Systems up or down


Addition of email address and/or PIN on Office Printer (MFD)

The purpose of this form is to request for a staff member's email address to be added to the Office Printer(s) address book to allow them to scan and receive files. This form also allows the requesting of a PIN to be added for a staff member.

NOTE: Not all Office Printers have this ability and you should consult other staff in your area to check they have this ability already.

Staff automatically get access to print to Office Printers in their areas and just need to add the printer to their blue plated device.

NOTE: ISTS are also currently working on creating a Follow-You queue for Office Printers to allow staff to simply tap their ID card to collect their printing. This means that PINs will no longer be required once this is enabled on devices.


Terms and Conditions

I understand and acknowledge that it's my responsibility to ensure the information I have provided above is accurate and have already discussed this change with involved parties.



Further Assistance

If you require further information or assistance, please contact the IT Help Desk on (08) 830 25000 or 1300 558 654.