Value: Up to $30,000 over 3 years. Pro-rata payment applies to recipients studying on a part time basis.
Two instalments per year over the 3 year period
• $5,000 (paid after the census date for Study Period 2)
• $5,000 (paid after the census date for Study Period 5)
Ongoing payment is subject to on-going enrolment and maintaining satisfactory academic performance.
For more information contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
SA Pathology will fund two scholarships to students in the fourth year of Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine.
To be eligible:
- Students must be in their fourth year studying full-time in the Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine
- be undertaking the Clinical Practice component of the program
- are not already a scholarship holder- be Australian Citizens or Permanent residents.
Scholarship recipients will be required to take up to12 months appointment in a regional SA Pathology laboratory as negotiated with the Head Regional Services (SA Pathology).
Applicants will be invited to attend an interview with the selection panel.
The interview will be based on the flowing criteria: demonstrated communication skills; vision for a career in Laboratory Medicine; a commitment to professional involvement; and a capacity to act in an ambassadorial role in furthering the program.
A scholarship will not be offered if there are no suitable applicants.
How to Apply: Applications open 1 Dec 2024 to 9 March 2025.
Applicants should submit an application form (link below)
Applicants must submit a scholarship application form‚ a one page written statement setting out how they would benefit professionally from being awarded a scholarship‚ two referees reports and provide proof of academic merit.
Completed applications to be sent to Karen O’Callaghan, Senior Academic Services Officer, Clinical & Health Sciences Unit –
Value: $2‚500
For more information contact:
Senior Academic Services Officer
UniSA Clinical & Health Sciences
Level 4 Playford Building
City East Campus
Tel: (08) 8302 2391
Fax: (08) 8302 2389
Five grants valued at $1,000 each are available to 3rd year Bachelor of Nursing students who are studying full time and undertaking 2 x 8 week field placements.
Recipients will be selected on financial disadvantage, academic merit and a personal written statement. Applicants must provide a written statement (max 500 words) demonstrating their passion for nursing, career goals, and how undertaking the field placements will result in financial disadvantage. Recipients must be willing to undertake a field placement at St Andrew's Hospital.
How to apply: Online open 27 January 2025 to 24 March 2025 applications via my Scholarships
Grant re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed
Value: $1,000 paid in two instalments of $500 after the Study Period 2 and 5 census dates provided the recipient continues to meet the scholarship conditions and maintains satisfactory academic progress.
For more information contact:
Scholarships and Prizes Officer (Nursing and Midwifery)
UniSA Clinical and Health Sciences
Tel: (08) 8302 2756
Awarded to a first year, full time, domestic student undertaking the Bachelor of Nursing or Bachelor of Midwifery program at any campus who is a graduate from the MIND Recovery College.
Students are to submit a 1000 word written statement outlining their career objectives, the reasons for wanting to become a nurse/midwife and how their lived experience will influence their ability to be an effective nurse/midwife.
The Scholarship funds will constitute the provision of textbooks and other equipment (e.g. nursing watches) required for first year study in the recipient's program. The academic unit will purchase these and provide them to the student. If the recipient withdraws from the program in first year, the textbooks and materials must be returned to the academic unit.
How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships
Grant re-opening in 2025 is still to be confirmed
Value: $1,000 towards textbooks/materials
For more information contact:
Scholarships and Prizes Officer (Nursing and Midwifery)
UniSA Clinical and Health Sciences
Tel: (08) 8302 2756