Program & Course Management System User Guide
The Program & Course Management System (PCMS) is a central repository for all Programs and Courses offered by the University of South Australia. PCMS contains all Program and Course details and replaces the hard copy templates previously used for Programs and Courses. When approved, relevant data is automatically reused for other purposes such as marketing information to generate web pages that are accessible via the University website; course details flow through to the Course Outline, where up to 75% of the Course Outline content will be taken from PCMS; and Assessment components, which are utilised in learnonline’s Gradebook, where you will be able to provide marks for student’s assessment and roll up to a grade in Medici.
The PCMS User Guide provides help on what to include in each field in your PCMS proposal. It should be read in conjunction with the Program Approval Manual (PAM). The user guide notes are also accessible in context via the help icons in PCMS. 
Table of contents