If you decide to create a Team consider the following:
Check with your collegues if there is an existing team that meets your needs
Choose Team Owners (minimum of two required at all times to ensure somebody is always available to manage the team)
Decide on a Team name – this should NOT be altered once the Team is created. Naming convention will be <ORG>_<Team name> and not more than 50 characters long
Develop on a Team structure, eg Channels/Sections based on the projects or functions of your Team
Microsoft Teams is a collaborative tool and documents should only be stored in Teams during this stage. Files should be stored in an appropriate location such as a Server share or Sharepoint once they are finalised
Click on Join or create team
Choose Create team
You will be offered a choice of common templates. Choose the one that best suits your needs. Select Other for a more customisable template.
Name your team and set the Privacy options Private - only team owners can add member - this should be used in most cases. Public - anyone in UniSA can search for and join the team. Its open to all. Note: Some team templates (previous step) may not offer a choice of privacy settings. Click Next to create the team.