Leading Others

person leading another upwards

Successful managers can identify, develop and deploy the differences among people, challenging each person to excel in their own way.

This toolkit explores some of the fundamentals of understanding teams and provides practical advice and resources on the team development and the coaching approach to leadership. 

Workshops for Managers

Manager Essentials Induction

Performance Development & Management (PDM)

The success of our people is vital to the effective operation of the University and we depend on all members of staff to contribute their best. Performance management and development is about working in a way that enables continuous performance improvement in line with the University’s direction, and at the same time increase staff innovation, job satisfaction and provide support to build the knowledge and skills of our people. 

PDM training is available to staff and supervisors responsible for conducting performance management. Visit the Performance and Development website to explore the range of development opportunities on offer.

For further information on the University's PDM framework and to access a range of resources and templates for conducting constructive PDM conversations visit the Performance Development & Management website.

Explore our PDM resources & support

PDM Framework


G.R.O.W Coaching Model

As a leader, one of your most important roles is to coach your people to do their best. By doing this, you'll help them make better decisions, solve problems that are holding them back, learn new skills, and progress in their careers.

The GROW Model is a simple four-step process that helps you structure coaching sessions with team members.

GROW is an acronym that stands for: Goal. Current Reality. Options (or Obstacles). Will (or Way Forward).

G.R.O.W Coaching Model Imageimage source: slidesalad

     Explore our 'Leader as Coach' good practice guide

Watch the GROW coaching model LinkedIn Learning video'Coaching Skills for Leaders and Managers'


The 70:20:10 Model for Learning & Development

The 70:20:10 framework describes how best to structure professional and career development to maximise learning and is useful to consider in your conversations with staff on how they might most effectively develop.

Ideally, 70% of learning takes place through experiences “on the job”, including observing others in action, participating in workplace activities, undertaking challenging tasks.  20% is social or relationship based learning, including mentoring and coaching (often from a manager).  10% from formal learning, including courses, programs, study and reading.

70:20:10 Model for Learning & Development Image


Explore The Development Conversations Good Practice Guide to learn more


Manager Assist Program

Available through the University's Employee Assistance Program, Manager Assist has been developed to confidentially support managers as they lead.  It has been tailored to meet the needs of managers, offering flexible hours of operation.  The program enables managers the opportunity to implement new strategies and to receive support and feedback in an interactive manner. Issues or difficult outcomes can be discussed in real-time via phone or email. This may be particularly useful at times of uncertainty or during performance management review periods.

Simply call 1300 277 924 to arrange a consultation time or phone call with one of the Manager Assist Psychologists.

Learn more about University's Employee Assistance & Manager Assist Programs below.


E-learning Course, Videos & Podcasts


Coaching for Performance

e-Learning Course


Building Trust

LinkedIn Learning


Embracing Change

TED Talk by Jason Clarke

More on-demand resources & support