Academic Student Representative (ASR) Program

The Academic Student Representative (ASR) Program encourages student involvement in the continued improvement and development of the University’s teaching and learning outcomes.

An ASR's main objective is to represent and communicate the views of fellow students in their respective program year level, with the aim of improving the quality and experience of learning and teaching. ASRs are responsible for collecting student views and suggestions, and representing these through informed communication with their Program Directors about their fellow peers' university experience, both academic and social, in order to:

  • suggest solutions and improvement to help close negative feedback loops
  • suggest ideas for new initiatives and activities
  • provide valuable student-focused feedback on a range of learning and teaching issues

Video: Academic Student Representative Andy walks you through the ASR program.

Meet your ASRs

Check the list below to see if your program has an Academic Student Representative.  

Graduate Diploma in Medical Sonography

Rochelle Barnard
Amelia Damiani

Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology (Honours)

Kylie Hicks
Kaiye Yee

Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science

Asha Kapetas
Amara Rourke
Yew Ng

Bachelor of Outdoor and Environmental Leadership

Mason Sargeant

Bachelor of Nursing

Anushka Anushka

Bachelor of Nutrition and Food Sciences

Thanh Ha Duc Le

Bachelor of Design (Product Design)

Andrew Barker

Master of Design

Kathleen Mae Reyes
Sanjana Manamohan Kumar

Master of Urban and Regional Planning

John Benedict
Madhav Nayak


Bachelor of Arts

Charles Wachera

Bachelor of Psychology

Reene Dahima

Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)

Olivia Gill
Bailey Hart
Neelma Pratap
Ricardo Ramirez Plazola

Bachelor of Social Science

Avneet Kaur Hunjan

Bachelor of Social Science (Human Services) / Bachelor of Psychology


Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)

Andrew Small
Georgia Deane

Master of Social Work

Sanjana Chauhan

Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours)

Yasmeen Alhaj

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) 

Tushin Biswas
Iman Farooqi
Kaitlyn Ford
Gethmi Karunanayaka Ovitigalage
Sans Kharel
Sanchit Rehan
Md Sameer

Bachelor of Information Technology

Frishta Abassi
Muhammad Hussain
Ashlesha Surjuse

Bachelor of Mathematics

Ashlee Littleford

Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours)

Chloe Burns
Gabriel Carfora

Master of Engineering

Resha Bashyal
Lakshit Pargal
Dev Rajendrakumar Patel

Master of Information Technology

Ash Adisesha
Ayeman Mohammad Intesher
Zoe Liu
Joanna Augustin Parackal
Mohammad Sayeed
Pin-Han Sung




ASR Feedback & Suggestion Box

Share Your Voice: Shape Your UniSA Experience!

We value your thoughts! By sharing your suggestions or feedback about learning and teaching in your program, you’re not just improving your experience but contributing to a better UniSA for all.

> Click here to share your thoughts


If you have any questions about the ASR program, please contact