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Note: A union representative or other support person may attend any discussions at the request of the staff member.
The staff member or supervisor initiates discussion about the staff member’s role. The current PD is reviewed to ensure that it reflects the staff member’s role, responsibilities and additional duties as appropriate.
A supervisor or staff member may at any time initiate discussions regarding the classification level and the responsibilities of a position. This may occur during a performance management discussion or at other times where it is felt that the responsibilities and duties of the position have changed significantly to consider a reassessment of the position and classification level.
Job evaluation can be considered when the responsibilities and duties of the position have changed substantially due to one or more of the following criteria:
If the staff member and supervisor cannot agree on the PD the local People, Talent and Culture (PTC) staff member is able to provide some advice and guidance. The local PTC staff member will liaise with the Remuneration Team as required to assist in reaching agreement.
The Cost Centre Manager is responsible for determining the number and nature of all positions in their area and for ensuring compliance with all aspects of the University’s legislative framework.
The staff member completes the 'Application for Reclassification/Job Questionnaire', which is located on the PTC Forms for All Staff webpage. This additional information will be used with the PD to assist all parties reviewing the application to understand the scope and complexity of the position.
The local PTC staff member is available to assist the staff member to complete the questionnaire.
The local PTC staff member facilitates the completion of the application for reclassification/job questionnaire with the staff member and Supervisor, and the staff member and Supervisor sign the document. It is important that the staff member and Supervisor discuss their responses to the questions and ideally reach agreement on the responsibilities and requirements of the position.
The Supervisor can give valuable input into the documentation as well as provide feedback, support and clarification of position expectations.
The local PTC staff member, who is trained in job evaluation, is involved in completing the application for reclassification/job questionnaire and is able to provide advice and information about the evaluation process. The local PTC staff member will also facilitate the process to ensure that both parties’ views are considered, and may involve the Remuneration Team as required.
Any areas of disagreement are to be clearly documented for consideration by the Remuneration Team.
The Supervisor and staff member sign the application for reclassification/job questionnaire. The supervisor’s signature indicates an awareness of the application for reclassification; it does not imply support or non-support for an increased classification.
The local PTC staff member writes the position number on the application for reclassification/job questionnaire and ensures the document has been completed.
The staff member, Supervisor and local PTC staff member review the PD and the local PTC staff member ensures the PD is updated to reflect the agreed requirements of the role.
The local PTC staff member collates and forwards the required documentation to the Cost Centre Manager and relevant ELT member or nominee.
The required documentation includes:
The Cost Centre Manager and relevant ELT member or nominee sign the application for reclassification/job questionnaire. The signatures indicate an awareness of the application for reclassification and do not imply support or non-support of the application.
The Cost Centre Manager and/or relevant ELT member or nominee may include additional comments as appropriate. Comments are to relate to the responses to the questions or associated documentation (e.g. PD). Financial constraints are not a consideration in the evaluation of the position.
The local PTC staff member forwards the completed and signed documentation to the Remuneration Team for evaluation. The local PTC staff member records the date the application is sent to the Remuneration Team on the application for reclassification/job questionnaire to monitor timeframes.
The Remuneration Team explore any issues of disagreement, analyse the documentation and evaluate the position.
Discussions with the interested parties (staff member or nominee, Supervisor, Cost Centre Manager, relevant ELT member or nominee) will be conducted as required to clarify any areas of disagreement. The staff member will be provided with an opportunity to respond to any points of disagreement by the other interested parties.
When the position has been evaluated, the outcome is checked for consistency and internal benchmarking including liaison with the local PTC staff member (trained job evaluators). The Remuneration Team may discuss the outcome with interested parties for further clarification.
When the position has been evaluated, the supporting documentation and a recommendation on the outcome of the evaluation are sent to the Executive Director: PTC for approval.
The Executive Director: PTC ensures the job evaluation process has been followed and makes a timely decision on final approval / non-approval of the outcome.
The Executive Director: PTC confirms that the process has been followed and signs the application for reclassification/job questionnaire supporting the outcome of the evaluation. The Executive Director: PTC can direct that any stage(s) of the process be redone as appropriate.
The Remuneration Team sends a letter to the relevant ELT member or nominee, Supervisor and local PTC staff member advising of the evaluation outcome. The Remuneration Team provides feedback to the Supervisor and local PTC staff member if required.
The supervisor and local PTC staff member discuss the outcome with the staff member. The Remuneration Team is available to meet with all parties if required. The Remuneration Team sends a letter of confirmation to the staff member and a copy to the local PTC staff member for filing in the staff member’s personnel file.