Whyalla and Mt Gambier

Key:  (click to filter by type)

Continuing Students
New Students
Students with a disability
Rural Students
Economically Disadvantaged
International Students
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander
High Achieving Students


Scholarship name Discipline area Value Who can apply

Beyond Bank Whyalla Study Support Grant

Aboriginal Pathway program or Foundation Studies $2,500     
Centacare Whyalla Social Work Placement Grant Social Work $2,500   
Country and Outback Health Whyalla Nursing Grant Nursing  $2,500   
Country and Outback Health Social Work Grant  Social Work $2,500    
Cowan Regional Grant All $5,000    
Cowan Regional Placement Grant Professional Experience Placement $2,500    
Cowan Regional Refugee Grant
All up to $5,000  
Department for Child Protection Social Work Grant Social Work $3,000    
Destination Australia Scholarship
All up to $30,000    
Destination Australia Scholarship (Round 4)
All up to $60,000    
Destination Australia Scholarship (Round 5) All up to $60,000    
Dr Brian Webby Whyalla Support Grant All $2,000   
Eddie Hughes Regional Education Grant All $1,000   
McLeod Toyota Regional Education Student Grant Education $3,000  
Naracoorte Lucindale Council Undergraduate Grant All $1,000   
Resthaven Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Allied Health Scholarship Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Psychology, Social Work $5,000 per annum, up to 2 years   
Richter Disability Support Service Access Grant All $2000     
Rotary District 9780 UniSA Grant All $3,000    
Uniting Country SA Social Work Placement Grant Social Work $2,500  
Uniting Country SA Social Work Study Support Grant Social Work $2500   
University of South Australia Scholarship for Student Leadership All up to $2,000  
Wattle Range Council UniSA Study Grant All $2,500  
Whyalla Business & Tourism Regional Education Student Grant Teaching $3,000    
Whyalla City Council Student Grant All $2,500    
Whyalla Regional Manager's Study Support Grant All $1000    


Beyond Bank Whyalla Study Support Grant

The Beyond Bank Whyalla Study Support Grant will be available to students studying an eligible program with UniSA College at the University of South Australia’s Whyalla campus.

Eligibility and selection criteria:

  • Australian Citizen‚ an Australian Permanent Resident or the holder of a Permanent Humanitarian Visa‚ Temporary Protection Visa‚ Bridging Visa similar visa for refugees.
  • Enrolled in one of the following UniSA College programs at the UniSA Whyalla campus:
    • Aboriginal Pathway,
    • Foundation Studies,
    • Undergraduate Certificate in University Studies, or
    • Any UniSA College Diploma.
  • Full-time or part-time study load.
  • Be experiencing financial disadvantage.
  • Submission of a written statement.

Applicants are required to provide a written statement (maximum 250 - 500 words) detailing:

  • Reasons for undertaking their UniSA College program and how the program supports their future aspirations.
  • Details of any financial or educational disadvantage they would like considered.
  • How the grant funds will benefit them and their study.
  • Work experience, community involvement and/or extracurricular activities.
  • Future career goals.

Applicants will need to demonstrate financial hardship, either by providing a current Centrelink Health Care Card and/or a means tested Centrelink benefit. Applicants not in receipt of government means tested benefits can complete the UniSA Scholarship Income Assessment Form, to support their application. 

The selection panel will review shortlisted candidates and select a recipient.

The grant will be awarded based on financial disadvantage and information provided in the written statement.

Recipients may be in receipt of another scholarship or grant administered by UniSA.

How to apply:  Online applications open 17 February 2025 to 24 March 2025 via my Scholarships

Grant re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed

Value: $2,500 (once-off payment)

For more information contact:
Heidi Freeman
UniSA Regional – Whyalla
Tel: (08) 8302 6049
Email: Heidi.Freeman@unisa.edu.au

Centacare Whyalla Social Work Placement Grant

The Centacare Whyalla Social Work Placement Grant will be awarded to a student enrolled in a Whyalla based Social Work program at the University of South Australia. The grant has been designed to assist students meet the costs of attending placement

Eligibility and selection criteria
• Australian citizen, permanent resident, or holder of permanent humanitarian visa
• full-time or part time enrolment in the Bachelor of Social Work - Whyalla (MBSW) or the Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) – Whyalla (MHSW)
• Currently enrolled as a Second- or Third-Year student undertaking upcoming Third- and Fourth-year placements. Preference will be given to second year students undertaking their third-year placement
• cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.5 or above
• provide a written statement addressing the points listed below
• commit to undertaking upcoming placement at Centacare Country Catholic SA (CCCSA) –
• attend an interview (either in-person or online)

Applicants must provide a written statement (500-750 words) detailing:
• reasons for studying their social work program
• future career goals and personal aspirations
• how the grant will support their study journey
• academic achievements
• previous and current work experience, community involvement and/or extracurricular activities
• willingness to conduct upcoming placement at CCCSA

To receive the grant, applicants must demonstrate a passion for their UniSA social work program, sound academic progression and have career goals aligned to the field in which CCCSA operates.

How to apply:  Online applications via my Scholarships

Grant re-opening in 2025 is still to be confirmed

Value: $2500 paid in two instalments. First payment at commencement of placement, with a second payment at completion of a successful mid-placement review.

For more information contact:
Heidi Freeman
UniSA Regional – Whyalla
Tel: (08) 8302 6049
Email: Heidi.Freeman@unisa.edu.au


Country and Outback Health Whyalla Nursing Grant

The Country and Outback Health Whyalla Nursing Grant will be awarded to a third-year nursing student studying at the University of South Australia’s Whyalla campus.

Eligibility and selection criteria:

To be eligible for this grant, applicants must:

  • Be an Australian citizen, Permanent Resident of Australia or holder of Permanent Humanitarian Visa.
  • Be enrolled full-time or part-time in the Bachelor of Nursing - Whyalla (IBNU).
  • Have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.5 or above.
  • Have an interest in Community Oriented Primary Health Care Nursing in regional areas.
  • Provide a personal written statement (max 500 words) addressing the points listed below.
  • Attend an interview if requested by the selection panel (either in-person or online).

Applicants must provide a written statement (maximum 500 words) detailing:

  • Reasons for studying their nursing program.
  • Future career goals and personal aspirations.
  • Academic achievements.
  • Previous and current work experience, community involvement and/or extracurricular activities.
  • Interest in Community Oriented Primary Health Care Nursing in regional areas.

Students may be in receipt of other non-industry scholarships or grants administered by UniSA.

To receive the grant applicants must demonstrate a passion for their UniSA nursing program and have career goals aligned to the industry in which Country and Outback Health operates. 

How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships

Grant will not be opening for applications in 2025

In addition to applying online, applicants are required to upload a written statement, as outlined above, via myScholarships.

Value: $2,500

Paid in one installment as follows:

  • $2,500 paid upon commencement of their NURS 3042 clinical placement block (Feb- March)

For more information‚ contact:

Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au


Heidi Freeman
UniSA Regional – Whyalla
Tel: (08) 8302 6049
Email: Heidi.Freeman@unisa.edu.au


Country and Outback Health Social Work Grant 

The Country and Outback Health Social Work Grant will be awarded to a fourth-year social work student enrolled in the Bachelor of Social Work program through the University of South Australia and will assist students meet the costs of attending placement.

Eligibility and selection criteria:
To be eligible for this grant, applicants must:
• Be an Australian citizen, Permanent Resident or holder of Permanent Humanitarian Visa.
• Be enrolled full-time in the Bachelor of Social Work
• Have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.5 or above.
• Commit to undertaking fourth-year placement at Country and Outback Health (COBH). The placement location can be negotiated with COBH depending on student circumstances.
• Provide a written statement addressing the points listed below.
• Attend an interview if requested by the selection panel (either in-person or online).

Applicants must provide a written statement (500-750 words) detailing:
• Reasons for studying their social work program.
• Future career goals and personal aspirations.
• Details and evidence of any financial or educational disadvantage they would like considered.
• Academic achievements.
• Previous and current work experience, community involvement and/or extracurricular activities.
• Willingness to conduct fourth-year placement at a Country and Outback Health regional location.

To receive the grant applicants must demonstrate a passion for their UniSA social work program and have career goals aligned to the field in which COBH operates.

Students may be in receipt of other non-industry scholarships or grants administered by UniSA. There is no restriction on the use of funds.

How to apply:  Online applications via my Scholarships 

Grant re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed

In addition to applying online, applicants are required to upload a written statement, as outlined above, via myScholarships.

Preference will be given to applicants who study at the Whyalla Campus.

Value: $2,500

Paid in two instalments as follows:

  • $1,250 paid at the commencement of placement
  • $1,250 paid at completion of successful mid placement review

Payment of second instalment is subject to recipient:

  • Maintaining full time enrolment
  • Maintaining satisfactory academic progress

For more information‚ contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au

Heidi Freeman
UniSA Whyalla Campus
Tel: (08) 86476049


Cowan Regional Placement Grant

The Cowan Regional Placement Grant is available to students who are studying full-time at the Mount Gambier campus of the University of South Australia, and are undertaking a professional experience placement as part of their program.

Applicants must be able to demonstrate evidence of financial disadvantage and provide a written statement detailing the location and duration of their placement and their future career goals. Placements must be for a minimum of two consecutive weeks in length and preference may be given to applicants who are undertaking a placement greater than four consecutive weeks. Applicants must be undertaking their placement in the year that they apply for the grant.

Please note that the grant will not be awarded retrospectively. Applicants must not have completed their placement prior to the application closing date.

Applicants who have received another placement grant administered by the University of South Australia or are receiving financial assistance from the University Department of Rural Health or Rural Clinical Training and Support programs are not eligible to apply.

Recipients will be selected on the basis of demonstrated financial disadvantage, academic merit (GPA) and a personal written statement. Preference may be given to applicants who have not received another Cowan Grant.

How to apply:  Online applications via my Scholarships

Grant re-opening in 2025 is still to be confirmed

Value: $2,500 to be paid in one instalment.

For more information please contact:
Miss Jan Discianni
Administrative Officer, UniSA Regional - Mt Gambier
UniSA Regional Hubs
Tel: (08) 830 28901
Email: Jan.Discianni@unisa.edu.au  


Department for Child Protection Social Work Grant

The Department for Child Protection Social Work Grant will be awarded to a third-year or fourth-year student enrolled in the UniSA Bachelor of Social Work (MBSW), or a first-year or second-year student enrolled in the UniSA Masters of Social Work.  The grant has been designed to assist students meet the costs of attending placement. 

At DCP’s discretion‚ and in addition to the grant payment of $3‚000‚ DCP may offer the recipient paid work during or outside the placement period. Any paid work will be remunerated at the award rate for students (per the relevant industry award or equivalent). 

Eligibility and selection criteria:

  • Be an Australian citizen, permanent resident, holder of permanent humanitarian visa, or an international student..
  • Have enrolment in the Bachelor of Social Work (MBSW) or Master of Social Work (MMSK).
  • Have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.5 or above.
  • Provide a written statement addressing the points listed below.
  • Commit to undertaking placement at Department for Child Protection during third year or fourth year of their undergraduate program or first year or second year of their postgraduate program.
  • May be required to attend an interview (either in-person or online).

Applicants are required to provide a written statement (maximum 500-750 words) detailing:

  • Reasons for studying their social work program.
  • Future career goals and personal aspirations.
  • Academic achievements. Previous and current work experience, community involvement and/or extracurricular activities.
  • Willingness to conduct placement at DCP.
  • Identifying preferred site location for undertaking placement; Port Augusta, Port Lincoln, Port Pirie, or Whyalla.

If‚ in the view of the selection panel‚ no applicant is sufficiently meritorious‚ no award shall be made.

Preference will be given to applicants who study in Whyalla Campus.

The grant will be awarded based on demonstrating passion for their UniSA social work program, sound academic progression and have career goals aligned to the field in which DCP operates.

Recipients may be in receipt of other non-industry scholarship or grant administered by UniSA. There is no restriction on the use of funds by the recipients.

How to apply:  Online applications via my Scholarships

Grant re-opening in 2025 is still to be confirmed

Value: $3,000
Payment will be in two instalments:

  • $1,500 (paid at the commencement of placement) 
  • $1,500 (paid at the completion of successful mid-placement review)

For more information contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au

Heidi Freeman
Email: Heidi.freeman@unisa.edu.au


Destination Australia Scholarship

The Destination Australia Scholarship assists students to complete their study at UniSA Whyalla or Mount Gambier campuses. It is offered to students who are enrolled in an undergraduate degree delivered at Whyalla or Mount Gambier Campus with UniSA. The scholarship is designed to offer students an opportunity to undertake high quality education and increase awareness of the benefits of living‚ studying and working in regional Australia.

Applicants must reside in the Whyalla or Mount Gambier campus region for the duration of their studies, have a full-time study load and be studying on-campus.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

  • Australian Citizen‚ Australian Permanent Resident or Permanent Humanitarian Visa
  • reside in Whyalla or Mount Gambier campus region for the duration of studies
  • students enrolled in a bachelor degree program delivered at the Whyalla or Mount Gambier campus
  • full-time study load
  • on campus program

 When assessing applications preference will be given to applicants who:

  • commencing a new undergraduate program in Study Period 2 2025
  • are experiencing financial disadvantage
  • are first in their family to undertake tertiary study
  • are an Aboriginal student
  • have a disability
  • are from a non-English speaking background
  • are relocating to study in the Whyalla or Mount Gambier region

Applicants will be required to provide proof of residential address in Whyalla or Mount Gambier region and‚ if relocating‚ proof of previous residential address.

Shortlisted applicants may be required to submit a written statement or attend an interview.

Successful applicants will be required to:

  • maintain residency in the Whyalla or Mount Gambier campus region
  • maintain full time on-campus enrolment
  • maintain satisfactory academic progress
  • be willing to act as an ambassador  

Where more eligible applications are received than there are scholarships available, the scholarships may be allocated in order of application submission.

How to apply:  Applications are accessed through my Scholarships (via logging on to the myUniSA student portal) from 22 January to 2 March 2025.


Ranges from $15,000 to $30,000 depending on the funds availability

Payment will be in two instalments per year:

$7‚500 paid after the census date for Study Period 2

$7‚500 paid after the census date for Study Period 5

 For more information‚ contact:

Campus Central

Tel: 1300 301 703

Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au   


Destination Australia Scholarship (Round 4)

The Destination Australia Scholarship (Round 4) assists students to complete their study at UniSA Whyalla or Mount Gambier campuses. It is offered to students who are commencing a new program of study at UniSA and enrolling in a program delivered at Whyalla or Mount Gambier Campus. The scholarship is designed to offer students an opportunity to undertake high quality education and increase awareness of the benefits of living, studying and working in regional Australia.

Applicants must reside in the Whyalla or Mount Gambier campus region for the duration of their studies and have a full-time study load and be studying on-campus.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

  • Australian Citizen, Australian Permanent Resident or Permanent Humanitarian Visa
  • reside in Whyalla or Mount Gambier campus region for the duration of studies
  • student enrolling in a new program of study delivered at the Whyalla or Mount Gambier campus
  • studying a program aligned to the Australian Government’s National Skills Priority List
  • full-time study load
  • on campus program

When assessing applications preference will be given to applicants who:

  • are experiencing financial disadvantage
  • are first in their family to undertake tertiary study
  • are an Aboriginal student
  • have a disability
  • are from non-English speaking background
  • are relocating to study in the Whyalla or Mount Gambier region

Applicants will be required to provide proof of residential address in Whyalla or Mount Gambier region and‚ if relocating‚ proof of previous residential address.

Shortlisted applicants may be required to submit a written statement or attend an interview.

Successful applicants will be required to:

  • maintain residency in the Whyalla or Mount Gambier campus region
  • maintain full time on campus enrolment
  • maintain satisfactory academic progress
  • be willing to act as an ambassador

How to apply:  This scholarship will not re-open for applications.


Four year program – Recipients receive up to $15,000 per year for up to four years

Three year program – Recipients receive up to $15,000 per year for up to three years

Payment will be in two instalments per year:

  • $7,500 (paid after the census date for Study Period 2)
  • $7,500 (paid after the census date for Study Period 5)

Where it is not possible to award all scholarships for one campus location these may be re-allocated to applicants from the other campus.

For more information‚ contact:

Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au


The Destination Australia Scholarship (Round 5)

The Destination Australia Scholarship (Round 5) assists students in completing their study at UniSA Whyalla or Mount Gambier campuses. It is offered to students who are commencing a new program of study at UniSA and enrolling in a program delivered at Whyalla or Mount Gambier Campus. The scholarship is designed to offer students an opportunity to undertake high-quality education and increase awareness of the benefits of living‚ studying and working in regional Australia.

Applicants must reside in the Whyalla or Mount Gambier campus region for the duration of their studies, have a full-time study load and be studying on-campus.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

  • Australian Citizen‚ Australian Permanent Resident or Permanent Humanitarian Visa
  • reside in Whyalla or Mount Gambier campus region for the duration of studies
  • student commencing a UniSA bachelor degree program for the first time delivered at the Whyalla or Mount Gambier campus
  • studying a program aligned with the Australian Government’s National Skills Priority List
  • full-time study load
  • on campus program

Applicants must meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • are experiencing financial disadvantage
  • low socio-economic status
  • are the first in their family to undertake tertiary study
  • are an Aboriginal student
  • have a disability
  • are from a non-English speaking background
  • are from a refugee background
  • are a single parent
  • have significant carer responsibilities
  • men undertaking an education / teaching program
  • Are Lesbian, Gay, Bi+, Transgender, Intersex, Queer and/or Asexual

Applicants must provide proof of residential address in Whyalla or Mount Gambier region.

Where a scholarship recipient’s programs includes study outside of the campus regional location (for example a placement) residency outside of the regional area is permitted for no more than one study period (not exceeding 6 months).

Shortlisted applicants may be required to submit a written statement or attend an interview.

Successful applicants will be required to:

  • maintain residency in the Whyalla or Mount Gambier campus region
  • maintain full-time on-campus enrolment
  • maintain satisfactory academic progress
  • be willing to act as an ambassador

How to apply: This scholarship will not re-open for applications.


Four-year program – Recipients receive up to $15,000 per year for up to four years

Three-year program – Recipients receive up to $15,000 per year for up to three years

Payment will be in two instalments per year:

  • $7‚500 (paid after the census date for Study Period 2)
  • $7‚500 (paid after the census date for Study Period 5)

Where it is not possible to award all scholarships for one campus location, these may be reallocated to applicants from the other campus.

For more information‚ contact:

Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au


Dr Brian Webby Whyalla Support Grant

The Dr Brian Webby Whyalla Support Grant assists undergraduate students studying at the Whyalla campus who are experiencing financial hardship. 

Dr Brian Webby was a valued member of UniSA STEM who played an important role within the UniSA Whyalla campus community.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Enrolled in any undergraduate program taught at the Whyalla Regional Campus (internal delivery).
  • Successful completion of first year (completion of at least 27 units including credit).
  • Australian Citizen‚ Permanent Resident of Australia.
  • Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.5 or above.
  • Full-time or part time study load.
  • Demonstrate financial disadvantage or hardship.

Applicants may be in second, third or fourth year. 

Applicants are required to provide a written statement (maximum 500 words) detailing:

  • Reasons for studying their UniSA Whyalla program.
  • Future career goals and personal aspirations.
  • Academic achievements (including first year results and GPA).
  • Local community involvement and/or extracurricular activities.
  • How the grant funds will be used to overcome financial constraints.

How to apply:  Online applications open 17 February 2025 to 24 March 2025 via my Scholarships

Value: $2‚000 (paid after the relevant census date awarded). Pro-rata payments will apply for part-time enrolment.

For more information contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au


Eddie Hughes Regional Education Grant

The Eddie Hughes Regional Education Grant is available to students enrolled full-time in any program at the University of South Australia's Whyalla Campus.

Applicants will be asked to provide a personal written statement (250 words) detailing their career objectives, their financial disadvantage, how the grant will contribute to success in their study and confirming that they are the first in their family to attend university.

Selection will be made according to the personal written statement and academic merit.

How to apply:  Online applications open 17 February 2025 to 24 March 2025 via my Scholarships

Grant re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed

Value: Up to $1,000. Paid in two instalments of $500 in the year the grant is awarded.  The first instalment is after the Study Period 2 census date and the second instalment is after the Study Period 5 census date, provided the recipient continues to meet the scholarship criteria and maintains satisfactory academic performance.

For more information please contact:
Heidi Freeman
UniSA Regional – Whyalla
Tel: (08) 8302 6049
Email: Heidi.Freeman@unisa.edu.au


McLeod Toyota Regional Education Student Grant

The McLeod Toyota Regional Education Student Grant is awarded to students studying an undergraduate education program at the University of South Australia’s Whyalla campus.

Eligibility and selection criteria
To be eligible for this grant, applicants must:

  • be an Australian citizen, permanent resident or holder of permanent humanitarian visa
  • be enrolled full-time or part-time in any Bachelor of Education program offered at the UniSA Whyalla campus
  • be in the second, third or fourth year of their program
  • be enrolled in one of the following courses:
    • Professional Experience 2
    • Professional Experience 3
    • Professional Experience 4
  • be scheduled to undertake their placement in the year the grant is awarded
  • provide a written statement addressing the points listed below

Applicants are required to provide a written statement (maximum 700 words) detailing:

  • reasons for studying their program
  • how the grant would support their regional education experience and impact their future career in education
  • academic achievement in their program to date
  • local community involvement and/or extracurricular activities
  • how the grant funds will be used to overcome financial or educational constraints

The grant will be awarded based on the written statement outlining why the applicant would be a worthy grant recipient.

If‚ in the view of the selection panel‚ no applicant is sufficiently meritorious‚ no award shall be made.

How to apply:  Online applications open 17 February 2025 to 24 March 2025 via my Scholarships

Grant re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed

Value: $3,000 after Study Period 2 census date (subject to enrolment checks and satisfactory academic progression)

For more information contact:

Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au


Heidi Freeman
UniSA Regional – Whyalla
Tel: (08) 8302 6049
Email: Heidi.Freeman@unisa.edu.au


Naracoorte Lucindale Council Undergraduate Grant

The Naracoorte Lucindale Council Undergraduate Grant provides encouragement and support for talented student from the Naracoorte Lucindale Council area studying an undergraduate degree at Mount Gambier campus.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

  • Australian Citizens or Australian Permanent Resident.
  • Have lived within the boundary of the Naracoorte Lucindale Council for at least 12 months.
  • Enrolled in an undergraduate program delivered at Mount Gambier campus.
  • Applicant must not have already attended or have a qualification from another university.
  • Full-time load.
  • Submission of a written statement.

Applicants are required to provide a written statement (maximum 500 words) detailing:

  • Reasons for studying their UniSA program and how the degree supports their future goals.
  • Local community involvement or extracurricular activities.
  • Academic achievements.
  • How the grant funds will benefit them and their study.
  • Financial and/or educational disadvantage (disclosed at applicant’s discretion).

To receive the grant, applicants must demonstrate an affinity with the Naracoorte Lucindale area, academic achievement and a passion for their UniSA program. Where applicants are equally ranked after consideration of the core criteria, preference may be given to applicants demonstrating financial and/or educational disadvantage.

Whilst there are no restrictions on the use of funds, the grant is designed to assist with the cost of undertaking a university program such as relocation costs, travel expenses, text books and the purchase of computer hardware / software.

How to apply:  Online applications via my Scholarships

Grant re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed

Value: $1‚500 paid after Study Period 2 census date (31 March)

For more information‚ contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au


Richter Disability Support Service Access Grant

The Richter Disability Support Service Access Grant assists students who have a disability to manage the additional expenses associated with studying with a disability. These expenses may include equipment, increased travel and limited ability to earn extra income whilst studying.

The Grant will be awarded to continuing students studying at the University of South Australia’s Whyalla campus.

Eligibility and selection criteria:

To be eligible for the grant, applicants must:

  • Be an Australian citizen, permanent resident or holder of a permanent humanitarian visa.
  • Have full-time or part-time enrolment in any undergraduate program offered at the UniSA Whyalla campus.
  • Be a continuing student in their second, third or fourth year of study.
  • Be living with disability.

Previous recipients of the Richter Disability Support Service Access Grant are not eligible.

Preference will be given to applicants who:

  • Demonstrate how they would use the grant to assist their studies.
  • Are involved in extracurricular activities on campus and / or in the community.

Applicants must provide a written statement (maximum 300 words) that includes:

  • How they would use the grant to assist their studies.
  • Participation in extracurricular activities on campus and / or in the community.

How to apply:
Applications are open 17 February 2025 to 24 March 2025 via my Scholarships (via logging on to the myUniSA student portal).

Grant re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed

$2000 one-off payment after Study Period 2 census date

For more information contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au


Heidi Freeman
UniSA Whyalla
Tel: (08) 86476049
Email: Heidi.Freeman@unisa.edu.au


Rotary District 9780 UniSA Grant

The Rotary District 9780 UniSA Grant will be awarded to two students attending the UniSA Mt Gambier campus who are enrolled full-time in the second year of their program.

The grant is open to students enrolled full-time in the second year of an undergraduate program. The scholarship will be awarded to a recipient with high academic achievement (Grade Point Average based on first year of 4.5 or above), a strong motivation to succeed, and demonstrated financial disadvantage.

Applicants are required to provide a written statement (maximum 500 words) detailing: 

  • Reasons for studying their current program.
  • Future career goals.
  • Evidence of community engagement.
  • Any financial disadvantage or hardship that the applicant would like taken into consideration.

To receive the scholarship, applicants must demonstrate a passion for their course, strong motivation to succeed, have clear future goals, and demonstrated financial disadvantage.

Students may be in receipt of another scholarship or grant administered by UniSA.

How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships

Grant re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed

Value: $2,000. Payments are split in two instalments of $1,000 each after the Study Period 2 and 5 census dates provided the recipient continues to meet the grant criteria and maintains satisfactory academic performance. 

For more information contact:
Miss Jan Discianni 
Administrative Officer
UniSA Regional - Mt Gambier 
UniSA Regional Hubs 
Tel: (08) 830 28901 
Email: Jan.Discianni@unisa.edu.au 


Uniting Country SA Social Work Placement Grant

The Uniting Country SA Social Work Placement Grant will be awarded to a social work student studying through the University of South Australia Whyalla campus and living in the region. The grant has been designed to assist students meet the costs of attending their upcoming placement.

To be eligible for this grant, applicants must:
• be an Australian citizen, permanent resident or holder of permanent humanitarian visa
• have full-time or part time enrolment in the Bachelor of Social Work - Whyalla (MBSW-WHY) or the Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) – Whyalla (MHSW)
• Currently enrolled as a Second- or Third-Year student undertaking upcoming Third- and Fourth-year placements. Preference will be given to second year students undertaking their third-year placement
• have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.5 or above
• provide a written statement addressing the points listed below
• commit to undertaking upcoming placement at Uniting Country SA – in Port Augusta, Port Pirie, or Whyalla only
• attend an interview (either in-person or online at the panels discretion)

Students undertaking a work-based placement (whereby the student is undertaking placement in an organisation where they are also a paid employee) are ineligible.

Applicants must provide a written statement (500-750 words) detailing:
• reasons for studying their social work program
• future career goals and personal aspirations
• academic achievements
• previous and current work experience, community involvement and/or extracurricular activities
• willingness to conduct upcoming placement at Uniting Country SA in Port Augusta, Port Pirie, or Whyalla

Aboriginal students will be encouraged to apply.

How to apply: Online applications  via my Scholarships

Grant re-opening in 2025 is still to be confirmed

Value: $2500. Recipients will receive 2 x $1,250 payments aligned to the timing of the placement at Uniting Country SA (subject to enrolment checks and satisfactory academic progression).

First payment to be scheduled once placement has commenced with the second payment scheduled after a successful mid placement review.

For more information contact:
Heidi Freeman
UniSA Regional – Whyalla
Tel: (08) 8302 6049
Email: Heidi.Freeman@unisa.edu.au


Uniting Country SA Social Work Study Support Grant

The Uniting Country SA Social Work Study Support Grant will be awarded to a first or second-year social work student enrolled in the Bachelor of Social Work program (MBSW - WHY) through the Whyalla campus of the University of South Australia and living in the region. The grant has been designed to encourage promising students to maintain enrolment and conclude their studies.

To be eligible for the grant, applicants must:
• be an Australian citizen, permanent resident or holder of permanent humanitarian visa
• have full-time or part time enrolment in the Bachelor of Social Work - Whyalla (MBSW-WHY) or the Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) Whyalla – (MHSW-WHY)
• first or second year student
• be experiencing financial or educational disadvantage
• have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.5 or above
• provide a written statement addressing the points listed below
• attend an interview (either in-person or online at the panels discretion)

Applicants must provide a written statement (500-750 words) detailing:
• reasons for studying their social work program
• future career goals and personal aspirations
• details of any financial or educational disadvantage they would like considered
• academic achievements
• previous and current work experience, community involvement and/or extracurricular activities

Applicants will need to demonstrate financial hardship to apply for the grant. This can be done by providing evidence of current receipt of a Health Care Card and/or a means-tested Centrelink benefit e.g. Austudy, Abstudy, Youth Allowance, etc. Applicants not in receipt of government means tested benefits can complete the UniSA Scholarship Assessment Form, to support their application.

Aboriginal students will be encouraged to apply.

How to apply:  Online applications via my Scholarships

Grant re-opening in 2025 is still to be confirmed

Value: $2500. Recipients will receive two payments of $1,250 in the year they receive the grant (subject to enrolment checks and satisfactory academic progression). Payment 1 after SP2 census date. Payment 2 after SP5 census date.

For more information contact:
Heidi Freeman
UniSA Regional – Whyalla
Tel: (08) 8302 6049
Email: Heidi.Freeman@unisa.edu.au


Whyalla Business & Tourism Regional Education Student Grant

The Whyalla Business & Tourism Regional Education Student Grant will be awarded to a continuing student studying at the University of South Australia’s Whyalla campus.

Eligibility and selection criteria:
To be eligible for the grant, applicants must:

  • Be an Australian citizen, permanent resident or holder of a permanent humanitarian visa.
  • Have full-time or part-time enrollment in one of the following Bachelor of Education program offered at the UniSA Whyalla campus:

            o Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Honours) (MHEC)
            o Bachelor of Primary Education (Honours) (MHPE)
            o Bachelor of Secondary Education (Honours) (LHSE)

  • Be a continuing student in their second, third or fourth year of study enrolled in either Professional Experience 2, 3 or 4 at the Whyalla campus and scheduled to undertake their placement in the year the grant is awarded.

Preference will be given to applicants who:

  • Demonstrate strong academic achievement in their current program.
  • Demonstrate how the grant would support their regional education experience and impact their future career in education.
  • Demonstrate how the grant funds will be used to overcome financial or educational constraints (evidence of financial or educational disadvantage must be included with the written application, e.g. applicants could provide Centrelink statement or Health Care card to demonstrate financial disadvantage, travel or accommodation expenses if home address is outside of Whyalla, costs associated with attending placement, etc.).
  • Are involved in local community and/or extracurricular activities.

Applicants must provide a written statement (maximum 700 words) that includes:

  • How the grant would support their regional education experience and impact their future career.
  • Their local community involvement and/or extracurricular activities.
  • How the grant funds will be used to overcome financial or educational constraints (evidence of financial or educational disadvantage must be included with the written application, e.g. students could provide Centrelink statement or Health Care card to demonstrate financial disadvantage, travel or accommodation expenses if a home address outside of Whyalla, costs associated with attending placement, etc.).

How to apply:
Applications are open 17 February 2025 to 24 March 2025 via myScholarships (via logging on to the myUniSA student portal).

Grant re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed

$3000 one-off payment after Study Period 2 census date

For more information contact:
Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703
Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au
Heidi Freeman
UniSA Whyalla
Tel: (08) 8647 6049
Email: Heidi.Freeman@unisa.edu.au


Whyalla City Council Student Grant

The Whyalla City Council Student Grant will be awarded to students studying at the University of South Australia’s Whyalla campus.

To be eligible for this grant, applicants must:

  • Be an Australian citizen, permanent resident or holder of a permanent humanitarian visa.
  • Have full-time enrolment in a program offered at the UniSA Whyalla campus (internal delivery).
  • Have resided in Whyalla or a locality in close proximity to Whyalla during year 12, or in the six-months prior to lodging an application to study at UniSA.
  • Have completed the requirements for the South Australian Certificate of Education or been admitted to a UniSA program via an alternative pathway (mature age students are eligible to apply).
  • Have applied and received an offer through SATAC for entry to the University, and not deferred their place for more than one year.
  • Applicants must not have already attended a tertiary or higher education institution.
  • Be able to demonstrate financial disadvantage.
  • Provide a written statement addressing the points listed below.

Applicants will need to demonstrate financial hardship to apply for the grant. This can be done by providing evidence of current receipt of a Health Care Card and/or a means-tested Centrelink benefit(s) e.g. Abstudy, Austudy, Youth Allowance, etc. Applicants not in receipt of government means tested benefits can complete the UniSA Scholarship Assessment Form, to support their application.

Applicants must provide a written statement (maximum 500 words) detailing:

  • Reasons for studying their UniSA program.
  • Future career goals and personal aspirations.
  • Academic achievements (including ATAR).
  • Local community involvement and/or extracurricular activities.
  • How the grant funds will be used to overcome financial constraints.

The grant will be awarded based on financial disadvantage and a written statement outlining why the applicant would be a worthy grant recipient.

How to apply:  Online applications open 17 February 2025 to 24 March 2025 via my Scholarships

Grant re-opening in 2026 is still to be confirmed

Value: $2‚500
Payment will be in two instalments:
- $1,250 (paid after the census date for Study Period 2)
- $1,250 (paid after the census date for Study Period 5)

For more information contact:
Heidi Freeman
UniSA Regional – Whyalla
Tel: (08) 8302 6049
Email: Heidi.Freeman@unisa.edu.au


Whyalla Regional Manager's Study Support Grant

The Whyalla Regional Manager's Study Support Grant is available to students enrolled full-time in second, third or fourth year of an undergraduate program at the Whyalla Campus.

Where possible the grants will be distributed to students representing the various programs available at Whyalla Campus. Applications from students who are required to travel from across the region to attend the Whyalla campus for their courses will be considered favourably. Students experiencing other financial or educational challenges such as attending placement are also invited to apply.

Applicants are required to provide a 500 word written statement outlining their financial or educational disadvantage such as travel or other challenging circumstances‚ and how the grant would assist them in their studies.

Recipients will be selected according to financial or educational disadvantage such as travel to campus or placement or other challenging financial circumstances by submitting a personal written statement describing their situation.

Applicants will be asked to provide documentation to support their application such as Centrelink statements or income information.

Academic merit may be taken into account.

How to apply: Online applications via my Scholarships.

Grant opening for applications in 2025 is still to be confirmed 

Value: $1000 each. Payment will be made in one instalment of $1000 after the SP2 census date in the year they receive the grant. Recipients must maintain full-time enrolment at Whyalla Campus and satisfactory academic merit.

For more information please contact:
Heidi Freeman
UniSA Regional – Whyalla
Tel: (08) 8302 6049
Email: Heidi.Freeman@unisa.edu.au
