Staff Ballot to Approve New Enterprise Agreement

The University, NTEU and CPSU have agreed and finalised a new Enterprise Agreement for academic, professional, security and grounds staff, which has now been put to a formal vote for all eligible staff to approve.

The ballot commenced at 9.00am on Tuesday 6 June 2023 and concluded at 5.00pm on Tuesday 13 June 2023.

The ballot was conducted through the confidential online electronic voting system used for UniSA Council elections and other University committees. Staff who were on leave for the duration of the ballot period were sent a letter to their home address outlining the ballot process and inviting them to access their email, to find out about the new Enterprise Agreement and to cast their vote.

The outcome of the ballot was communicated on 14 June 2026.

If staff have any questions, please refer to the details contained on this website or email the University’s enterprise bargaining team at

The Univeristy of South Australia Academic Workload Guidelines 2023 are currently under development and will be made available to staff once agreed with the NTEU. 

New Enterprise Agreement

The new (2023) Enterprise Agreement and Guide to the new agreement can be accessed here.

Other Supporting Documentation

Legislative Requirements, Modern Awards and National Employment Standards

Legislative Requirements

The process to make an Enterprise Agreement including a step-by-step guide can be found on the Fair Work Commission website.

Modern Awards

Modern awards apply to staff if they are not covered by Enterprise Agreements.  The modern awards that otherwise would apply to academic, professional, security and grounds staff if not for the University’s Enterprise Agreement can be found on the Fair Work Commission website.

  • For academic staff - Higher Education Industry Academic Staff Award 2020
  • For professional, security and grounds staff - Higher Education Industry General Staff Award 2020

National Employment Standards

The National Employment Standards (NES) are 11 minimum employment entitlements that have to be provided to all employees.  The NES make up the minimum entitlements for employees in Australia.  An award, employment contract, enterprise agreement or other registered agreement cannot provide for conditions that are less than the NES and they cannot exclude the NES.

The 11 minimum entitlements of the NES are:

  1. Maximum weekly hours
  2. Requests for flexible working arrangements
  3. Offers and request to convert from casual to permanent employee
  4. Parental leave and related entitlements
  5. Annual leave
  6. Personal/carer's leave, compassionate leave and family and domestic violence leave
  7. Community service leave
  8. Long service leave
  9. Public holidays
  10. Notice of termination and redundancy pay
  11. Fair Work Information Statement and Casual Employment Information Statement

The National Employment Standards can be found in Part 2-2 of the Fair Work Act 2009, a copy of which is accessible from the Federal Register of Legislation website.