In the first instance, please contact your local IT Support by logging an IT Help Desk Request.
A suitable Document Output Device for the workplace needs to be selected. Please click here for guidelines to help with choosing a device.
Once you have selected the device best suited to your needs, please obtain a FujiFilm Innovations Australia Pty Ltd quote from here.
It is important that you seek written financial approval for this purchase in accordance with the Vice Chancellor's Authorisations. Please note, PD Fund Cost Centres can be used for the initial purchase of the Document Output Device but not used for the ongoing 5 year commitment for click charges.
One this has been obtained, please raise a Purchase Order in FinanceOne containing the following information:
The machine Model number and the selected accessories
Exact delivery address for the machine
When sending your Purchase Order to the supplier, please use the email template (click here) to ensure that you include all of the relevant details to allow the order to be processed in a speedy and efficient manner.