UniSA has a fleet of various types of pool vehicles which are accessible to staff for business purposes only.
Pool Vehicles (with the exception of 4WD and buses) are not permitted for interstate use.
Drivers of University vehicles must hold a current and appropriate Class of Licence and provide for sighting by an FM Assist officer at the time of vehicle collection.
Staff and students can book a Pool Vehicle by completing the on-line form, please click button below.
All 4WD and bus booking requests must be lodged with FM Assist, Mawson Lakes
Staff can book an external hire vehicle (Budget/Avis) by completing the on-line form, please click button below.
FM Assist will arrange an external hire vehicle which will be charged to the Academic/Business unit cost centre.
Drivers must adhere to the vehicles Conditions of Use.
The driver must present to FM Assist a current and appropriate class of license at the time of collection. FM Assist will not release a Pool Vehicle until a valid license is sighted.
Drivers are issued a specific folder that contains keys, logbook, fuel cards, transit swipe cards and the LeasePlan Easy Guide.
FM Assist will audit the vehicle folder upon return of the vehicle to ensure that all articles are intact, and the logbook has been correctly completed.
All pool vehicles have a vehicle specific logbook which is mandatory for drivers to correctly complete. Without exception, all practices with respect to the use of vehicles are accountable and auditable.
The University of South Australia provides drivers with a University specific logbook which drivers must complete for each journey taken. Logbooks are located within the vehicle specific folder which is issued to the driver prior to the journey.
All drivers booking University Pool Vehicles must record journey details. Each time you stop then start the vehicle constitutes a new journey and each journey needs to be recorded separately in the logbook. An example of a new journey would be if you stop at Magill campus to pick up boxes while travelling from City West to Mawson lakes, a new line in the logbook will need to be completed. That is, entry
As the driver of the vehicle your surname, given name and ID number must be eligible.
Logbooks are legal declarations that must be provided to the Australian Taxation Office if requested. Failure to provide sufficient or accurate details on any trip may result in FBT being charged to the relevant cost centre.
Please ensure the logbook is completed correctly on all trips.
Pool vehicles are assigned a fuel card which must only be used for the vehicle it is assigned to.
Fuel cards will only pay for:
It is imperative users provide the odometer reading (and PIN for Shell fuel cards) to the service station attendant.
In rural locations where the card-carrying petrol stations do not exist, staff should pay for fuel using a University Credit Card.
Prior to verifying purchase in ProMaster the driver must provide FM Assist the following details and seek reimbursement through ProMaster.
FM Assist will then email the staff member the cost centre to code the fuel expense.
If you are seeking reimbursement for refuelling using personal credit card or cash, please follow process as listed above.
Handy Tool: Ampol Trip Planner
Leaseplan Easy Guides are located in all Pool Vehicle folders to assist drivers:
Drivers must report all accidents to FM Assist and lodge a Vehicle Accident Claim direct to LeasePlan Accident Management by calling 13 25 72 direct.
Staff are also reminded of their obligations under the University's WHS&IM policy to report all accidents, defects and hazards. Please click Incident Reporting
Drivers MUST inform FM Assist if the vehicle is unroadworthy or has been damaged whilst in their care.
It is the drivers responsibility to ensure the vehicle is returned to campus in a clean and tidy manner.
If a vehicle is returned in a less than favourable condition, cleaning of the vehicle will be at the expense of the users cost centre.
The University of South Australia will take all reasonable steps to ensure their employees and students work in a health and safe environment.
Each unit has a responsibility to ensure safe driving practices are implemented.
Users of Pool Vehicles have a responsibility to drive safely, assist in maintaining vehicles are kept in a safe condition, report suspect or unsafe vehicle conditions and to demonstrate safe driving practices to other road users.
For Road Safety tips please follow the link to http://www.infrastructure.gov.au/roads/safety/index.aspx
For further information on vehicle safety please refer to Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government link https://www.infrastructure.gov.au/infrastructure-transport-vehicles/vehicles
All traffic​ expiation notices remain the driver's responsibility
Overnight bookings must be submitted via the Pool Vehicle Bookings page.
The University is subject to the requirements of Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) legislation of the Australian Tax Office and strict conditions apply to the overnight use of vehicles.
Pool vehicles can only be used for official University business and are prohibited for private use.
The guidelines for FBT are set by the Australian Tax Office - Refer to ATO. It is a requirement by the ATO for Pool Vehicles to maintain a logbook. Logbooks and related forms must be kept for seven (7) years.
Pool Vehicle Transit parking is available:
Swipe cards to access Transit Parks are located in each of the Pool vehicle folders.
If no car park is available:
This module has been designed to enhance your knowledge and raise awareness of the safety risks and control measures to prevent or minimise injury and/or property damage when driving a motor vehicle for work purposes. The module will also touch on the key risks and practical measures to mitigate road risk when travelling abroad.
An official legally compliant National Driver Work Diary must be used to record work/rest times for drivers engaged in driving regulated heavy vehicles with a gross vehicle mass over 12 tonnes or a bus with more than 12 seats including the driver’s seat.
A driver must, when driving a regulated heavy vehicle, keep in the vehicle, a Work Diary containing records for the preceding 28 days if the driver is, or was, engaged in work 100km-plus from the driver’s base (calculated “as the crow flies”).
Together with the Work Diary, the driver must also record all journey details in the University Pool vehicle Logbook when engaged in work 100km-plus
NOTE: The University Pool vehicle logbook must be completed when drivers of regulated heavy vehicles are engaged in work within 100km from their base.
The University of South Australia will take all reasonable steps in ensuring that its drivers of:
Please go to the New University Vehicles page for instructions on how to order New University vehicle branding.