An award program is a program where an award qualification is conferred upon a student following the successful completion of the program. The categories of award for non-research programs include: Associate Degree, Diploma, Bachelor Degree, Honours Degree, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Master Degree (by coursework) and Doctoral Degree (by coursework).
The name of the program usually includes the award type (if applicable). For example, a Bachelor of Commerce, or a Master of Marketing. To check the name of any programs you are enrolled in, login to myUniSA and look at the program name(s) on the my Current Studies page. Please note that if you are doing a Master Degree or Doctoral Degree with a 66% or higher research component, you are enrolled in a research program.
If you are still unsure what category you fit into, please contact Campus Central.
CELUSA specialises in providing high-quality Academic English (AE) language preparation programs for international undergraduate and postgraduate students. The CELUSA Academic English (AE) program is for students looking to develop their skills to meet the English language admission requirements necessary for academic study at the University of South Australia, the South Australian Institute of Business and Technology (SAIBT) and the Le Cordon Bleu Academy of Hospitality (LCB).
If you are still unsure what category you fit into, please contact SAIBT or CELUSA.
If you are still unsure what category you fit into, please contact Campus Central.
Many courses offered at UniSA can be studied internally or externally. A course is considered external if it does not include any direct face to face component(s). Students receive teaching materials and submit assessment tasks by mail or via electronic means. External mode includes online, distance education, industry placement or directed research. Virtual classrooms are deemed to be an external mode of delivery.
If you are unsure whether your course is internal or external, please contact Campus Central
Incoming Student Exchange students are international students who are currently undertaking their undergraduate degree at a participating university or partner institution in their home country and who come to UniSA to complete part of their study on a short-term basis.
If you are still unsure what category you fit into, please contact Campus Central.
Many courses offered at UniSA can be studied internally or externally. A course is considered internal if it involves direct face to face component(s) such as lectures, tutorials, practicals, workshops or seminars.
If you are unsure whether your course is internal or external, please contact Campus Central.
You are an international student if you are studying a program directly with UniSA but are not an Australian citizen, New Zealand citizen or holder of a permanent visa. This includes students who are in Australia on a temporary visa (including a temporary protection visa) and are studying in Australia.
If you are still unsure what category you fit into, please contact Campus Central.
You are enrolled in a non-award, cross institutional or audit course if you were required to complete an Application for Admission (Non Award/Audit/Cross Institutional) before being admitted. Read more about each enrolment type below. If you are still unsure what category you fit into, please contact Campus Central.
An offshore student is one who is studying a UniSA program in an offshore location under a collaborative agreement with a partner organisation, business or educational institution.
If you are still unsure what category you fit into, please contact Campus Central.
You are enrolled in a research program if you are enrolled in a higher degree by research (HDR) program, including PhD, Master of Research and those Professional Doctorate programs that contain more than 66% research.
If you are still unsure what category you fit into, please contact Campus Central
South Australian Institute of Business and Technology (SAIBT)
The alternative pathway into UniSA undergraduate degree programs. SAIBT Diploma courses are equivalent to the University of South Australia's first year bachelor degrees.
If you are still unsure what category you fit into, please contact SAIBT
You are enrolled in a Short Program if you are in a program of study that does not lead to the conferral of an award of the University. Such a program may consist of one or more courses. Short programs are usually professional in nature or undertaken for a specific purpose, and will culminate in the issuing of a certificate of recognition or attainment such as a Professional Certificate.
If you are still unsure what category you fit into, please contact Campus Central.
You are enrolled in the UniSA College if you are enrolled in a strand of the UniSA Foundation Studies program or one of the Diplomas in Allied Health, Arts or Science & Technology. UniSA Foundation Studies is a free, one year program for students with no previous qualifications. Students learn the skills required for successful university-level study. On completion of the program, students may use their grade point average (GPA) to apply for entry into a university degree.
If you are still unsure what category you fit into, please contact Campus Central.
Units represent the hours of student work required for a course. One unit represents approximately 35 hours of student work, including contact and non-contact time. The unit value of each course you are currently enrolled in available from myUniSAon the my Current Studies page under Units.
If you are still unsure what the unit value of your current course enrolments are, please contact Campus Central.