The UniSA Staff Toolkit – Responding to students at risk is part of UniSA's commitment to enhancing and promoting the wellbeing of our community of staff and students. It has been developed to help all staff recognise and manage concerning, at risk, threatening or aggressive behaviours. It provides guidelines and practical strategies on how to support a student presenting with welfare and safety risks due to personal, academic or health issues.
Content in the Staff Toolkit is organised within the four topics below:
To access the UniSA Staff Toolkit: Responding to students at risk, click here to access the LearnOnline Staff Toolkit and enter your staff login and password.
This additional resource (Students in Distress Flowchart) was developed with the key aim to assist academic staff members to support students who may present to them in distress and offering steps for both immediate support and referring students to the counselling service or other student engagement unit services as required.
If you are involved in, or witness a serious or distressing incident on campus please contact Security – Call 88888 from internal University telephones – Call 1800 500 911 (24-hours, free call)
Staff are encouraged to view the online information to gain more skills on how respond to and support students in distress. You can access this through the Learnonline Staff Toolkit: Responding to Students at risk.
Staff can also access a new guideline on responding/managing student misconduct and is available on the University policy page under Codes, guidelines and procedures.