Please note: Any system access or student data provided to you by SAS must only be used in accordance with UniSA’s Privacy Policy.
Before requesting access to Campus Solutions or SCMS for Adelaide University you must have an a-Number (e.g. a123456).
Please click the link and follow the instructions - Campus Solutions Access (**PowerApps)
Please click the link and follow the instructions - AU SCMS Access (**PowerApps)
Staff using Medici for the first time must first complete the training Introduction to Medici version 9.2
Student Information Systems Access (**PowerApp)
Form used to obtain access to Medici, AsureID and Scholarship Management System.
Student Data Access (**PowerApp)
Form used to obtain access to the my Teaching section of myUniSA and run online student data reports or to use Student Portal Emulation functionality. Please note Student Portal Emulation Access is only granted to SAS, IT HelpDesk and a few SEU staff, applications from other staff will be considered, but are generally denied.
mySupervision (HDR Staff Portal) (**PowerApp)
Form used only by Academics to obtain access to mySupervision. No other permission can be requested from this form.
Internal Exam (Databee) and Offshore Exam Management (**PowerApp)
Form used to obtain access to the Databee Exams Manager website or FileMaker Pro application.
Program and Course Management System (PCMS) (*PowerApp)
Form used to obtain editing access to the PCMS application.
Before you can apply for access, you will first need to successfully complete the online training module(s) relevant to your role to get a basic understanding of the system and the functions available to you.
Upon completion of the required training module(s), you will need to download the Certificate of Completion and attach it to your InPlace Access Request.
Important note: you will not be able to submit an InPlace Access Request until you have successfully completed the relevant training module(s).
Professional staff working in Work Integrated Learning teams must complete the following two online training modules in the listed order prior to apply for access:
Follow the instructions on the InPlace for Academics and Supervisors LearnOnline site to undertake the module applicable to your role.
Academic staff who have been advised to apply for Staff Read Only: Academic access need to complete Introduction to InPlace for Professional Staff and Work Integrated Learning Teams instead of the InPlace for Academics and Supervisors training:
Once you have successfully completed the relevant online training module(s) and downloaded the Certificate(s) of Completion, you can apply for InPlace access.
The InPlace Access Request form is used to obtain or change access to the student placement system, InPlace.
The form is to be submitted by;
InPlace Access Request (**PowerApp)
If you need assistance with completing the InPlace Access Request form, please contact your local WIL team.
** PowerApp form (by Microsoft) will request access to Office 365. Please click the "Allow" button if you are prompted. To prevent any processing delays, please let your Approver know the request will be come from email "" and is a legitimate email. Otherwise it could be caught in mimecast email security portal.
If you have any questions or issues regarding these forms please read the User Guide or then contact
Please note: The forms are updated frequently. Please access the forms from this page and do not store a local copy to avoid using outdated forms. All staff forms are for staff access only.
* Open InfoPath forms using Internet Explorer 11 only, they are not compatible with other browsers.
All University forms can be searched within the Find a Form database in the Staff Portal (Staff access only)
A number of staff forms are now in Web Forms format. To convert a form to an un-editable PDF before distributing, please see: Creating a read-only copy of a writeable PDF.