This information does not apply to non-invigilated online exams.
Information for non-invigilated online exams is available from your Academic Unit.
If your exam is an invigilated online exam, your exam will be undertaken in your learnonline course site with invigilation provided by the RPNow secure browser proctoring service.
Check that you meet the following invigilated online exam requirements. This will ensure RPNow functions correctly prior to completing an exam.
System requirements - Ensure that your system requirements meet the standards outlined on the RPNow System Requirements webpage.
If you are studying from China it is strongly recommended you use the UniSA Provided VPN to improve performance and reliability of internet connection.
Are you enrolled in a UniSA course or a UO (UniSAOnline) course?
Make sure you click on the correct button below for your course enrolment. Using the incorrect link will result in you downloading the wrong version of RPNow and not being able to successfully begin your exam.
If you are unsure, please check with your UniSA Course Coordinator (UniSA) or your Online Course Facilitator (UO), or contact the SAS Exams & Results Team via email or phone (08) 830 22755.
If you are sitting a UniSA course exam, click below for the UniSA version of the Online Exams Preparation Guide. The prep guide includes access to the UniSA RPNow download link, and the UniSA Mandatory System Check and Training Quiz.
If you are sitting a UO (UniSAOnline) course exam, click below The prep guide includes access to the UO RPNow download link, and the UO Mandatory System Check and Training Quiz.
Be sure to review the exam rules for invigilated online exams so you are familiar with these before exam day.