Questions to help you understand the redeployment process are provided below.
If you have any further questions please contact your local PTC Business Partner.
Redeployment is a process that provides continuing staff members, whose positions have been declared redundant or who have not been placed into a position in accordance with clauses 55.7, 55.9 or 55.10 (Major Workplace Change) of the Enterprise Agreement, an opportunity to find another suitable position within the University.
Redeployment is available to you if you are a continuing staff member and the University has declared that your continuing position is redundant; or if your position has not been placed in accordance with clauses 55.7, 55.9 or 55.10 (Major Workplace Change) of the Enterprise Agreement. It does not apply to casual, fixed-term contract or probationary staff.
A reasonable period of redeployment will be determined by the Executive Director: People, Talent and Culture for up to a maximum period of 6 months and the length of the period will have regard to:
a) The reasonable circumstances having regard for your existing skills, experience and qualifications; and
b) The genuine prospect that reasonably appropriate and suitable alternative employment could be found given your existing skills and experience, or skills and experience that you can develop with no more than 6 months’ training.
Where determined by the Executive Director: People, Talent and Culture at the commencement of the redeployment period, the length of the period may be subject to a review after a minimum period nominated at that time. The redeployment period will commence from the date that the position occupied by yourself is declared redundant and takes effect.
On the date of transition, a Senior PTC staff member will work with you to find suitable and meaningful work in an area across the University.
A range of support will be available to you during your redeployment period. A Senior PTC staff member will provide advice and support to you, as required, and they will take an active role in finding you alternative employment.
An external career transition program may be made available to you during this period.
All vacant positions will be assessed by the Executive Director: People, Talent and Culture or nominee, against the list of redeployees prior to advertisement. Where possible, you will be placed in a suitable position that is compatible with your substantive salary level and your existing skills, or skills that you can develop within the time remaining in the redeployment period.
You will be invited to attend a meeting with the Hiring Manager and a Senior PTC staff member who will assess whether or not you meet the minimum 75% skills and experience match or will do so with 6 months’ training. This meeting will allow you to find out more information about the position and provide more detail of your skills and experience.
No. You may be redeployed to a suitable position at a lower classification than your substantive classification with your agreement, but not to a position that is more than 1 classification level below that of your substantive classification, unless you request consideration for appointment below this level.
If you have been redeployed to a position at a lower classification (only by agreement), your salary will be maintained at the previous level for 2 years. After the 2 year period has passed, your salary will be paid at the lower classification level but at the highest increment, with the possibility of identifying this position as linked according to the University’s Classification Linking Guidelines.
Yes. You are expected to participate fully in the redeployment process by maintaining a proactive search for positions including short-term appointments. You will be required to make yourself available to attend interviews and participate in appropriate training.
During this period, you can access any professional development through the links below:
The Redeployment process is intended to support redeployees to obtain a suitable appointment at their substantive grade or, where there is a job match, one grade lower. You may, however, submit applications for higher level positions and participate in a merit selection process.
Yes it is important to consider all job opportunities, both internal and external to the University.
Yes, however, this should be managed to ensure minimal disruption to your work routine and responsibilities.
No, this is outside of the redeployment policy and process, however, where you believe that you are a match for a position that is a higher classification, you can submit an application and participate in a merit selection process. If successful, the appointment to such a role would finalise your redeployment period.
No, however, a staff member will not unreasonably refuse to accept redeployment into a suitable continuing position.
If you are appointed to another role in the University, you will not be entitled to any redundancy payment in relation to your previously held substantive position.
If at the conclusion of the redeployment period, you have not been appointed to a suitable continuing position, your employment will be terminated with appropriate voluntary or compulsory redundancy benefits.
Redeployment is a process that provides continuing staff members, whose positions have been declared redundant or who have not been placed into a position in accordance with clauses 55.7, 55.9 or 55.10 (Major Workplace Change) of the Enterprise Agreement, an opportunity to find another suitable position within the University.
If a staff member’s substantive position is declared redundant in accordance with the Enterprise Agreement (clause 62.1), they may elect to be redeployed from the date their position becomes redundant.
· Voluntary Redundancy (clause 62.2) occurs when a staff member holding a position that has been declared redundant separates from the University on a voluntary basis.
· Compulsory Redundancy (clause 62.3) occurs when a staff member holding a position that has been declared redundant is unable to be placed in a suitable continuing position in the University by the conclusion of their redeployment period and has not accepted a voluntary redundancy benefit.
A range of support is available to the affected staff member during their redeployment period that includes appropriate counselling through the Employment Assistance Program. A Senior PTC staff member will provide advice and support, as required, and will take an active role in finding the affected staff member alternative employment. An external career transition program may be made available to the affected staff member during this period.
If you have a vacant continuing position, prior to advertising, a Senior PTC staff member will review the redeployees and assess their skills and experience against the essential criteria of the vacant position to determine whether a 75% skills and experience match for placement is possible. A decision about the suitability of a position for a staff member is to be made having regard to, and attempting to match as far as practicable, matters including but not restricted to, level of position, hours of work and skills required.
If the staff member is redeployed to a position at a lower classification (only by agreement), their salary will be maintained at the previous level for 2 years, after which the salary will be paid at the lower classification level but at the highest increment, with the possibility of identifying this position as linked according to the University’s Classification Linking Guidelines.
Following successful redeployment, the staff member can apply for any vacant positions within the University.
If the staff member is successful in securing a secondment in another area of the University, you should seek advice from your local PTC Business Partner on how to commence the recruitment process for the vacant position.