Waste Management


Waste is categorised into three broad streams:

Solid waste

Solid waste (large hopper bins) is removed by a specialist waste removal contractor under UniSA’s cleaning contract arrangements.

Liquid waste

There is an annual contract with a specialist contractor to pump liquid wastes that are not able to be removed by the sewer system. This includes grease pits and trade-waste sumps associated with UniSA’s food and beverage outlets.


This category includes the disposal of chemical, biological and radioactive waste, all of which is managed at a local level by the various Academic Units according to strict protocols.

Management Strategies

Over the period 2010-2012, UniSA introduced three stream recycling across all campuses, the three streams being:

  • Paper / Card
  • Bottles / Cans
  • General Waste

This strategy significantly reduced UniSA’s waste to landfill, but as with similar programs, there was a degree of cross contamination across waste streams. In 2018 UniSA also enforced that all food and beverage retailers on campus shall use compostable packaging for their takeaway food containers and coffee cups.

In 2024, UniSA changed it's waste management contractor and is now working collaboratively with them to develop strategies which minimise waste to landfill in an environmentally sustainable manner.


UniSA benchmarks exceptionally well regarding its waste management practices, and the recent change in waste management providers has seen a significant reduction in waste to landfill.

TEFMA Waste 2022.png

*Source: Tertiary Education Facilities Management Association Benchmarking Data