Band 2A

The cost of your education as a Commonwealth supported student is shared between what you pay and what the Government pays. .  As a Commonwealth supported student, the Commonwealth Government pays a part of the cost of your education and, as a student you pay a student contribution. Student contribution amounts are calculated per course. Courses are grouped into bands which attract different student contribution amounts. 

Your student contribution amount for each course is based on the band amount and the EFTSL1 value of the course.

Band 2A consists of courses in the following areas: visual and performing arts.

2024 Band fees for 1 EFTSL1

Area of Study Pre 2021 Students Students commencing from 2021
2A visual and performing arts



2023 Band fees for 1 EFTSL1

Area of Study Pre 2021 Students Students commencing from 2021
2A visual and performing arts




2022 Band fees for 1 EFTSL1

Area of Study Pre 2021 Students Students commencing from 2021
2A visual and performing arts



Student contribution amount for a course:

The formula for calculating your contribution amount for this course is:

 EFTSL1 value for the course x band amount

 As an example:

CREA 1014 has an EFTSL1 value of 0.1252 and is a band 2A course with a band amount of $6,865 for a pre-2021 student.
Therefore the student contribution amount you will be required to pay for this course is equal to:

0.125 (EFTSL value) x $6,865 (band amount) = $858.003.

Further Information

As part of the Job-ready Graduate Package, the Australian Government has changed the maximum student contribution rate for visual and performing arts courses by moving them from band 1 to band 2. Continuing students will not be disadvantaged by these changes. Students already studying in a Commonwealth supported place will have their student contribution amounts grandfathered.

Am I a pre-2021 student?

You are a pre-2021 student if:

  • You commenced a program before 1 January 2021 and were a Commonwealth supported student for a course in that program; and
  • You did not complete the program before 31 December 2020 (or if you did complete your program it was an enabling program or a program related to your current honours program; and
  • You have not changed programs since 2021.


For previous years, check the historical student contribution rates.

1 The EFTSL (Equivalent Full Time Student Load) value is a measure of the study load for a course, as a measure of the total required study load for a full year in undertaking your program on a full-time basis.

2 Please note all EFTSL values are published and calculated at ten decimal places. Values are displayed to three decimal places for ease of interpretation.

3 If the amount calculated consists of whole dollars and a number of cents, the amount will be rounded down to the nearest whole dollar.