Academic staff are responsible for the entry and approval of final marks and grades in the Result Entry web application. When results have been saved as approved in the Result Entry web application, they are also saved in the Medici Grade Roster, and picked up by an overnight batch process to post to the student record. The student can view this via their myUniSA account.
Result Entry can be found by navigating through the Staff Portal 'critical links' section (select Teaching to open the myCourses page). Once there you will need to select a Course and a Class. The Result Entry web application can only be used if summative assessment marks are recorded in the Moodle Gradebook. If you are having trouble accessing the correct grade roster, please see the Medici class scheduler in your Academic Unit for assistance.
Online Result Entry training is available for both professional and academic staff at the following location. This training contains instructional videos to provide 24/7 support for completing the result entry process in Medici and/or via the Result Entry web application.
Result entry user documentation for professional and academic staff is available on the User Guide - staff only webpage.
A list of reports is available to assist staff through the result entry/moderation period on the Reporting to support Result Entry SharePoint page. All reports are available from UniSA BI Reporting (navigation: UniSA Public > 15.0 Student Administration > 15.06 Grade Moderation).
Official Result Release dates are outlined for each study period on the academic calendar.
Detailed result entry timelines are available for each cohort and study period on the Result Entry and Exam Dates reference table located on the Exam SharePoint (refer to the Key dates and Schedule of Activities tile).
In accordance with clause 12 of the Final Grades and Notations Procedure, the conversion of blank and incomplete grades to a fail grade is scheduled to occur in March each year on student records for the year before last.
As outlined in clause 5 of the Variations to Assessments Procedure, secondary assessment may take the form of:
When granting a secondary examination, the timeline in which the student will undertake this is automatically allocated to the next available examination period.
This timeline is referred to as the Result Entry Deadline (RED) date. By default, the RED date is the official result release date of the next available examination period.
In most cases this will not need to be altered. If an extension is granted, a new result entry deadline will need to be selected and a reason for the extension will need to be provided (this will be recorded on Medici).
See Secondary assessments and your role as Course Coordinator​ for important key points in relation to secondary assessment processes (Staff access only).
Result entry frequently asked questions (Staff access only)
Assessment and Results (Assessment Policy and Procedures)
For further result entry support, Academic and Professional staff are welcome to contact the team at