Multi-Access Suites

Multi-access suites have been established in all metropolitan libraries with a modified version available at 101 Currie Street and HB1-21 (Bradley Building). The multi access suites are only available to patrons during library opening hours.

The suites are available to all members of the University community and provide a dignified, private and appropriate space that supports the needs of parents, for breastfeeding, and people with disabilities, medical or psychological needs.

Each campus multi-access suite provides:

  • A quiet place to breastfeed, bottle-feed, or express milk
  • A quiet place to attend to disability or medical or mental health conditions
  • A partitioned section for extra privacy
  • Comfortable seating
  • A baby change table in each section
  • A height adjustable hydraulic table in the main room
  • Hot and cold water
  • A microwave
  • Waste disposal

If you have any questions about the multi-access suites, please contact FM Assist on your campus.

Staff, students and visitors

UniSA staff can receive access to use all multi access suites on their Staff ID.  To gain access, please contact FM Assist on your campus.

UniSA students who wish to apply for once-off or occasional access to the Multi Access Suite should contact FM Assist on their campus.

Students with a disability, medical or mental health condition who require regular admission to the multi access suites should negotiate access as a part of their Access Plans. To organise an access plan you can make an appointment to see a Access and Inclusion Advisor with the Student Engagement Unit on your campus.

Visitors to the University requiring once-off access should direct their request to Security.


Multi access suites have been established in all metropolitan libraries with a modified version available at 101 Currie Street and HB1-21 (Bradley Building).

At Magill, the multi-access suite is located in the Library (Building B / Colin Thiele Library) on Level 2 in room B2-40. Enter the Library via the main doors, turn left and head towards the back of the Library. The room is located on the right hand side near the back of this area of the Library.

At Mawson Lakes, the multi-access suite is located in the Library (Building C / Sir Eric Neal Library) on Level 1 in room C1-07. Enter the Library via the main doors, turn left, go past the stairs.

At City West, the multi-access suite is located in the Jeffrey Smart Building (JS2-22).

At Whyalla, the multi-access suite is located in the Main Building.

At Mt. Gambier, access to a room can be arranged through FM Assist by email or by phone 08 8302 8901

Resources and references

City West

  • The multi-access suite is located in the Jeffrey Smart Building.
  • Take the lift (or stairs) from the ground floor (Level 1) to Level 2.
  • The multi-access suite is located immediately after the toilets at the end of the corridor

Mawson Lakes

  • The multi-access suite is located in the Library (Building C / Sir Eric Neal Library) on Level 1 in room C1-07.
  • Enter the Library via the main doors, turn left, go past the stairs.


  • The multi-access suite is located in the Library (Building B / Colin Thiele Library) on Level 2 in room B2-40.
  • Enter the Library via the main doors, turn left and head towards the back of the Library.
  • The room is located on the right hand side near the back of this area of the Library.

City East

  • The multi-access suite is located in the library (Brookman building) on level 4 in room B4-10.
  • Take the lift (or stairs) from the ground floor (Level 3) to Level 4.
  • From the lift turn left and head straight ahead. From the stairwell turn left towards the glass doors and then right past the tables. The room is located in the corner.

101 Currie Street

  • A modified multi-access suite is located on Level 3 in room AU3-07 and is now a bookable space for staff (CWE-AU3-07) on an ad-hoc basis to support your physical and mental wellbeing at work.
  • A nappy change table is located in the access toilet on Level 3.


  • The multi-access suite is located in the Main Building.
  • There are also baby change facilities located in the Union Building.

Mt Gambier

  • Access to room can be arranged through FM Assist by email or by phone 08 8302 8901
  • There are also baby change facilities located in thein Learning Centre building.