Ref | Name | Used for | Contact |
FS03 | Payment Request |
Paying an individual or reimbursement to an individual or Supplier with no ABN tax invoice. [All tax invoices must be emailed to ; if you are a University staff member seeking a reimbursement for out of pocket expenses, please refer to the Staff Reimbursements process] |
Accounts Payable |
Vice Chancellor's Authorisations | Information regarding the University's VCA framework | Risk and Assurance Services |
Ref | Name | Used for | Contact |
FS61 | Intangible Asset Assessment Form | Used to determine whether software purchase, customisation and implementation projects meet the capitalisation requirements as an intangible asset, including cloud based services | Stephaine Chan |
FS64 | Asset Disposal | Used to record the disposal of an items held on the Fixed Asset Register | Jasim Ali |
FS65 | Asset Addition | Used for the recognition of new items to be added to the Fixed Asset Register | Jasim Ali |
FS66 | Asset Relocation | Used to update the location details of an item held on the Fixed Asset Register | Jasim Ali |
FS68 | Multi Asset Disposal | Used to record the disposal of multiple items held on the Fixed Asset Register | Jasim Ali |
FS69 | Assets Loan Agreement & FBT Declaration | Used when loaning assets to staff members or other areas | Kristian Thoroughgood |
Ref | Name | Used for | Contact |
FS52 | Applying for an University credit card | Elyse Perin | |
FS56 | Unavailable Documentary Evidence Declaration | To be completed when a Tax Invoice / Receipt for a transaction is not available as evidence | Elyse Perin |
FS57 | Authority to Recover Credit Card Non-Business Expense Money Owed | To be completed when you have acquitted all the transactions made from a Cash Advance and need to reimburse the remainder of the Cash Advance to the University. | Elyse Perin |
To be used when requiring a Justice of the peace signature | |||
Vice Chancellor's Authorisations | Information regarding the University's VCA framework | Risk and Assurance Services | |
Currency Converter |
Ref | Name | Used for | Contact |
FS08 | Maintenance of Chart of Accounts | Changes to the chart of accounts in Finance One | Bonny Cheng |
FS10 | Maintenance of Item Codes (updated December 2023) | Changes to item codes in Finance One | Philippa Pedlar |
FS11 | Journal Upload Sheet - Non GST | Template to be used for uploading journal entries into FinanceOne | Daniela Kuckhahn |
FS22 | Request for Access/Change to Finance One | Access to the financial system - FinanceOne | Bonny Cheng |
Vice Chancellor's Authorisations | Information regarding the University's VCA framework | Risk and Assurance Services |
Ref | Name | Used for | Contact |
FS23 | Student Placement Insurance | Insuring students on placement | Greg Sharon |
FS24 | Student Incident Report | Incident report for students on placement or other Uni related activity | Greg Sharon |
FS33 | Outside Directorships | Approval for holding and Outside Directorship on behalf of UniSA | Greg Sharon |
Impairment Form - Unimutual | Notify insurer of Impairment which exceed 12 hours | Greg Sharon |
Ref | Name | Used for | Contact |
FS09 | Vendor Account Request |
Requesting creation of a new vendor or changes to an existing vendor account. Please refer to the:
Vendor Maintenance |
FS60 | Contract and Tender Received |
Listing contracts / tenders received (only for hard copy submission) |
Hai Quan |
SBS | Statement by Supplier Form |
For payments above $75, to avoid withhold the No ABN Withholding tax. The University requires all suppliers who do not quote an ABN to sign a SBS form. |
Kristian Thoroughgood |
Ref | Name | Used for | Contact |
FS17 | Loan of NAB EFTPOS Terminal agreement | Request to borrow EFTPOS Terminal | Rosanne Rigon |
FS18 | Miscellaneous Payment | Paying back money to the University | Accounts Receivable |
FS19 | Sales Invoice Request |
This form should not be used for the following:
Rosanne Rigon |
FS20 | Request to write-off outstanding debt | Write-off outstanding debt authority | Rosanne Rigon |
FS20A | Request to write-off outstanding student debt | Write-off outstanding debt authority | Rosanne Rigon |
FS21 | Request for a Credit/Adjustment Note | Cancelling an invoice | Rosanne Rigon |
FS29 | New Pay UniSA Line Item Request | New Pay UniSA Line Item Request Form | Finance Systems |
FS41 | Funding Source Confirmation | Document and update the Corporate Allocations (Recurrent and Non-Recurrent) | Sharmi Bhatia |
Vice Chancellor's Authorisations | Information regarding the University's VCA framework | Risk and Assurance Services |
Ref | Name | Used for | Contact |
FS28 | Independent Contractor | Information on engaging and paying an independent contractor in UniSA (RTF file) links to contract templates for companies, contractors with ABNs, overseas individuals, and individuals (staff access only) |
Finance - Contractor Review |
FS71 | FBT entertainment assessment | Kristian Thoroughgood | |
FS75 | Expensing Internation Tax Form | Kristian Thoroughgood | |
SBS | Statement by Supplier (SBS) Form | Kristian Thoroughgood |
Ref | Name | Used for | Contact |
BTR | Business Travel | To create a new Business Travel Request and to Maintain your traveller profile. Travellers and Travel Arrangers will be able to see a list of all travel requests (unsubmitted, current, pending diary finalisation and completed travel) from this page | Joanne Amey |
FS26 | Travel Calculator Indicative rates for:
To estimate a cash advance - guide only | Accounts Payable |
FS27 | Cash Advance Approval | For travelling staff who do not hold a UniSA Credit Card, to obtain approval for a Cash Advance. | Accounts Payable |
FS32 | Medical Request | Booking a medical consultation for travel | Joanne Amey |
FS36 | Cash Advance Record - Instructions | To record cash expenditure | Accounts Payable |
FS38 | Cash Advance Summary Sheet - Instructions | Summarising the cash advance expenditure | Accounts Payable |
FS39 | Accounts Payable Cash Advance Acquittal | Acquitting the cash advance via Accounts Payable | Accounts Payable |
FS89 | International High Risk Travel Questionnaire |
This form assists the University to determe whether to permit travel to and/or remain in countries with a DFAT Alert Level 3 and 4 (DFAT advice is “reconsider your need to travel” or “do not travel”). Please be advised that there are specific exclusions that apply in relation to travel insurance coverage for staff and students travelling to or remaining in DFAT Alert Level 3 and 4 regions. |
Joanne Amey |
Vice Chancellor's Authorisations | Information regarding the University's VCA framework | Risk and Assurance Services | |
Currency Converter |
Ref | Name | Used for | Contact |
FS03 | Payment Request |
Paying an individual or reimbursement to an individual or Supplier with no ABN invoice. |
Accounts Payable |
FS08 | Maintenance of Chart of Accounts | Changes to the chart of accounts | Nicola Fountain |
FS09 | Vendor Account Request | Requesting creation of a new vendor or changes to an existing vendor account.
Please refer to the:
Vendor Maintenance |
FS10 | Maintenance of Item Codes (updated December 2023) | Changes to item codes | Philippa Pedlar |
FS11 | Journal Upload Sheet - Non GST | Template to be used for uploading journal entries into FinanceOne | Daniela Kuckhahn |
FS17 | Loan of NAB EFTPOS Terminal agreement | Request to borrow EFTPOS Terminal | Rosanne Rigon |
FS18 | Miscellaneous Payment | Paying back money to the University | Accounts Receivable |
FS19 | Sales Invoice Request |
Requesting a sales invoice which contains a wizard to provide assistance with determining a suitable GST code (T, F, I, N, E). Please refer to the:
Rosanne Rigon |
FS20 | Request to write-off outstanding debt | Write-off outstanding debt authority | Rosanne Rigon |
FS20A | Request to write-off outstanding student debt | Write-off outstanding debt authority | Rosanne Rigon |
FS21 | Request for a Credit / Adjustment Note | Cancelling an invoice | Rosanne Rigon |
FS22 | Request for Access / Change to Finance One | Access to the financial system - FinanceOne | Nicola Fountain |
FS23 | Student Placement Insurance | Insuring students on placement | Greg Sharon |
FS24 | Student Incident Report | Incident report for students on placement or other Uni related activity | Greg Sharon |
FS26 | Travel Calculator Indicative rates for:
To estimate a cash advance - guide only | Accounts Payable |
FS27 | Cash Advance Approval | For travelling staff who do not hold a UniSA Credit Card, to obtain approval for a Cash Advance | Accounts Payable |
FS28 |
Information on engaging and paying an independent contractor in UniSA |
Finance - Contractor Review | |
FS29 | New Pay UniSA Line Item Request | New Pay UniSA Line Item Request Form | Finance Systems |
FS32 | Medical Request | Booking a medical consultation for travel | Joanne Amey |
FS33 | Outside Directorships | Approval for holding and Outside Directorship on behalf of UniSA | Greg Sharon |
FS34 | Subsistence Payment Request | Visiting Academic Payment Request Form | Accounts Payable |
FS36 | Cash Advance Record - Instructions | To record cash expenditure | Accounts Payable |
FS38 | Cash Advance Summary Sheet - Instructions | Summarising the cash advance expenditure | Accounts Payable |
FS39 | Accounts Payable Cash Advance Acquittal | Acquitting the cash advance via Accounts Payable | Accounts Payable |
FS41 | Funding Source Confirmation | Document and update the Corporate Allocations (Recurrent and Non-Recurrent) | Sharmi Bhatia |
FS52 | Visa Card Application | Applying for an University credit card | Elyse Perin |
FS56 | Unavailable Documentary Evidence Declaration | To be completed when a Tax Invoice / Receipt for a transaction is not available as evidence | Elyse Perin |
FS57 | Authority to Recover Credit Card Non-Business Expense Money Owed | To be completed when you have acquitted all the transactions made from a Cash Advance and need to reimburse the remainder of the Cash Advance to the University | Elyse Perin |
FS60 | Contract and Tender Received |
Listing contracts / tenders received (only for hard copy submission) |
Hai Quan |
FS61 | Intangible Asset Assessment Form | Used to determine whether software purchase, customisation and implementation projects meet the capitalisation requirements as an intangible asset, including cloud based services | Stephaine Chan |
FS64 | Asset Disposal | Used to record the disposal of an items held on the Fixed Asset Register | Jasim Ali |
FS65 | Asset Addition | Used for the recognition of new items to be added to the Fixed Asset Register | Jasim Ali |
FS66 | Asset Relocation | Used to update the location details of an item held on the Fixed Asset Register | Jasim Ali |
FS68 | Multi Asset Disposal Form | Used to record the disposal of multiple items held on the Fixed Asset Register | Jasim Ali |
FS69 | Assets Loan Agreement & FBT Declaration | Used when loaning assets to staff members or other areas | Kristian Thoroughgood |
FS71 | Entertainment costs | Kristian Thoroughgood | |
FS75 | Expensing International Tax Form | Kristian Thoroughgood | |
FS89 | International High Risk Travel Questionnaire |
This form assists the University to determine whether to permit travel to and/or remain in countries with a DFAT Alert Level 3 and 4 (DFAT advice is “reconsider your need to travel” or “do not travel”). Please be advised that there are specific exclusions that apply in relation to travel insurance coverage for staff and students travelling to or remaining in DFAT Alert Level 3 and 4 regions. |
Joanne Amey |
BTR | Business Travel | To create a new Business Travel Request and to Maintain your traveller profile. Travellers and Travel Arrangers will be able to see a list of all travel requests (unsubmitted, current, pending diary finalisation and completed travel) from this page | Joanne Amey |