Exams can be very stressful, so planning for your exams is very important. You should plan and prepare for your exam well in advance to avoid surprises and alleviate any stress.
To help you be fully prepared for your exam, confirm the mode of your exam on your course outline, learnonline course site and Course Coordinators. Exams can be offered in the following modes:
Important information about invigilated (RPNow) online exams is available here.
Check when the exam timetable will be published. This information is available on the exam timetable and release dates web page.
There are 3 ways you can view your exam timetable*:
Students will be sent a personal exam timetable to their UniSA student email address on exam timetable release date.
Course timetable
This allows students to search by course to see the exam date, time and location description.
Personal timetable website
This timetable shows the student their individual timetable including the date, time and location description (this is the same information as the personal exam timetable email)
For information on non-invigilated online exams, please go to your course site in learnonline. Further information can be accessed via ask Campus Central.
Typically students will sit their invigilated online exam at home, at a table or study desk.
If you don’t have an appropriate space at home, the UniSA Library may be able to help with a quiet on-campus space to sit your exam. For invigilated online exams you will need to bring a laptop that meets RPNow requirements. UniSA library computers and laptops cannot be used for invigilated online exams. If booking an on-campus space for your invigilated online exam please ensure:
We recommend watching the 'Using RPNow Software' video located in the 'How RPNow Works' tab of the Online Exams Preparation Guide. The correct guide for your enrolment is available from the Invigilated Online Exams page:
Some quick TIPS are listed below:
When sitting an invigilated online exam, the room you are taking your exam in is considered the 'exam room' and you are limited to what you can have with you. Strict penalties apply if you have unauthorised materials in the exam room during your exam.
You MUST have…
In addition, you may wish to have in arms reach
Do NOT have ....
The following items must not be in the exam area or used during your invigilated online exam, unless otherwise stated as permitted materials for the specific exam. Your Online Course Facilitator/Course Coordinator will advise.
View the Online Exam Rules here.
Possession of unauthorised items
The possession of unauthorised items in the exam room is a breach of examination procedures.
If non-approved materials are identified, your exam sitting will be flagged for suspicious activity or a rules violation. A breach report will be forwarded to the Course Coordinator/Online Course Facilitator and Academic Integrity Officer for investigation.
More information about conduct in examinations can be found in the Examinations Procedure.
All on campus face-to-face exams are managed within the Academic Unit. Your Course Coordinator will provide the specific details for your exam such as the venue details and any permitted materials. Any queries regarding the arrangements should be referred to the Course Coordinator or Academic Unit.
The following information will assist in planning and preparing for your exam.
To assist you with working out your travel plans, check out the Explore our campuses webpage which includes campus maps, transport and parking information.
TIP: We suggest you leave home early to allow extra time for unexpected travel delays.
You are limited to what you can take into an exam venue and strict penalties apply if you take unauthorised materials into an exam.
You will not be able to bring handbags, rucksacks, mobile phones, smart watches or any wearable electronic devices into the exam room; please leave these at home. To keep yourself out of strife, see below for a more detailed list of what NOT to bring.
If you do bring these items, you may be instructed to place them into a bag room and risk being late for the start of your exam.
All items brought into the examination venue will be checked for enhancement or tampering.
You MUST bring …
In addition, you may wish to bring
Do NOT bring …
Also permitted – noting these will be checked for tampering …
Possession of unauthorised items ...
The possession of unauthorised items in the exam venue is a breach of examination procedures.
A search of ALL items brought into the exam venue will be conducted.
If non-approved materials are found in your possession, they will be removed, and a breach report will be completed and sent to your Course Coordinator and Academic Integrity Officer.
Note: The University of South Australia takes no responsibility for any loss or damage to property brought into the exam venue.
More information about conduct in examinations can be found in the Examinations Procedure.