How will it be spent?

Ongoing updates about the use of the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) revenue will be published here to inform students how the revenue will be spent, and later, what impact it has had on the University community. 

How will SSAF be spent in 2025?



2025 Budget*

Students Association

Funding to support the operation of the University of South Australia Students' Association, USASA. USASA deliver the key functions of student representation and voice, student advocacy, support for social & academic clubs, off-campus social activities, student media and magazine.


Student Engagement Activity (Uni-Wide)

Funding to support the delivery of the university’s Student Engagement strategy and the activities of the Student Life team who deliver the strategy and coordinate non-academic student experience activities across the university. This includes key services such as Counselling, Orientation and Transition, and Study Support (Studiosity).


Student Wellbeing Project

Development of a Mental Health Framework for students


Students’ flu vaccinations


Careers Strategy

Funding to further implement the key initiatives of Leadership and Volunteering in the Community including the services delivered by Careers Services.


UniSA Sport

Funding to support UniSA Sport and the delivery of the University's sport strategy including supporting student recreation and sport clubs, participation in university games events, delivery of on campus events and sport activities and generally promoting the benefits of sport and a healthy lifestyle.


Whyalla Activity Fund

Funding to support student experience events & activities at the Whyalla campus.


Mt Gambier Activity Fund

Funding to support student experience events & activities at the Mt Gambier campus.


Student Insurance

Personal Accident Insurance for Students.




*SSAF funds carried forward from the previous year will be used to cover the above costs in 2025

Feedback on proposed priority areas

All students are invited to give feedback on the proposed areas of SSAF expenditure via

Possible uses of the SSAF revenue

The legislation stipulates that the SSAF revenue may only be used to fund the following services:

  • providing food or drink to students on a campus of the higher education provider
  • supporting a sporting or other recreational activity by students
  • supporting the administration of a club most of whose members are students
  • caring for children of students
  • providing legal services to students
  • promoting the health or welfare of students
  • helping students secure accommodation
  • helping students obtain employment or advice on careers
  • helping students with their financial affairs
  • helping students obtain insurance against personal accidents
  • supporting debating by students
  • providing libraries and reading rooms (other than those provided for academic purposes) for students
  • supporting an artistic activity by students
  • supporting the production and dissemination to students of media whose content is provided by students
  • helping students develop skills for study, by means other than undertaking courses of study in which they are enrolled
  • advising on matters arising under the higher education provider's rules (however described)
  • advocating students' interests in matters arising under the higher education provider's rules (however described)
  • giving students information to help them in their orientation
  • helping meet the specific needs of overseas students relating to their welfare, accommodation and employment

UniSA may choose to deliver services and amenities itself or contract a third party to deliver services and amenities on its behalf.