Recognising & Responding To Everyday Sexism

Ever noticed that men and women may be treated differently in exactly the same circumstances? 

This session will explore why this can happen. Sometimes, it’s due to the outdated, sexist, conscious beliefs about the difference between men and women and sometimes it’s due to the 'unconscious thinking system’s' tendency to categorise people according to gender – which we have no idea it’s doing.  

As a result, no matter how ardent our conscious desire to treat everyone as individuals, gender often plays a significant role in how we assess, respond to, and communicate with other human beings.   

This half-day workshop facilitated by Anna Lee (Leed Consulting), provides an opportunity for you to explore how gender can still play a big role in our personal and professional relationships, in our career decisions and in our self-belief and confidence, even though gender equality has come a long way. 

What you will gain

  • An understanding of the difference between ‘hostile’ and ‘benevolent’ sexism.
  • Ways to identify ‘Red Flags’ for sexism.
  • Strategies to respond to sexist assumptions, language, and behaviours in different environments.

Who should attend

This workshop is designed for all UniSA staff.  



Date Time Delivery Mode Campus
Tuesday, April 8th 2025 9:30am - 1:00pm In-person City West, 101 Currie St