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Email Security: Attachment Protect

Mimecast Targeted Threat Protection Attachment Protect provides attachment sandboxing and static file analysis for advanced protection from email-borne malware.

Targeted attacks via email have rapidly increased in volume and sophistication. Attackers are infiltrating organisations in order to achieve their goals, that may include stealing data, planting ransomware or even using the organisation as a springboard to attack another organisation. Protecting against these threats requires advanced security measures over and above that which is provided by traditional email security systems.

Video: 48 Seconds

How it works

  • Incoming attachments that may contain malicious content are sent to a "sand-box", where they can be previewed before releasing.
  • Safe file previewing converts attachments that could contain malicious code (e.g. macros in PDF or Microsoft Office files) in inbound emails and replaces them instantly with safe versions – neutralizing any malicious code by default.
  • A link in the email can be used to request the original file which is passed through the Mimecast sandbox before being delivered.

Further Assistance

If you require further information or assistance, please contact the IT Help Desk on (08) 830 25000 or 1300 558 654.