Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Any questions or comments you have regarding the updates and/or the negotiations can be emailed to

It is an agreement made between an employer and a group of employees which sets out the employment conditions for employees including salaries, leave, workload arrangements etc, and is tailored for the specific workplace.  An Enterprise Agreement must be approved by the Fair Work Commission and replaces modern awards which would otherwise apply to the employees.

The University currently has two Enterprise Agreements.  The University is currently bargaining to replace the University of South Australia Enterprise Agreement 2019 (PDF) which covers academic, professional, security and grounds staff employed by UniSA excluding Senior Staff.


Representatives of both the University and its staff members who will be covered by the proposed new Enterprise Agreement discuss proposed changes to the current conditions of employment. The discussions focus on ensuring that employment conditions enable UniSA to continue to attract and retain skilled staff, while also providing an industrial framework which supports the strategic directions of the University.

Typically, once the representatives have reached agreement, the new provisions are put to staff members to vote whether the proposed Agreement should be approved. If the outcome of the ballot is yes (because the majority of staff members who cast a valid vote approve the Agreement by voting in favour of the proposed new Agreement), then the Fair Work Commission will be asked to approve the Agreement which includes consideration of whether it meets certain requirements such as the “better off overall test”.

Once the proposed Agreement is approved by the Fair Work Commission, it replaces the current Agreement and commences to operate seven days after the approval or at a later date prescribed within the Agreement itself

The key steps of the bargaining process are outlined in the Overview of Bargaining Process at UniSA

The University of South Australia Enterprise Agreement 2023 (PDF) commenced operation in July 2023 and has a nominal expiry date of 31 August 2025.


The length of time negotiations take vary, as it is important to make sure the Agreement addresses the interests of both parties. Negotiations generally continue until an agreement is reached.

Although the University of South Australia Enterprise Agreement 2019 (PDF) expires in June 2021, the provisions will remain in force until a new Enterprise Agreement is negotiated, voted on and approved by the Fair Work Commission.

Staff members have the right to represent themselves or nominate a bargaining representative to participate in the negotiations on their behalf.  If a staff member is a member of the NTEU or the CPSU their union will automatically represent them in enterprise bargaining unless the staff member appoints another person or revokes the union’s status as bargaining representative.

For further information regarding the rights of a staff member to be represented please see the Notice of Employee Representational Rights (PDF).


Representatives of the University consult widely with key stakeholders to understand what works well in the current Agreement and what may need changing or updating. This feedback is provided to senior management who considers, refines and ultimately approves the proposals for discussions with employee representatives during the negotiation process.

Every current UniSA staff member who will be covered by the proposed new Agreement will be invited to participate in the ballot once negotiations are completed. While not compulsory, voting is encouraged to ensure a range of voices from across UniSA are heard.

Once the bargaining process is complete, voting information will be sent to all staff covered by the Agreement. Prior to the vote, an access period of seven days allows staff time to review the agreement and any other materials that will help explain the Agreement and support staff in the voting process.

There are several ways in which staff members of the University can have effective input into the negotiation process:

  • Any questions or comments regarding the negotiations can be emailed to
  • Staff can provide feedback on matters raised in enterprise bargaining updates from the University during the negotiations
  • Staff can discuss any issues or feedback with their bargaining representative
  • There will be an opportunity for affected staff to have their say on the proposed changes when the draft Agreement is put to an employee vote


Any queries about an individual’s personal conditions or entitlements can be directed to their line manager or their People, Talent and Culture Business Partnerships representative.

The University progressed a 3% administrative salary increase for all staff covered by the UniSA Enterprise Agreement 2019, which has been operative from the first full pay period on or after 30 June 2022.

Details of the new Staff Salary Scales are available on the 'Salary Rates and Payroll Information' webpage. 

Regular updates will be published on the UniSA Enterprise Bargaining website.  You can also email enquiries to