The below details the available services offered through UniSA:
There are a large number of help resources available to UniSA Students in the learnOnline student help center.
Student Services also offer a number of facilities to current UniSA Students.
NOTE: If you are experiencing course related issues, ISTS advises you to speak to your Course Coordinator in the first instance. Information on what is and is not supported by ISTS can be found on the student personally owned devices page.
There are a large number of help resources, covering such systems as Course Outline/Panopto/Moodle/my Course Experience etc, available to UniSA Staff through Ask learnOnline.
Course offering details, such as which teaching staff have access/analytics/enrolled students/link to course site etc, is available through the Teaching section of the Staff Portal.
NOTE: Access to course pages is granted through the Academic Unit and you will need to speak to either your PCMS or Timetabler (depending on the level of access you require).
NOTE: This service is only available to staff and not students. If students contact the learnOnline Help Desk they will be directed to speak to their Course Coordinators.
Open Hours:
Currently in Adelaide the time is:
Phone: +61 8 830 20900