UniSA has a primary duty of care to ensure that health & safety of who they engage and others who may be affected by the work carried out. The Permit to Work process must be followed by Contractors prior to undertaking work at UniSA.
A UniSA Permit to Work (WHS27) must be completed and authorised for each of the below high risk tasks, before works can commence.
In addition, please click on the task names below to access the associated forms which must be completed for each specific task.
Here are a list of commonly used terms that you will see in our forms, guidelines and procedures.
Contractor - a person, organisation, their employees or a nominated representative engaged to carry out work for the University in a contract for service arrangement.
Contracted Service Provider - a person, organisation, employees or representatives engage to carry out work for the University in a contract for service arrangement who have not registered via a pre-qualification process e.g. ad-hoc task.
Contract for Service - A long term agreement where the nature of the engagement involves a profession or trade. The Contractor has the power to recruit and dismiss their employees, the contractor provides plant, equipment and materials to complete the work, the contractor has the right to have another person perform the work, the University does not have direct supervision over the person performing the work, the University does not have responsibility for deducting income tax for any payments. e.g. Minor Maintenance & Porter Services, Cleaning.
Principal Contractor - is a person conducting a business or undertaking that commissions a construction project, authorising them to have management or contract of the workspace.
UniSA Contract Supervisor - The UniSA staff member nominated to administer and supervise the contract e.g. Contract Manager, Project Manager.