Panopto Folders/Sharing

There are different folder types set up in Panopto to make sharing content easier. Below are explanations of the folders, who can access them, and how they are recommended to be used.

  • Additional information about folders in Panopto, and how the interact with Learnonline and UniSA Online can be found here.
  • For information on manging content within Panopto, please refer to the TIU Panopto Help Pages.

Each UniSA staff member has their own folder within Panopto. This is a personal folder which can only be seen/accessed by the owner and the folder itself cannot be shared.


  • This folder is not shared with anyone, and cannot be shared.
  • Videos and subfolders within this folder can be shared individually.

Recommended use:

  • Use this as a temporary location to upload/test content before moving it to another folder.
  • Content which will only be manually shared with individuals or small groups.

Each UniSA course has a Course Media folder created when its Learnonline (or UniSA Online) site is created.

This folder is associated with a course, but not a particular study period or offering (i.e. this folder will be reused for both 2019 and 2020 versions of a course).

While it is associated with the course site, there are no built-in navigation links for students in Learnonline, and a link to the folder, or videos within the folder should be provided to students as part of the course content (see embedding content in Learnonline).



  • This folder is available to all staff and students to view by default.
  • Staff and students can navigate to this folder within the Panopto interface (i.e. Courses > ACCT > 1006 > ACCT-1006-Media).
  • Course coordinators of the current/latest course offering(s) will have Creator access to the folder automatically, others can be given Creator access by the course coordinators.
  • There is no automatic link to the Learnonline site, see embedding content in Learnonline.

Recommended use:

  • Any media associated with a course site which should be available to all students.
  • Media which will be reused on a course site between different offerings/years (i.e. an intro video for the course).
  • This folder should be maintained to only have current content available from year-to-year.
  • Subfolders can be created to separate content if required (i.e. 2019 exam preparation content).

These folders are automatically created only for courses/classes which have a scheduled Lecture component which is recorded using the Lecture Recording System (LRS)

These folders are automatically linked to the course site under 'Lecture Recordings' and videos recorded using LRS will automatically be available to students after they are recorded.


  • This folder is available to all staff and students to view by default.
  • Staff and students can navigate to this folder within the Panopto interface (i.e. Courses > ACCT > 1008 > 2018 > SP2 > 23928-2020-105457).
  • Course coordinators of the associated course offering(s) will have Creator access to the folder automatically, others can be given Creator access by the course coordinators.

Recommended use:

  • Automatic Lecture Recording content.
  • Replacement or additional lecture recordings.

Note: Class LRS folders cannot be manually created.

Zoom cloud recordings are automatically moved to Panopto. They will be moved to the course Zoom Meetings folder under the 'Courses' top folder, if the following conditions are true:

  • The Zoom session is set up in a learnonline course
  • The Zoom session setting “Move to Course Panopto folder” is enabled (on by default)
  • There are at least two people in the session
  • “Record to the cloud” is selected when recording.

All other Panopto cloud recordings will be moved to a subfolder within the staff member's personal Panopto folder.


  • Access to this folder will follow either 'Course Media Folders' or 'Personal Folder' permissions depending on which location it is created within.

Recommended use:

  • Zoom recordings

Note: Zoom folders cannot be manually created.

If any of the above do not meet your needs, there are other folders within Panopto which might work better. i.e. 'Departments' which is a folder for content associated with a UniSA Unit (i.e. internal staff meetings), or Learnonline Program folders.

Please speak to the IT Help Desk for more information about these.