Super and Allowances

In line with our Enterprise Agreement, non-casual staff will have an employer contribution equivalent to an above-SG rate of 17% of their Salary paid to their super fund on their behalf. Allowances and other payments made above this Salary will generally not attract super in the same way, however some 'salary-like' allowances, such as higher duties, secondment loadings and market allowances are eligible.

Where an allowance or payment does not attract the 17% employer contribution, an assessment is performed during the last pay of the month to ensure that we have met our SG obligations, ie that we have paid 11.5% of your superable earnings. A top-up payment will then be paid, if required.

Below is a table of allowances and payments and whether they are eligible for 17% employer contributions.


Eligible for 17%


Secondment Yes For members of the UniSuper Defined Benefit/Accumulation 2 Divisions, a 17% employer contribution will also require a member contribution equivalent to the staff members default member contribution rate, generally 7%.
Higher Duties Yes, subject to staff election
Market Allowance
Salary Loading
Bonuses No  
First Aid  
LSL Cashin