UniSAfe - Safety Management System

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EVOTIX.jpgUniSAfe (powered by Evotix) is the University’s safety management system that was implemented in March 2024. UniSAfe provides a consistent, compliant, and efficient online safety management system, accessible to all staff and students via desktop or smart devices (ROAM5 App), both on and off campus, providing greater accessibility to users to conduct a range of safety processes, including reporting incidents and hazards, undertake investigations, conduct risk assessments, inspections, and audits through the one system. Live and interactive dashboards are available at both University-wide and at Unit level, ensuring timely, accurate and relevant data for analysing and monitoring. UniSAfe is the most significant improvement to the University’s safety management system ever, and one of the most advanced safety systems in the Australian University sector. 

Note: UniSAfe is not accessible via the web browser Firefox. Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome are the supported browsers for UniSAfe. 

 Radiation           Biosafety                   Chemicals    BCR Declarations

User Guides  Glossary of Terms     Safety & Wellbeing Team 


Latest News

May/June 2024 

The UniSAfe online system (powered by Evotix) has been live and accessible to staff and students since 6 March 2024 via the UniSAfe tab on the University intranet home page. UniSAfe can also be accessed remotely via a free mobile app called ROAM5 which can be downloaded to any mobile smart device from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. ROAM5 recently undertook an upgrade so users may need to complete an update when they next login to RAOM5. 

The Safety and Wellbeing Team in partnership with key University stakeholders and Evotix continue to update UniSAfe and improve the end user experience. Continuous improvement opportunities have been identified and implemented into the system and any feedback on further improvements are welcome via HSIM.Team@unisa.edu.au  



UniSAfe is the University’s online safety management system, accessible to all staff, students and identified contractors via desktop and/or a mobile app, on or off campus. Powered by EVOTIX, UniSAfe will allow end users to:

  • Log an Incident/Hazard and undertake an investigation.
  • Risk assess hazardous plants and tasks.
  • Schedule and undertake workplace inspections and system reviews.
  • Plan, risk assess and seek approval to undertake a Field Trip.
  • Plan, risk assess and seek approval to undertake work involving biological, hazardous chemicals, and radioactive materials.
  • Monitor completion of safety related training.

All staff, students and UniSA registered contractors can access the system via the UniSAfe tab on the University Intranet home page under Support and resources for using your normal login details. UniSAfe can also be accessed remotely via a free mobile application called ROAM5 which can be downloaded to any mobile smart device from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.  

ROAM5 is a free mobile app that can be downloaded on any Apple or Android device that provides access to UniSAfe via a mobile smart device. Login details for ROAM5 are the same as your UniSA login. ROAM5 is simple to use, allowing users to manage tasks and access critical safety information away from a desk top computer. ROAM5 allows users to remotely:

  • Log an incident or hazard and undertake an investigation
  • Undertake a workplace inspection and allocate actions
  • Access risk assessments for processes such as Field Trips, Biosafety, Hazardous Chemicals and Radiation.

This will allow users to provide and be provided more accurate information relating to an incident that may have occurred, a hazard that has been identified or the hazards associated workplaces and/or work being undertaken.

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For majority of users, training on the use of UniSAfe is not required. User Guides have been developed that can assist in the use of the modules available. Once logged in to UniSAfe a “Help” function is available to users by clicking on the drop down arrow in the top right of the screen where the users profile name is located. The “Help” function provides information in folder, index or search format allowing users access to the maximum amount of information possible. 

Demonstrations on the use of the Biosafety, Chemicals and Radiation Module (BCR Module) and the Field Trip module will be arranged by the Safety and Wellbeing team with staff likely to be involved in the process (eg BCR Approvers). Alternatively, a request can be made to the Safety and Wellbeing team for a demonstration on any/all UniSAfe modules and a member of the team will assist. 

Reporting an incident or hazard within UniSAfe can be done simply by:

  • UniSA Intranet - Log into the myUniSA staff portal and under "Support and resources for staff" click on the UniSAfe tab. This will take you to the login page where you can select one of two tabs “Report an Incident/Near Miss” and “ Report a Hazard”. After the relevant information is entered, you must assign an investigator. If you leave this section blank, by default your immediate supervisor will be assigned as the investigator. You can assign another staff member to investigate the incident by clicking on the Selection List identified as a folder icon next to the magnifying glass icon. The User Guides provide step-by-step instructions for reporting and investigating incidents. 
  • Smart Device –UniSAfe has a free App called ROAM5 that can be downloaded onto any smart device and allows users to log an incident or hazard remotely. Within ROAM5 photos can be taken and uploaded allowing an accurate visual account of the incident or hazard being reported.

UniSAfe has a module dedicated to Inspections. Within the Inspections module, site specific Workplace Inspections (eg Laboratories, Workshops and Office Spaces) can be scheduled and assigned to a staff member(s) to conduct. The Inspection can then be conducted using a smart device that has the ROAM App downloaded onto it. Any corrective actions identified during an inspection can be assigned in real time to a staff member and progress of actions can be monitored via dashboards and personalised reports.

Within UniSAfe a logged in user can undertake many different Risk Assessments based on the work they are undertaking. Dedicated modules allow for the following Risk Assessments to be undertaken:

  • Biological, Chemical and Radiation (BCR) Approval and Risk Assessment - this is a custom-built module that guides users through a risk assessment process for any work involving biologicals, chemicals and/or radiation and the necessary approvals from the relevant Committee or the Unit level authority depending on the risk level of the work being undertaken.
  • Field Trip Approval and Risk Assessment – this is another custom-built module that guides staff or students undertaking a Field Trip to plan their trip, assess the risks of the trip, collect relevant health management plans from the participants and seek approval from the appropriate Unit level authority.
  • Hazard Analysis – this module allows users to undertake a risk assessment on any hazardous plant or equipment they are going to use and/or any task they are going to perform that is not related to BCR or a Field Trip.

All Corrective Actions identified through any risk assessment within UniSAfe are managed via the Actions Module (embedded in all UniSAfe modules) allowing users to assign a staff member responsibility to close out the action and monitor progress. UniSAfe will send automated emails to any staff that are assigned an action and reminder emails if actions are overdue.