FAQs on Industrial and Medical Gases

There will be no changes to the ordering process at this stage. Both BOC and Coregas were the University's preferred suppliers so if you have been purchasing from either BOC and Coregas, the same ordering process applies.

The University is recommending the use of contracted suppliers. Using contracted suppliers ensure that the University gets the best value for money as prices have been negotiated and agreed at the point of signing the contract.

It is preferred that Purchase Orders are raised in FinanceOne when required by the supplier or when the purchase is greater than $10,000. A Purchase Order acts as a contractual agreement between the supplier of the goods/services and the University.

Contracted suppliers have secure online ordering systems, making online purchasing quick and easy task for staff. This includes browsing the online catalogue, adding items to the shopping basket, stating special delivery instructions and placing repeat orders at the click of a button.

The suppliers are available to conduct training for all University staff, including new or existing staff requiring further assistance.

Please contact StrategicProcurement@unisa.edu.au and provide the following:

  • Cost Centre details
  • Area/Business Unit/Academic Unit you will be ordering from
  • Physical delivery address
  • Financial approval with the Vice Chancellor's Authorisations.