Academic dress

All graduands participating in a ceremony are required to wear the appropriate academic dress for their University of South Australia award.

  •  You can hire academic dress for your ceremony from the University by selecting the appropriate option in the myPreferences section of myGraduation.
  • The academic dress hire fee of $50.00 will be charged to your student account and must be paid prior to the day of your ceremony.
  • The appropriate academic dress will be available for collection at the venue on the day of your ceremony and UniSA staff will be available to assist you with fitting.

If you wish to purchase and keep your own academic dress we recommend Blashki who can supply the appropriate academic dress items for all UniSA degrees.

If you wish to hire or purchase your academic dress from another source please take care to ensure that you obtain the correct type of gown, hood and mortarboard (if applicable) as the style of gown and hood differs at each university.

Please note: If you arrive at your graduation ceremony with the incorrect academic dress items you will not be permitted to wear these at the ceremony and in order to participate you will need to pay the $50 hire fee on the day to hire the correct items at the venue.

It is important to remember that graduation gowns are open at the front and so the clothing you wear to your graduation ceremony will be visible as you walk across the stage.

  • Neat, business attire is most appropriate, with a shirt and tie recommended for male graduates.
  • As the ceremony is a formal occasion it is best to avoid jeans, shorts and sneakers.
  • Please also note that a mortarboard must be worn as part of academic dress for all awards except for PhDs and Professional Doctorates who wear a bonnet, which should be kept in mind when planning your hair style.

Academic dress for use at a graduation ceremony

  • Go to myGraduation to hire academic dress for your graduation ceremony and select the appropriate option in myPreferences.

University of South Australia graduates may also hire academic dress at other times throughout the year from the University, please contact Graduations to arrange this.

Please note: this form should not be used for hiring academic dress for use at a graduation ceremony.

Qualification Academic dress
Doctor of Philosophy Oxford style black gown with red facing on the front of the gown and around the sleeve cuffs. Black Oxford style hood, fully lined with red, with gold edging. Black Tudor bonnet with black tassel.
Professional Doctorates Oxford style black gown faced with discipline colour (as per undergraduate degree) on front of gown and around sleeve cuffs. Black Tudor velvet bonnet with black tassel. Black Oxford style hoods, lined with discipline colour and edged with gold.
Masters Oxford style black gown. Black Oxford style hood fully lined with blue, with gold edging. Black mortarboard with black tassel.
Graduate Diplomas Cambridge style black gown. Black mortarboard with black tassel. Red stole with gold edging and two stripes.
Graduate Certificates Cambridge style black gown. Black mortarboard with black tassel. Blue stole with gold edging and one stripe.
Undergraduate Degrees Cambridge style black gown. Black mortarboard with black tassel. Black Oxford style hood lined with the discipline colour.
Associate Degrees Cambridge style black gown. Black mortarboard with black tassel. Gold stole with blue edging.
Diplomas Cambridge style black gown. Black mortarboard with black tassel. Silver stole with blue edging.
Undergraduate Certificate Cambridge style black gown. Black mortarboard with black tassel. Blue stole with red edging.

Discipline colours

Discipline Colour
Agricultural, Environmental and related studies Orange
Architecture and Building Silver
Creative Arts Light Blue
Education Purple
Engineering and related technologies Green
Health Sciences Red
Information Technology Beige
Management and Commerce Burgundy
Natural and Physical Sciences Pink
Society and Culture Yellow


Mortarboard tassels for Indigenous Australian students

The University of South Australia is proud of its commitment to Australian Reconciliation. To enable Indigenous Australians to have their ancestry recognised during graduation ceremonies, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students have the option of wearing a mortarboard with a tassel incorporating the colours of the respective flags at their ceremony (red, black and gold for Aboriginal students and blue, green and white for Torres Strait Islander students). Relevant students will have the option of choosing their tassel option in the myPreferences section of myGraduation.