Files should be set in CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) for both offset and digital print. CMYK is also known as four colour process.
The University of South Australia’s corporate colour is UniSA Blue. In addition to its use as the logo colour, UniSA Blue should always be the dominant colour on brochure covers, posters, banners, colour advertisements and any other promotional activity.
Care must be taken to use the correct colour space for the application, always use the colour breakdowns specified here. When colours are translated from one space to another, or are reproduced by different applications, the final result can vary. Where possible, ask for a proof or sample to ensure a good match with existing materials.
Pantone: 7686C
CMYK: C100, M72, Y0, K6 RGB: R0, G82, B160 Hexadecimal: 00 52 a0
For one colour (black) printing the logo may be reproduced in black.
Care must be taken to use the correct colour space specifications for the application. When colours are translated from one space to another, or are reproduced by different applications, the final result can vary. Where possible, ask for a proof or sample to ensure a good match with existing materials.