SA Regional - Whyalla and Mt Gambier

For all Whyalla and Mt. Gambier taxi reservations please contact the following service providers:

Whyalla - Des's Cabs

Email: (email requests must be sent 24 hours prior to required booking)

Booking Details required: Passengers full name, mobile number, cost centre code, pick up location/time and destination requirements.

Telephone:  (08) 8644 7711
Fax:  (08) 8645 1951

For same day bookings, you must contact Des's cabs on t: (08) 8644 7711 and provide all booking details (as above)

Mt Gambier - Vears Taxis

Email: (email requests must be sent 48 hours prior to required booking)

Booking Details required: Passengers full name, mobile number, cost centre code, pick up location/time and destination requirements.

Telephone: (08) 8725 0666

For same day bookings, you must contact Veras Taxis on t: (08) 8725 0666 and provide all booking details (as above)