Frequently Asked Question - Cleaning


If there is a serious spillage during the day, who do I contact?

How often is my office cleaned?

How often does the carpet get cleaned in my office?

There is a dirty mark on the carpet outside of my office how do we get it cleaned?

What can’t I throw out in my office bin?

How often do the recycling bin in my office get emptied?

Our recycling bin is full how do we get it emptied?

Will the cleaners clean desk tops?

We are having a function, who do I contact to get the area/room cleaned beforehand?

The liquid soap or toilet paper has run out, who do I contact?



If there is a serious spillage during the day, who do I contact?

Submit a Maintenance CSR or Contact FM Assist for further information on  (x55555).



How often is my office cleaned?

  • Offices are cleaned once weekly on various days: litter removed, spot cleaning undertaken, floors vacuumed, interior ledges dusted (to height of 2m).
  • On a monthly basis: wall and door vents, switches, door knobs and metal work cleaned; floor stains removed.


How often does the carpet get cleaned in my office?

Office floors are vacuumed on a weekly basis.

There is a dirty mark on the carpet outside of my office how do we get it cleaned?

Submit a Maintenance CSR or Contact FM Assist for further information on  (x55555).


What can’t I throw out in my office bin?

The waste bin is for general dry waste. Paper material suitable for recycling should be placed in the recycling boxes.

It is recommended that food waste is placed in kitchen bins that are emptied daily.

How often do the recycling bins in my office get emptied?

They are checked weekly and emptied as required.

Our recycling bin is full how do we get it emptied?

Submit a Maintenance CSR or Contact FM Assist for further information on  (x55555).


Will the cleaners clean desk tops?

Cleaners will clean desk tops if they are clear, but won't move anything on a desk to clean it.



We are having a function, who do I contact to get the area/room cleaned beforehand?

Submit a Functions & Facilities Hire CSR or Contact FM Assist for further information on (x55555). Please provide 2 working days notice as a minimum.



The liquid soap or toilet paper has run out, who do I contact?

Submit a Maintenance CSR or Contact FM Assist for further information on  (x55555).