Frequently Asked Questions

The Safety and Wellbeing Unit have created frequently asked questions for system users who may either report their individual incident or hazard identified or who may have been delegated the task of reporting on behalf of their workplace.

If you require further assistance with the system, please contact the Safety and Wellbeing on 8302 2459 or via email. If you have any FAQs that you would like listed, please email the questions to Pam Gomes.

From the staff portal under Support and resources for staff click on UniSAfe. This will take you to the page where you can  Report an Incident/Near Miss or Report a Hazard.

Yes. The University's online safety management system UniSAfe can be accessed by staff and students via desktop or smart devices, both on and off campus. As long as you have access to the internet you can log an incident, near miss or hazard from any external location such as home, off-site workplace and overseas.

The following incident types can be selected when logging an incident/near miss.

  • Dangerous Event
  • Environmental
  • Equipment Damage or Loss
  • Injury or Illness
  • Materials/Chemicals/Substances
  • Personal Threat/Assault
  • Vehicle Incident
  • Near Miss


Who can log a report?

  • Any person (staff member or other person with access to the UniSA staff portal) involved and/or injured as a result of an incident (near miss; injury/illness; event).
  • Any person (staff member or other person with access to the UniSA staff portal) who has identified a hazard.
  • Any person (staff member or other person with access to the UniSA staff portal) who has been delegated the task to log a report on behalf of another person (known as the 'Reporter').

Who is a 'reporter'?

  • A reporter may be the same as the person injured, involved in a near miss or who has identified a hazard.
  • A reporter may be different from the person injured, involved in a near miss or who has identified a hazard and is logging the report on their behalf.
  • A reporter may be a person who has been delegated the task by local management to log all incident/hazard reports on behalf of employees within their workplace.
  • A reporter may also include a person reporting an incident on behalf of and in consultation with a student ie. course coordinator/program director, fieldtrip supervisor, placement supervisor OR on behalf of an external contractor ie. contract supervisor.

Staff Member: A person engaged by the University in continuing, fixed-term or casual employment.

Student: A person enrolled at the University as a student.

External contractor: An employee of another company which has been contracted by the University to provide a service to the University (eg electrician, plumber, temp agency staff, consultant). 

Other: A visitor, adjunct, volunteer, person on work experience or member of the public.

Reporting an Incident/Near Miss and Reporting a Hazard are the two main reporting options. 


The system allows the user to click on the 'save' button at the top of each screen. This function is recommended as it saves entered information to the system database to minimise the risk of losing information entered. The user will receive a 'successful save' message at the top of the active screen confirming the saved information.

A user who has not completed and submitted a report can access the saved information at a later date as they will be able to view the unsubmitted report on their main screen when they log back into UniSAfe.

When you log an incident/near miss or hazard, you have the option to select if an investigation is required or not. If corrective actions have already been implemented at the time of reporting and no further action is required, there may not be a requirement for further investigation. In this instance, the incident can be submitted for reporting purposes only, without selecting an investigator.

If an investigator is required, the reporter must ensure that the person selected as 'investigator' has direct line control (where possible) over the person involved or the area where the hazard has been identified.

In the case of a student incident, the supervisor responsible may include the course coordinator, program coordinator, placement supervisor or fieldtrip supervisor. In the case of an external contractor, the contract supervisor is responsible to investigate the incident.

The reporter can change the investigator details if the report has not been submitted. If the report has been submitted, Safety and Wellbeing team administrators have the authority to re-allocate an investigation to another person. There have been occasions where incident reports have been delayed due to the line manager/supervisor being overseas or on extended leave. When selecting the investigator, it is important to consider the availability of the person selected. Contact the Safety and Wellbeing team for further assistance if you believe the selected investigator requires re-allocation.

The Safety and Wellbeing team are authorised system administrators for UniSAfe. 

The reporter / investigator can only edit or remove an attachment when initially logging the details of an occurrence or investigation. Once a report has been submitted, attachments cannot be edited or removed. Contact the Safety and Wellbeing team for further assistance if you have any queries regarding items that have been attached to a report.

The 'Log Out' button is located at the top right hand corner of the system banner under your profile name. Clicking the 'Log Out' button initiates the process of logging out of the system.


The system will not recognise that the user has exited the application. If the user was in the process of logging a new report and exits the system window midway, the session will time out after a while (20 minutes - 1 hour approx) and you will have to log in again. Your incident details will be saved only if you clicked on the Save button at the top of the report.