Meeting Pods allow users to enhance the meeting experience with controlled lighting and a large USB-C monitor.
Pods feature a USB-C connectivity to allow you to connect your laptop/device to the monitor, network, speaker, camera and microphone.
Simply connect the USB-C cable provided on the table to your laptop and all the devices will connect up. Once you have finished, disconnect the cable and leave it accessible to the next user.
The LED light on the desk is provided to add a little bit of front lighting where you may be recording in the Pod.
Simply connect your device via USB-C, then on the inline remote on the light, press the power button.
There are several different whites (from warm to cool white) available by selecting the 'Mode" button. You can also adjust the brightness with the arrow keys on the remote.
Once you disconnect your device from USB-C , the light will automatically turn off.
The Poly P15 soundbar has an integrated camera. This connects to your laptop via the USB-C connection provided and acts as a webcam.
There is a privacy shutter on the front, which can be closed by twisting the lens clockwise, and opened up by twisting the lens counter-clockwise.